
« Good Reason Why African Union Should Morph Into United States Of Africa!! | President Obama Has Lost His WAY!! »

Democracy's Fallacy!! Obama has lost his Way. 

Y’all just ain’t gonna believe it!! As you know it is estimated that one fourth of the diamonds in the world are located in Zimbabwe. While working with the lawyer and financial advisor we found out that the United States has changed the rules of the game. That’s right!! President Obama has accepted the recommendation of the Jewelers of America and made it against the law for American citizens to buy Zimbabwe’s diamonds!! Go to for more info.

The president has dropped bombs on the continent of hisdaughter's grandfather's birth. Is that the image he wants Sasha to have of him. Surely he doesn't want to be viewed as the black man that took black people back into the slavery? He must know we ain't going whether it is a black man or any other man that tries that madness. Forever forward!! NEVER BACKWARDS!! Y'ALL READY?  FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE BLACK PANTHERS: We ain't afraid!! Check out this video Give me my peace. Nah! Don't give it to me. I'll take it!!

He refused to attend the International Conference on racism hosted by South Africa. Now he doesn’t want black people to help the people of Zimbabwe or ourselves. Lord that man has lost his way. But not only him!! I have asked for Rep. Andre Carson to intervene. We expect Andre on the show Monday. This and more will be discussed on AjabuUnleashed!

Title:     Democracy’s flaw!!
When:  Monday, April 25, 2011
Time:  11AM
• Andre is supporting a white woman for Mayor instead of his   
• President Obama has bombed Africa and now is supporting the
                    starvation of Zimbabweans
• Preachers have taken up several 10’s of thousands of dollars to
                    assist Brandon Johnson’s family. The family has gotten $1,000
                    of the money. Where is the rest of it?? WHERE??
• Black police officers want to speak out but are afraid to speak
                    out against the wrong of white police officers because white
                    police officers will put the black police officers intentionally in
                    harm’s way.

What the hell is going on??
Somebody has got to tell the truth!! Looks like the task has fallen  on me. Well, I truly believe the truth will set you free. So I am going to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God because I am not afraid of freedom!! I am unbought, unbossed, untied and unafraid. This is must listen to radio!! C U There.

 What the hell has America made black people into? Are we more concerned about being American than we are about the welfare of our own?? You don't want to miss this show. It is must listen to radio!! Call in @ 1-760-569-7676
Access Code 708994

Are we pro America and anti ourselves?? It is time to seek answers to this question. Tune in. You won't want to miss this show. You life will not be the same. Read more about President Obama's attempt to stop Zimbabwe from selling its diamonds on the world's market. Let me also say this. Even though I take issue with the president's policies I truly do love the man. He is still the one we should support for re-election. We should do so because we have a much better chance of changing his policies than we would any other. His daddy is from the African Continent. Eventually he will see the light. We must keep the contradiction of his policies front and center. The truth will set him, you, us free. We must not be afraid of freedom. We must have the courage to excercise our freedom. I am unbought, untied, unleashed, and unafraid. Don't miss the show. Please feel free to leave comment on this page. Bunneh, that even goes for you with your arrogant self.

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New Zimbabwe.Com :: The Zimbabwe News You Trust

Zim to block British KP monitor

by: Staff Reporter

MINES Minister Obert Mpofu has said Zimbabwe will resist attempts to appoint a British monitor as the Kimberly Process’ compliance monitor for the Marange diamond fields.

Mpofu said there were plans to have British national Simon Gilberts replace Abbey Chikane of South Africa as the KP’s point-man in the controversial Marange fields.

But Harare would not work with Gilberts, Mpofu said. Zimbabwe is apparently concerned Gilberts would succumb to pressure from his country to produce negative reports in support of Western efforts to maintain the ban on Marange.

"I have heard about him (Gilberts) but he will never come to Zimbabwe as a monitor …. he is welcome as a tourist," Mpofu said.

“We still regard Chikane as the legitimate monitor because he was appointed at the same time the (Kimberley) joint monitoring work plan was set up. So if there’s no Chikane then there’s no monitoring.”

KP chairman Mathieu Lapfa Lambang Yamba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo last month gave Zimbabwe permission to export the stones in a move that is being resisted by the United States, Britain and Western human rights organisations. The KP takes decisions by consensus.

Leading diamond trade groups such as the World Diamond Council, Jewelers of America and the Diamond Manufacturers & Importers Association of America have also instructed their members to stay away from Marange diamonds.

Again the US and EU warned diamond companies against buying Marange gems with the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which administers all US sanctions procedures, saying it would scrutinise any transactions.

Marange has been at the centre of controversy over the last three years after the KP banned exports of diamonds from there over allegations of human rights abuses and failure to comply with its minimum requirements for trading in precious stones.

The Zimbabwe government insists that all the minimum conditions have been met and has the backing of countries such as Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa as well as other African producers.

However, there were indications the stalemate might end soon after India and China reportedly brokered a possible solution at a KP Working Group of Monitoring (WGM) meeting held recently in Dubai.

India and China are member countries of international diamond regulatory body KP Certification Scheme (KPCS).

Sources who attended the WGM meeting, said a consensual draft of the Joint Work Plan (JWP) was prepared by the member countries and submitted to the KP chair Mathieu Yamba of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The KP Chair is supposed to send the draft to the Zimbabwe government for acceptance in order to resume the exports of diamonds from Marange.

"India and China have played a key role in brokering a solution for Zimbabwe. If the Zimbabwe government accepts the consensual draft agreed by the KP member nations, including US and EU, then it could resume the rough diamond exports," a senior official in the India diamond industry said recently.

Published On: Friday, April 22, 2011 11:40 AM GMT
© New Zimbabwe News

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Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 04:55PM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | Comments46 Comments

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Reader Comments (46)

Bunneh. I am still waiting on Jason to accept our invitation. This is not a veiled threat. No No No NO!! This is an open invitation. You should know the truth!! And the truth will set you free. That slave Christianity that you are trying to get us to buy into is over. Ain't none of us looking for our pie in the sky. We are seeking benefits on the ground while we're still around. We don't have to worry about the pie in the sky. The price for that has already been paid!! WE got to fight this devil on earth. You know, devils with names like Jason. If he comes down to the neighborhood just to shoot young black males then he will set off something that can't be contained. We won't know Jason from any other person lacking color. In fact, if Jason carrys out what he has said on this blog then anyone that looks like him will do. Let him bring his butt to the neighborhood with that kind of behavior. He will know the truth. And the truth will set him free. We pray to God that God gives of the strength, courage, and knowledge to give Jason the greeting he deserves. Our invitation to him is open. We are not afraid to fight this devil on the ground the price for our pie in the sky has been paid in full. He lives. And we live for Him. Thank you Father!! Amen

April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Why did you remove my previous posts? It was obviously too much truth for you. I said you attack Christianity and then have the nerve to call yourself a Reverend. Reverend means worthy to be revered or a man of the clergy. You wield your collar like a weapon and use hate and inflammatory images like Brandon Johnson and other violent images to stir up anger and violence. You are a sad little man with a dangerous violent past. You are harming African Americans and keeping a noble people down with your victim mentality. African Americans should be able to take their rightful places in society and grow and excel, but you keep them down. You are doing much more harm to Black America than jerks like Jayson. You are corrupting good people from within thru misstatement and subterfuge. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist or arrogant. Ajabu took down my posts people because they shed the truth on his Hypocrisy. He is using his blog and radio presence to further his agenda of hate. Re-post my comments if you are not afraid Ajabu. (There will be no re-posting of my comments because Ajabu does not believe you can make a good decision brothers and sisters when you have all of the facts). I shine too much light on him and his agenda of hatred with my posts. re-post them Ajabu........ Re-post them.
The Bunneh
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April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

When the post is changed comments are changed. You are so arrogant. Who are you to tell someone what relationship to have with their God? Typical white position. You have a god complex. It is you that is a little woman. I pray you grow up. Have you seen Jason? Please if you do, give him our invitation. Seems like you saved them. Feel free to say what you feel. There will be no filtering of comments on this blog so long as you use respectful language. In other words, no cussing. No problem with fussing. Seems like you like to do that. Have yourself some fun!! Have you seen Jason?? Tune in to the show. The phone lines are open. Let's talk in real time. Don't be afraid. The truth will set you free. I'll be looking for your call. Or are you chicken?? Hold up. I think I hear some clucking. Lord help us today. Tune in. Call in. The lines are open. Don't be chicken. Don't do it. Where is Jason??

April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

The question is Ajabu, who are you to tell anyone what relationship to have with God? You say you are a Reverend yet you condemn Christianity. You use the Lord as you see fit. However it best fits your agenda of hatred. You cannot let go of your anger toward Jayson. This is NOT about Jayson, this is about you. This is about how you use religion as a vehicle to spread hatred and racism. This is about how you foster a victim mentality to African American people. This is about you using fear to oppress your own people. My God!!! Your picture is next to arrogance in the dictionary. You use inflammatory pictures, statements and news articles to bend people to your will. You take advantage of people who have not the education or intellect to verify your erroneous statements. Anyone who disagrees with you is arrogant or a racist or both. Come up with a new song, we have all heard that one. You misquote people and make up stories to throw people off your trail of lies. Ajabu, your downfall is that there are a lot of African Americans out here who are very educated and extremely intelligent. You should be ashamed of yourself for discounting that fact. How like you to assume that I am white or even a woman. You don't know anything. The only reason I am posting to your site at all is in the hope that people will see you for who you really are. I condemn Jayson's actions as much as I condemn yours. Kindness and mercy have no color. Anyone who is racist is ignorant. Anyone!!
You are a sad little despot with an agenda of hatred that is hurting people, not liberating them as you say. You are further oppressing them.
As far as growing up is concerned, if it means I need to put on blinders, ignore the truth and spread hatred and idiocy then in the words of Diana Ross, "May I stay forever young."
You slam Obama, then support his re-election. You talk out of both sides of you mouth and say nothing. The only people who listen to you are others who are mired in as much anger and hatred as you are. I feel it is my obligation to be a voice of reason on your otherwise negative blog. Quit hurting people with your negative messages. Tell all the facts in a situation and someone might , someday take you seriously. You leave out important details regarding Brandon Johnson's situation to exonerate him of any wrong doing. That sir, is lying. Omitting the truth is lying.
You are sad and people see right through you and your silly antics. You blame others for your misfortune instead of taking responsibility yourself. If you had preached a message of love instead of hatred to your family, your son would have had a chance at a normal successful life. The same thing you are doing to poor Brandon Johnson. Parading him out like a show pony and using his plight to escalate the hate. Is that what Jesus would have YOU do? I think not. People can see the truth for themselves Ajabu. You can dress up your remarks in insults and threats of violence, but everyone can see the truth. You are the arrogant one. You are an angry racist. There are many successful, educated, wealthy blacks out here. You need to remove the statement that you increase the love and decrease the hate.
It truly saddens me that you did not learn anything from Dr. King. (this is the opportunity for you to call me an Uncle Tom in your next post) Just trying to give you a head start on your rhetoric!!!!!
The Bunneh
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April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

Wow...that was probably the single greatest piece of writing I have ever seen.

April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJJ

Black police officers want to speak out but are afraid to speak
out against the wrong of white police officers because white police officers will put the black police officers intentionally in harm’s way.
Seriously? Man your hatred runs deep, doesn't it Ajabu? I think Bunneh has you completely figured out. It must really chafe your butt to have someone with an education call you on all your crap.
I have to say it's very funny to see someone call you on your lying ways , while you are bein all hateful and nasty. It sure makes you look bad. I guess he's a race traitor or an Uncle Tom because he doesn't hate everyone who isn't black. Sad, dude, real sad. Are you this way because you son is in prison, or were you this messed up before he went in? Now you have my permission to go ahead and use insults and mis-direction to rationalize what everyone is saying. Or ask me to call into your radio show and then call me a chicken before I even have a chance to call. Go on, go ahead. I hope Bunneh does call your show. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't though cause all you have to do is hang up on him to stop him from makin you look like an idiot. Then again he always can post on your blog. You cannot stop the truth man. It is always gonna be there no matter how much you distract and try to snow job.

April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMK


LOL!- you phony "Reverend"...Ha HAaaaaaa! know you can call for Brandon Johnson and your other black thugs to kill policemen all day long- but if law abiding citizens wish to defend themselves, or other innocent civilians from the filthy criminals you protect and applaud, you get your little thong-underpanties all bunched up into your ass-cheek$, LOL!!!

I'm not sure what "invitation", you sent, but phony Reverend, we don't need one. You don't "own" any part of this town! Just tell your stupid little thugs followers that the next time they decide to rob a kid of his lunch money, or rob someone at the gas station, or threaten someone at 25th and Keystone..."Salvation" may just be waiting for them, and could hit them right in the ear...;) ,,,,Ajabu, what problem can you have with that???? since you advised Brandon to kill the next cop that comes his way ?????? oh, that was you just talking out off your dumb a$$, again. LOL!

Ajabu- Many "theologians" and myself included are in "your neighborhood" nearly everyday, ...Why do you have a problem with us?- that simply advocate protection from your thug-trash element????? Who are WE robbing, and killing, and whose houses and cars do we break into ????, your buddies do that.
LOL! Ajabu- we're a lot smarter than you think, and we don't waste precious resources when we know that in your neighborhood- the "garbage" eventually takes itself out to the curb by itself...seriously, why would anyone waste a .59 cent love letter on thrash???
Hey look phony "Reverend"...Just like this.....

Let me guess- da a say= "yo Cop, I din't know no boddy dat dint see no shootin' nahhhh! ann I ain't no snitch neeeder, naahh!"
Looks like things are getting warmed up for "Black Expo" again this year...
Looks like fun...better get out your phony "Reverend" collars, and get 'em starched up so you can make you some funeral money!!!! LOL!
PS.- and maybe this year you'll get a photo of the "cops that actually shot up the crowd???" LOL!

April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJayson

JJ and MK,
Thank you so much for your supportive words. God Bless you and all who read these posts.

The Bunneh
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April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBunneh

AUGUST 5 – 7, 2011
Indiana Black Pride, Inc
P.O. Box 44231.
Indianapolis, IN 46224
CONTACT: Rosalyn Shepherd
Phone: 317 592 9529

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAntoine

Lord today,

We finally found Jason. You have a standing invitation to come down into the neighborhood. If you start killing young black males as you allude to you will start something that I don't know who will be able to stop. You really could be the spark that Black people need to stop this madness that is being perpetrated on us. Bunneh, is that a victim mentality. Well Brandon was a victim of police brutality, black police are a victim of white cops threats. JJ is a cheer leader and Antoine is confused.I would suggest that you tune in, call in because America is getting ready to cave in. Yes, I take issue with President Obama and still support him. He's my brother, misguided, but still my brother. He's lost. We must help him to find his way. He can't be an image to his children that supports the bombing of the continent on which his father was birthed. He is not a good image if he is complicit in killing the ancestors of his father which are the ancestors of his children.

My son, Lord I pray for him. He shouldn't have been in those people's house. And although he killled no one he shouldn't have been on that particular mission to kill anyone. Now I don't rule out the need to kill. WOW!! Ajabu did you say that? I did. That Bible that you like to quote states very clearly that there is a time to kill. Oh!! that Eclesiastes third chapter. And there is. If Jason comes down into the neighborhood killing young black males then we should acknowledge the good book. Was it time for my son to be with Raymond and Walls in their killings. No it was not. My son might be lost to prison. Unfortunately I have to accept that possible reality. However, that does not change anything about us as a people to fight when necessary, and kill when necessary so we have the dignity and courage to live as freedom loving people who are not afraid because this vile society killed Malcolm, and Martin trying to make us afraid to be free. We will be free and whatever cost it takes. I would suggest that you Bunneh wake up. I would suggest that you Jason to know how to act if you come to the neighborhood. And I suggest you JJ to cheer for something worth cheering for!! We AIN'T going back!! Believe that. Tune in. There is more to come. Up you mighty race!! Accomplish what you will!!

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

The blood diamond controversy in Zimbabwe is centered around the Marange diamond fields, a prolific and widespread area of small-scale mines. These mines are certainly not insignificant producers on a global scale, reported to be “the biggest diamond find in more than a century.”

Numerous human rights groups have sited abuses at these mines, many of them centered around smuggling, illegal mining operations, corruption and abuses by government forces. According to a press release issued in November 2010 by Human Rights Watch “The Zimbabwean Army killed hundreds of people in its takeover of the fields two years ago, and diamond proceeds continue to enrich one of the longest-serving tyrants on the African continent.”

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterZuma

It's kinda hard to call into your show when you don't take calls or when you don't shut up for 2 seconds. Andre Carson was allegedly your guest and you didn't even let him respond. His Uncle has never held and office and simply is not qualified to be Mayor of Indianapolis. How can people make their own decisions when the only view you allow to be aired is your own. You may have the right to remain silent, but apparently you lack the capacity to do so. You are trying to control the information that is released to the public by not allowing Andre to tell you why he doesn't support his Uncle's bid for Mayor. His Uncle does not have the experience or the educational background to run a city. I don't support Malina Kennedy either, but I sure don't want a novice in the office. You kept saying he was supporting a white woman over his own blood. Her experience and credentials far surpass Andre's Uncle. Apparently you are a sexist as well as a racist. Why does the color of her skin or her gender make her less qualified than Andre's Uncle? Explain to all of us why she is too white to run for office. Andre Carson is a man of integrity, who will support a more qualified candidate even over his own relative. In spite of you attempting to paint him as a sellout. That is integrity. The fact that he is holding his ground in the face of pressure from you. You sound so bad on the radio. Everything is about race or color with you. You are the one who needs a wake up call. We are the human race. Together, you and I. We are the human race!!! Yes Ajabu, you and I should be able to work together hand in hand to make our city safe, strong and beautiful. Quit your campaign of hatred. You just sound so ignorant on the air. Everyone knows what you are doing. And Carl Brizzi let Brandon Johnson off the hook because of political pressure from the concerned clergy and the threat of a lawsuit from Brandon's family. You don't mention any of that when parading your little show pony out for the media. You make me sick. Try being honest for once. You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in your face. You mention Brandon Johnson in every single piece of media you control, at every opportunity. You are blatantly using that boy. You are exploiting him!!!!! Exploiting him Ajabu. You really are so ignorant that you can't be taught the essence of the term equality because you are so clouded with hate. You think of all white people as evil and all black people as good. How is that promoting equality? Andre Carson as least makes sense when he talks. And Farrakhan had Dr. King killed, so don't you dare talk about them in the same sentence. Dr. King left the Muslim Brotherhood and Louis Farrakhan had him killed for it. They tried to burn Dr. King's house down with his children in it, the week before they shot him. So you really need to educate yourself on black history before you start pointing fingers at Andre. You are so ignorant. What you are doing is sick and is gonna get our young people hurt or killed or even more vilified in the media. Stop the hate Ajabu. You have an opportunity to be a great man. Dr. King didn't talk as you do. He wanted better for his children. You can change your life today and become a proponent of peace. Not a harbinger of hate. I know you are so entrenched in your doctrine of hate that it is unlikely you will find your way back. I understand that. You have a lifetime of hatred to undo. I really do pray to our Lord daily for you, but there still has to be a time when you are called on your bad behavior. Please Ajabu, think of all the people you are leading astray. The Brandon Johnson's of this world will never stand a chance if you don't stop spreading the hate and perpetuation of the lie that he was totally innocent. Everyone knows what is what. Man, you talk some crazy stuff on your show. Everyone who has internet access, look into what I have said. There is film of Dr. King discussing his views.Don't listen to what Ajabu or even I have to say. See for yourself!!! The information is out there for you to verify for yourself. The truth truly will set you free. Open your minds and hearts people. Don't follow the pied piper and his tune of lies. March to the beat of a drummer that speaks to your heart. You are all quite capable of making up your own minds as to what is the truth. Don't listen to me or Ajabu. Believe your own eyes. Look for the facts. God Bless you and keep you and may his mercy follow each of you all the days of your life!!!!!
The Bunneh
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April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

Another masterpiece!!!

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJJ

Obama never lost his way he was always a tool of international bankers and the power elite who run this world. We had better wake up; this small organized group has tricked us into thinking that someone (Obama) who we did not groom will work for our interest. How child like can we be to think we have a savior who is going to protect us instead of being our own guide. I am so sick of little people always looking to others to do for us what we should do for ourselves. When will the sleeping giant wake up?

Yours in the struggle


April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMacharia


You really are off base. Show us someplace where there is evidence that Farrakhan had Dr. King killed. Whew!! Talking about ignorance of history. And JJ cheers you on. That really tickles me. Melina ain't won a race. Every time she ran she has gotton beat. If the facts make me a sexist then what the hell. The facts are the facts. For some reason, Bunneh, you want to make up your facts. Farrakhan had nothing to do with Martin Luther King's death. Lord help us today. And JJ has the nerve to cheer a lie. There goes JJ credibility and yours. You sound so confused. Once you say you are a black person. The next thing you imply you are a white person. Do we take that to mean you are mixed? LOL. Lord help Bunneh. He/She is confused.

For those who didn't get a chance to hear the show you can listen at this link Your comments are sought and welcome. Bunneh I gave you an open invitation to call into the show. You didn't call. However, you did listen. That says something for you. Let me see. What does that say. Oh. I know. You can hear!!! Thanks God for giving you the ability to hear. God is such a good God. Now if God will help you to get your facts straight. Farrakhan had nothing to do with Dr. King's death. That was America!!

Brizzi didn't bow to any political pressure. He ruled on what he saw to be the truth. When did the Concerned Clergy get so powerful that they could make Brizzi do something? I would say the Concerned Clergy would have more influence on Curry and that ain't much if at all. I would say from an informed position that the Concerned Clergy and zero or less influence on Brizzi. Bunneh, where are you getting your facts. Brandon Johnson is innocent. Brandon did nothing that rose to the level of being a crime. The law gives citizens the right to resist an illegal arrest. The gives gives citizens the right to use the force necessary to resist an illegal arrest. If a citizen uses the force necessary to resist an illegal arrest and the force causes the death of the officer then the law says the citizen is justified. The law says the citizen did not commit a crime although the officer is dead. Don't get mad at me. That's the law. The Supreme Court ruled that to be so in Plummer's case. Look it up. It is in the books. That's a fact. Farrakhan having anything to do with Dr. King's death is pure malarky LOL. And for JJ to cheer that kind of malarky makes him look like a clown. Barnum and Bailey are looking for some good acts. Y'all should get an application. Brandon is an innocent young man that got beat by three policeman thugs. The policeman should have their day in court. Brizzi did not have the courage to bring them to court. That is unfortunate. Bunneh, Farrakhan had nothing to do with Dr. King's death. If you want to delve in that type of falsehood then let's blame Dr. King's death on Jason LOL. Lord, Bunneh has made my day!! It is one thing for someone to think you are confused, it is just poetic justice when you put pen to paper and remove all doubt. Now we all know who you are whether you be black or white, or something else. You are right. Your color makes no difference. Fools come in all persuasions. LOOK!! I am going to say it one more time. There is no evidence anywhere that points to Farrakhan having any role in Dr. King's death. The evidence points to America as being the assasin of Dr. King. But Bunneh to use your facts, then we can say it was Jason LOL. Lord help me. I am laughing so hard tears are coming from my eyes. JJ can you give us a cheer?? LOL Look I am through. My sides are hurting. I just can't laugh no mo'!! Bunneh, you and JJ do have a blessed day because you just made mine. God bless.

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Bunneh and JJ:

I just ran up on a video that might help you to understand what Jason has started. Give me my pease!! Enjoy

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Now that White Folks have Fu*ked up your World its ok to tell them how you really feel about them. And yes, it was those dam Chosen vampire bastards calling themselves jews who also caused this earthquake in Japan that caused the deadly radiation now floating around the globe. Do some research on the Stuxnet Virus that Mossad created to target nuclear power plants. Who knows, could this same virus have shut down the nuclear power plant in Atlanta? Do some research on HAARP, White Folks newest toy. Well, it is not new, it has been around for some time now. Now I ask once again, would humans do this to their own planet? Are they even from this planet? Dr. Cladicott says that they are pathological. What does this mean to you? How does it affect you? Jake Beason says in his book "Why We Lose", that White Folks would rather blow-up the planet then see you live in peace, Why? Insanity or demon-possessed? Watch this clip of 10 minutes.

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWes

Wow. Wes has reached a whole new level of crazy.

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBunneh

And Wes. Jesus was king of the Jews. Are you anti Jesus or just anti white?

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBunneh
You enjoy brother!!!


April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

When I am wrong, at least I admit it. Louis Farrakhan was responsible for the murder of Malcolm X, not Dr. King. The only thing Farrakhan killed of Martin Luther King's is his dream of a better world for his children.

April 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


And you are wrong again. Farrakhan was not responsible for the killing of Malcolm. Facts reveal that a federal agent was on the stage holding Malcolm putting poison in his wounds. America killed Malcolm. Go up to the original article on this blog. Under the picture of the original Black Panthers there is a video link. You must watch it. It will give you a better feel for where great numbers of black people see America. Enjoy!!

April 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Conspiracy theory much Ajabu? Man you are so wacky. Farrakhan even apologized for anything he might have said that may have resulted in Malcolm 's death. If you don't believe me maybe you will believe Louis Farrakhan.
I rest my case. More proof of your rampant, ignorant hatred. The truth will set you free. Game, set and match!!!!!!!

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April 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


Listen to all that Farrakhan admitted to. He admits that yes, through his rhetoric, he helped to create an environment that allowed Malcolm to be killed. However, he clearly states that he had nothing to do with the actual killing. I have apologized to the Allomenos and James family about anything that I said that was hurtful to them. That doesn't mean I took part in the tragedy of their loss. And Lord knows I don't support my son being on the scene of that tragedy although he also took no part in taking anyone's life. My apology is as sincere as I can be. I believe Farrakhan is also sincere in his apology. It is your sincerity that is being brought into question. What truly is your motive? You need a lesson in understanding the English language. You are such a novice. Get your facts straight. You sound like you are still trying to make falsehood be fact when falsehood is just that. FALSEHOOD. You know, like Farrakhan had Dr. King killed LOL. I don't know whether to call you man, woman or what. Human, let's try that, get your facts straight!! You should be in comedy. You missed your calling. Or are you into that too?? LOL

April 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Financial Heist of the Century: Confiscating Libya's Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF)
by Manlio Dinucci

Global Research, April 24, 2011

Il Manifesto (translated from Italian) - 2011-04-22
The objective of the war against Libya is not just its oil reserves (now estimated at 60 billion barrels), which are the greatest in Africa and whose extraction costs are among the lowest in the world, nor the natural gas reserves of which are estimated at about 1,500 billion cubic meters. In the crosshairs of "willing" of the operation Unified Protector there are sovereign wealth funds, capital that the Libyan state has invested abroad.
The Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) manages sovereign wealth funds estimated at about $70 billion U.S., rising to more than $150 billion if you include foreign investments of the Central Bank and other bodies. But it might be more. Even if they are lower than those of Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, Libyan sovereign wealth funds have been characterized by their rapid growth. When LIA was established in 2006, it had $40 billion at its disposal. In just five years, LIA has invested over one hundred companies in North Africa, Asia, Europe, the U.S. and South America: holding, banking, real estate, industries, oil companies and others.
In Italy, the main Libyan investments are those in UniCredit Bank (of which LIA and the Libyan Central Bank hold 7.5 percent), Finmeccanica (2 percent) and ENI (1 percent), these and other investments (including 7.5 percent of the Juventus Football Club) have a significance not as much economically (they amount to some $5.4 billion) as politically.
Libya, after Washington removed it from the blacklist of rogue states, has sought to carve out a space at the international level focusing on "diplomacy of sovereign wealth funds." Once the U.S. and the EU lifted the embargo in 2004 and the big oil companies returned to the country, Tripoli was able to maintain a trade surplus of about $30 billion per year which was used largely to make foreign investments. The management of sovereign funds has however created a new mechanism of power and corruption in the hands of ministers and senior officials, which probably in part escaped the control of the Gadhafi himself: This is confirmed by the fact that, in 2009, he proposed that the 30 billion in oil revenues go "directly to the Libyan people." This aggravated the fractures within the Libyan government.
U.S. and European ruling circles focused on these funds, so that before carrying out a military attack on Libya to get their hands on its energy wealth, they took over the Libyan sovereign wealth funds. Facilitating this operation is the representative of the Libyan Investment Authority, Mohamed Layas himself: as revealed in a cable published by WikiLeaks. On January 20 Layas informed the U.S. ambassador in Tripoli that LIA had deposited $32 billion in U.S. banks. Five weeks later, on February 28, the U.S. Treasury froze these accounts. According to official statements, this is "the largest sum ever blocked in the United States," which Washington held "in trust for the future of Libya." It will in fact serve as an injection of capital into the U.S. economy, which is more and more in debt. A few days later, the EU "froze" around 45 billion Euros of Libyan funds.
The assault on the Libyan sovereign wealth funds will have a particularly strong impact in Africa. There, the Libyan Arab African Investment Company had invested in over 25 countries, 22 of them in sub-Saharan Africa, and was planning to increase the investments over the next five years, especially in mining, manufacturing, tourism and telecommunications. The Libyan investments have been crucial in the implementation of the first telecommunications satellite Rascom (Regional African Satellite Communications Organization), which entered into orbit in August 2010, allowing African countries to begin to become independent from the U.S. and European satellite networks, with an annual savings of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Even more important were the Libyan investment in the implementation of three financial institutions launched by the African Union: the African Investment Bank, based in Tripoli, the African Monetary Fund, based in Yaoundé (Cameroon), the African Central Bank, with Based in Abuja (Nigeria). The development of these bodies would enable African countries to escape the control of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, tools of neo-colonial domination, and would mark the end of the CFA franc, the currency that 14 former French colonies are forced to use. Freezing Libyan funds deals a strong blow to the entire project. The weapons used by "the willing" are not only those in the military action called Unified Protector.
Il Manifesto, April 22, 2011
Translated from Italian by John Catalinotto

April 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWes

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