Good Reason Why African Union Should Morph Into United States Of Africa!!

The president has dropped bombs on the continent of hisdaughter's grandfather's birth. Is that the image he wants Sasha to have of him. Surely he doesn't want to be viewed as the black man that took black people back into the slavery? He must know we ain't going whether it is a black man or any other man that tries that madness. Forever forward!! NEVER BACKWARDS!! Y'ALL READY? You must listen to AjabuUnleashed
When: every Monday
Time: 11AM
I am unbought, unbossed, and unafraid. Someone has got to tell the truth about what's going on. Looks like the task falls on me. Tune in!! This is must listen to radio. C U There!!
What the World Got Wrong in Côte D'Ivoire
Why is the United Nations entrenching former colonial powers on our continent? Africans can and should take the lead in resolving their own disputes.

Gbagbo and Mbeki
The second round of the Nov. 28, 2010, presidential elections in Côte d'Ivoire pitted against each other two long-standing political opponents, Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara. For this reason, and of strategic importance, it was inevitable that this electoral contest would decide the long-term future of the country. Everybody concerned should have probed very seriously the critical question: Would the 2010 elections create the conditions that would establish the basis for the best possible future for the Ivorian people?
Rather, the international community insisted that what Côte d'Ivoire required to end its crisis was to hold democratic elections, even though the conditions did not exist to conduct such elections. Though they knew that this proposition was fundamentally wrong, the Ivorians could not withstand the international pressure to hold the elections.
However, the objective reality is that the Ivorian presidential elections should not have been held when they were held. It was perfectly foreseeable that they would further entrench the very conflict it was suggested they would end.
The 2002 rebellion in Côte d'Ivoire divided the country into two parts, with the north controlled by the rebel Forces Nouvelles, which supported Alassane Ouattara, and the south in the hands of the Gbagbo-led government. Since then, Côte d'Ivoire has had two governments, administrations, armies, and "national" leaders.
Any elections held under these circumstances would inevitably entrench the divisions and animosities represented and exacerbated by the 2002 rebellion.
The structural faults which lay at the base of the 2002 rebellion include such inflammable issues as trans-national tensions affecting especially Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso, Ivorian ethnic and religious antagonisms, sharing of political power, and access to economic and social power and opportunities.
In this regard, the international community has assiduously suppressed proper appreciation of various explosive allegations which, rightly or wrongly, have informed and will continue to inform the views of the Gbagbo-supporting population in southern Côte d'Ivoire -- and much of Francophone Africa!
These are that Ouattara is a foreigner born in Burkina Faso, that together with Burkinabè President Blaise Compaoré he was responsible for the 2002 rebellion, that his accession to power would result in the takeover of the country especially by Burkinabè foreigners, and that historically, to date, he has been ready to advance French interests in Côte d'Ivoire.
Taking all this into account, the African Union understood that a lasting solution of the Ivorian crisis necessitated a negotiated agreement between the two belligerent Ivorian factions, focused on the interdependent issues of democracy, peace, national reconciliation and unity.
In protracted negotiations from 2002, the Ivorians agreed that the presidential elections would not be held until various conditions had been met. These included the reunification of the country, the restoration of the national administration to all parts of the Ivorian territory, and the disarmament of the rebels and all militia and their integration in the national security machinery, with the latter process completed at least two months ahead of any presidential elections. Despite the fact that none of this was honoured, the presidential elections were allowed to proceed.
In the end, Ouattara has been installed as president of Côte d'Ivoire. Gbagbo, and his wife Simone, have ended up as humiliated prisoners. Many Ivorians have died and have been displaced, much infrastructure has been destroyed, and historic animosities have been exacerbated in the lead up to this outcome.
Many things have gone radically wrong along the road to this result.
Agreements relating to what needed to be done to create conditions for free and fair elections were wilfully and contemptuously ignored. The Ivorian Constitutional Council (CC) is the only body constitutionally empowered to determine the winner in any presidential election and to install the president, with the Electoral Commission (IEC) mandated to forward its provisional results to the CC. However, the very people who insist on the sanctity of the rule of law as fundamental to all democratic practice, elected illegally to recognise the provisional result announced by the chairperson of the IEC on his own, as the authentic outcome of the presidential election.
As provided by the law, Gbagbo contested the fairness of the elections in certain parts of the country, especially the north. The CC, rightly or wrongly, accepted the majority of the complaints made by Gbagbo, identified other "irregularities," annulled the votes in some districts, and declared Gbagbo the victor. The chairperson of the IEC did not take these alleged irregularities into account and decided that Ouattara had won.
The envoy of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, his fellow South Korean, SRSG Young-jin Choi, also determined that Ouattara had won, but on the basis of fewer votes than those announced by the IEC, having determined that some of the complaints made by Gbagbo were legitimate. In terms of the votes cast for the two candidates, the IEC, the CC, and the U.N. SRSG made three different determinations.
Gbagbo proposed that to resolve this matter, which bears on the important issue of the will of the Ivorian people, an international commission should be established to verify the election results, with the important pre-condition that both he and Ouattara should accept the determination of the commission.
This proposal was rejected by the international community -- despite the fact that it would have resolved the electoral dispute without resort to war, and despite the fact that some election observers questioned the fairness of the elections, especially in northern Côte d'Ivoire.
For instance, reporting on the elections in the north, the election observer mission of the AU led by Joseph Kokou Kofigoh, former prime minister of Togo, the independent civil society Societé Civile Africaine pour la Democratie et l'Assistance Electoral led by Seynabou Indieguene of Senegal, and the Coordination of African Election Experts (CAEE) from Cameroon, Senegal, Benin, Mali, Morocco, Gabon, and Togo led by Jean-Marie Ongjibangte of Cameroon, all sounded the alarm about the elections in the north.
For instance, the CAEE said: "After sharing information with other national and international election observers, we hereby state that the second round of the presidential elections in Côte d'Ivoire was held amidst major problems in (various northern) regions...
"These problems were stealing of ballot boxes, arresting of candidates' representatives, multiple voting, refusal to admit international observers to witness counting of ballots, and the murder of representatives of candidates. To that effect, we hereby declare that the second round of voting was not free, fair and transparent in these (northern) localities."
For its part, to this day, the ECOWAS election observer mission has not issued its report on the second round of the presidential election! Why?
Clearly the independent international commission proposed by Laurent Gbagbo could have been established and empowered to make a definitive and binding determination about what had happened. Time will tell why this was not done!
Further, the U.N. SRSG took the extraordinary decision to exceed his mandate by declaring who had won the presidential election, contrary to his tasks as detailed by the Security Council. This positioned the U.N. Mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) as a partisan in the Ivorian conflict, rather than a neutral peacemaker, equidistant from the belligerent parties.
From this point onwards, UNOCI had no choice but actively to work for the installation of Ouattara as president of the country and the removal of Gbagbo. Ultimately, this found expression in the blatant use of its military capacities to open the way for the Forces Nouvelles to defeat the Gbagbo forces and capture Gbagbo, under the shameless pretence that it was acting to protect civilians.
While obliged to respect its peacekeeping mandate, which included keeping the belligerent forces apart, UNOCI did nothing to stop the advance of the Forces Nouvelles from the north to the south, including and up to Abidjan. Nor did UNOCI or the French Licorne forces, as mandated by the United Nations, act to protect civilians in the area of Duékoué, where, evidently, the most concentrated murder of civilians took place! This recalls the United Nations's failure to end the more catastrophic murder and abuse of civilians in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo!
The Ivorian reality points to a number of incontrovertible conclusions.
The agreed conditions for the holding of democratic elections in Côte d'Ivoire were not created. Despite strong allegations of electoral fraud, the international community decided against conducting any verification of the process and the announced results. This left unanswered the vitally important question of who actually had won the elections, which Ouattara might have done.
The United Nations elected to abandon its neutrality as a peacemaker, deciding to be a partisan belligerent in the Ivorian conflict.
France used its privileged place in the Security Council to position itself to play an important role in determining the future of Côte d'Ivoire, its former colony in which, inter alia, it has significant economic interests. It joined the United Nations to ensure that Ouattara emerged as the victor in the Ivorian conflict.
This addressed the national interests of France, consistent with its Françafrique policies, which aim to perpetuate a particular relationship with its former African colonies. This is in keeping with remarks made by former French President François Mitterand when he said, "Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century," which former French foreign minister Jacques Godfrain confirmed when he said: "A little country [France], with a small amount of strength, we can move a planet because [of our]...relations with 15 or 20 African countries..."
The AU is also not without blame, as it failed to assert itself to persuade everybody to work to achieve reconciliation among the Ivorians, and therefore durable peace. Tragically, the outcome that has been achieved in Côte d'Ivoire further entrenches the endemic conflict in this country. This is because it has placed in the exclusive hands of the failed rebellion of 2002 the ability to determine the future of the country, whereas the objective situation dictated and dictates that the people of Côte d'Ivoire should engage one another as equals to determine their shared destiny.
During the decade he served as president of Côte d'Ivoire, Gbagbo had no possibility to act on his own to reunify the country and achieve reconciliation among its diverse people, despite the existence of negotiated agreements in this regard. As he serves as president of the country, Ouattara will not succeed to realise these objectives, acting on his own, outside the context of honest agreement with the sections of the Ivorian population represented by Gbagbo.
What was to come was foreseen by the then U.S. ambassador in Côte d'Ivoire, Wanda L. Nesbitt. In July 2009, she advised the U.S. government:
"It now appears that the Ouaga IV agreement, [the fourth agreement to the Ouagadougou Political Agreement which prescribed that disarmament should precede the elections], is fundamentally an agreement between Blaise Compaore [President of Burkina Faso] and Laurent Gbagbo to share control of the north until after the presidential election, despite the fact that the text calls for the Forces Nouvelles to return control of the north to the government and complete disarmament two months before the election...
"But the 5,000 Forces Nouvelles soldiers who are to be "disarmed" and regrouped into barracks in four key cities in the north and west until a new national army is created, represent a serious military capability that the FAFN [Forces Nouvelles] intends to keep well-trained and in reserve until after the election. The hand-over of administrative power from the FAFN to civilian government authorities is a pre-requisite for elections but, as travelers to the north (including Embassy personnel) confirm: the FAFN retain de-facto control of the region especially when it comes to finances."
The failure to address the "pre-requisite for elections" predetermined their outcome. The rebel "control" of the north, mentioned by Ambassador Nesbitt, prescribed the outcome of the 2010 presidential election. Similarly, it was the "military capability" of the rebellion, which Ambassador Nesbitt mentioned, that was used to ensure that Ouattara became president of Côte d'Ivoire.
It is little wonder that as the post-election crisis deepened, Laurent Gbagbo would cry out: I was betrayed!
At the end of it all, there are many casualties.
One of these is the African Union. The tragic events in Côte d'Ivoire have confirmed the marginalization of the union in its ability to resolve the most important African challenges.
Instead, the AU has asserted the ability of the major powers to intervene to resolve these challenges by using their various capacities to legitimize their actions by persuading the United Nations to authorise their self-serving interventions.
The United Nations is yet another casualty. It has severely undermined its acceptability as a neutral force in the resolution of internal conflicts, such as the one in Côte d'Ivoire. It will now be difficult for the United Nations to convince Africa and the rest of the developing world that it is not a mere instrument in the hands of the world's major powers. This has confirmed the urgency of the need to restructure the organisation, based on the view that as presently structured the United Nations has no ability to act as a truly democratic representative of its member states.
Thus, in various ways, the events in Côte d'Ivoire could serve as a defining moment in terms of the urgent need to reengineer the system of international relations. They have exposed the reality of the balance and abuse of power in the post-Cold War era, and put paid to the fiction that the major powers respect the rule of law in the conduct of international relations, even as defined by the U.N. Charter, and that, as democrats, they respect the views of the peoples of the world.
We can only hope that Laurent and Simone Gbagbo and the Ivorian people do not continue to suffer as abused and humiliated victims of a global system which, in its interests, while shouting loudly about universal human rights, only seeks to perpetuate the domination of the many by the few who dispose of preponderant political, economic, military and media power.
The perverse and poisonous proceedings that have afflicted Côte d'Ivoire pose the urgent question: How many blatant abuses of power will Africa and the rest of the developing world experience before the vision of a democratic system of global governance is realised?
References (1)
Response: Cheap Bespoke Machine- Ajabu Speaks - Good Reason Why African Union Should Morph Into United States Of Africa!!
Reader Comments (57)
Bunneh: Ajabu plays YOU like a fiddle.
So. Your posse does hang on my every word. Guess that makes you my biatch A.C.
Bunneh, Have you seen Jason. I was moving about the neighborhood this weekend and so many people told me they were chasing Jason. No one has found him yet. However, we are looking. Jason come on down. There is a new type of black man in the community. Don't let Bunneh's scared butt fool you. We would love to get you the greeting you deserve. If you come down into this neighborhood and start killing black people just because you are white and think your whiteness gives you that priviledge, I am telling you we got something for you LOL. And if we can't find you, then you will make us find somebody and treat them like you. You ready for that?? We are!! Bunneh, have you seen him? Jason you could very well be the catalyst to make our youth to stop killing each other and understand who the real enemy is. Bunneh, are you afraid to let people know who you are? You do an awful lot of talking behind the curtain. If you are going to make A.C. your biatch then identify your punk butt self. Chicken!! Damn, did I say that? Yep!! I said and I meant it. CHICKEN!! Come on out of the closet you chicken. You better wake up. A.C. what you bet he won't expose who he really is. He sounds like a sissy. Bunneh, We ain't scaaaared. There is a new type of black in our neighborhood. Come on down with Jason and get acquainted. If I were you I would tune in to the show tomorrow. I will go further indepth about the new kind of black in the neighborhood. Look for ya!! CHICKEN!!
That is all you got? Calling me a chicken? Hey this new black in the neighborhood, is it someone who doesn't deal drugs, break into cars and live off the welfare system? Cause that would be soooooo awesome!!! We need more blacks like that. Thank you so much, how did you do it? That is amazing. Maybe you have some redeemable qualities after all. Oh , but I jest. We know you don't. Yeah, I am real scared of an impotent racist who threatens innocent people. You are the coward "Farrakhan Lite". You are gonna get blacks and whites killed and then go to jail your own self. Hey maybe you can room with Kofi. Suck it Loser!!!!!! You bore me with your repeated ignorance.
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You didn't identify yourself. CHICKEN!!
Another masterpiece!
Let me get this straight. You, a known criminal with a violent background and a son who kills little girls, want what? My name and address. Yeah.... right... I think not "Farrakhan Lite"!!!! Yeah I'm gonna have to disappoint you on that one brother. This makes me smart, not a chicken as you say. Would you like a key to my house as well? okay, so you see how stupid you sound right? Good. It's probably best if you shut up now, as everyone knows who the clear victor is here in our little battle of wits. I was being gracious implying you had any wit. Crawl back under your hate rock now little angry man.
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apparently anyone can get a radio show these days!!!!
Hey A.C. what up? Man you need to use more starch on my shirts when you do my laundry!!!! Just sayin!!!
By the way F.L. (Farrakhan Lite) this is probably not one of your better moments:
And if we can't find you, then you will make us find somebody and treat them like you. You ready for that?? We are!!
He will "MAKE you",that right there imply s his control over you.
A man can't ride your back unless it's bent.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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huh, the pen is truly mightier than the sword!!!! Go figure!!!
You are the biggest chicken I know. You just confirmed it. Scaared to death. You might as well lhave said I am not going to let people know who I am because I am a punk!! CHICKEN! And looks like you are a sissy. How long you been having these desires for men? SISSY!! You might as well expose your name, you have already exposed your sexual inclinations. SISSY!! A CHICKEN that's a SISSY. Wow what a combination. Have you seen Jason?? When you do tell him to come on down. We would like to give him the greeting. Now don't tell me you got your eyes on him?? You big SISSY!! A SISSY that's a CHICKEN. Lord help us today!!
Dear Farrakhan Lite,
Well I have to admit, I have had a thing for men pretty much all my life, cause I am a girl stupid!!!! Now, this probably makes you want to hurt me even more, with you getting punked on your own blog, every single day, by a girl. The Ajabu's penchant for killing young women is pretty well known, so I'm gonna have to not have that extra key made for you to my house. Sorry buddy. Guess you and A.C. will have to continue to stew in your impotent rage. Did I just say that? Lawdy, Yes I did. Just wanted to pop a phrase in that you might comprehend. Do you see how ignorant that, "did I just say that?" sounds? You are not a big controversial leader of the Civil Rights movement!!! You are a leader of a small group of ignorant hate mongers. You will never be a great man.You will never be anything but a sad little despot of a sad little a.m. station that spews out hatred and sensationalism. You are like the National Inquirer of the Black community. You are sad, and sorry if I don't identify myself as I'm sure you can see all we need is one more hate crime against women. So as I said previously, and I mean this from the bottom of my girly little heart......... Suck it Farrakhan Lite!!! and A.C. I expect my laundry in a more timely manner from now on Biatch!!!
I'm sure you know who this is from
P.S. that sissy stuff is pretty hilarious coming from someone on the ........down low.
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Do you really think a guy would sign his letters with a bunny rabbit face? Seriously, you are just so incredibly stupid...Yeah, that would be kinda gay. Right? Lord help you baby!!! So sad, So sad.
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P.S. You are so much fun to toy with......You are like a little meat puppet. Well, now that there is Viagra you know what you can do with yourself!!!! Yes that was a flaccid phallic reference emasculating you. Just so A.C. doesn't have to explain it to you!!!! He is awfully supportive of you Ajabu. Is there something you boys aren't telling us? And you said Antoine was confused. At least Antoine admits that he is gay.
I don't think you know what you are. When I said you were a girl you said you wasn't. When I said you were white you said you were black so I should call you Uncle Tom. It is clear that you are confused about who you are. Why don't you just expose yourself? One thing for sure we know you are CHICKEN!! LOL. Farrakhan Lite. Why you use such terminology. Let me help. I love Minister Farrakhan!! Did I say that. Yep, that is what I said and that is what I meant. For some reason you think my goal is to be great. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am finding out more and more each day that I am very influential. I am driving the conversation in this community. God is such a good God. When you heart is right all one has to do is serve. I look forward to serving Jason the greeting that he deserves. Bunneh, have you seen him.We still chasin jason.
Learn to read brother. I said how like you to assume I was white or even a woman. I never said I wasn't, Lord in heaven you are so stupid. and you never address what I actually say. In your ignorance you pick and choose what you will or will not speak to. Your son Kofi helped to kill a little girl!!!!! A.C. is an idiot who carries around your "go racist" signs for your sorry butt and the only people you influence are stupid, violent, racist ones who have a chip on their shoulders. They are like ignorant children with no mind of their own. I only hope that everyone, no matter what color their skin is, can see the evil you spread like a virus. It's a good thing you never hope to be a great man, cause dude, that ship has totally sailed. Even Farrakhan has learned to temper his hatred of the white race somewhat since his illness. You are so blatant about it, that it has to be addressed. I have traveled all over the world. I have friends in every nation. Friends of all colors, nationalities and religious beliefs. YOU ARE A PETTY, EVIL, DANGEROUS RACIST MR.AJABU and IT SICKENS ME WHEN YOU USE GOD AS A VEHICLE TO SPREAD YOUR HATRED. ANYONE WHO IT DOES NOT OFFEND IS COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY!!!!
You will answer for what you are doing at the Throne of Our King. as I will have to answer for lowering myself to your level to get a point across to those people of intellect who happen to follow your blog. You better live a loooong life, because Hell is forever sir. FOREVER.
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I hope you do find Jayson, Then when you do him in, you will go to prison and we won't have to listen to your crap radio show anymore, then 2 racists can be taken out in one fell swoop. and the lies you perpetuate will end as well as the exploitation of Brandon Johnson.
Sorry, but I have a problem with the US killing Gadhafi's 29 year old son and 3 grandchildren who were all under the age of 12. I too am a parent and grandparent.
Indeed, I'm also truly disappointed with Obama, who could have taken a different approach. Does not a leader calling for a cease fire to negotiate mean anything? Instead of a drive-by, that was a fly-by. Gee-KILL! KILL! KILL! Why, what happened to people being tried in a court of law?
Finally, let us pray as the scramble for Africa continues and the people will be forced off of their land and into urban areas where they will experience overcrowded conditions and live extreme povery.
Peace & Blessings,
Who are you?? Tell us who you are!! CHICKEN!! Male, female, somewhere in between. Who are you LOL!! Now just look in the mirror and tell us what you see!! LOL. Lord help me. You missed your calling. Comedy is truly your forte. Thanks!1 You just made my day!! Don't be afraid to look in the mirror. Once you do that then share with us what the image reflects. DO IT!! LOL!! Have you seen Jason? Send him to the neighborhood. We need to give him the greeting.
Proud and happy to know you are still in the fight for justice for the black man and woman here in Indianapolis. The last time I saw you was years ago at the West End plaza to raise funds for your sons defense. I just returned from Atlanta. How is your son and family? We donated to the cause and always will. Peace to you and yours
I was trying to find your radio show you spoke of yesterday (re: the truth behind the "al-Qaida" story), but I couldn't get the link to work =-( Do you have an archive of these somewhere? Do you have live streaming?
Marcilla =-)
Any true blooded African would have problems with President obama trying to kill Quadaffi. Blacks should not be killing blacks at home or abroad.
God bless you. Glad to see you are back around. Click on the contact link on the right side of this page and leave a way for me to get in touch. Let's do lunch?
Sometimes the show is tampered with. I will let you guess by whom. However, you are in luck. Here's the show. It expires in a couple of days. So I would listen soon. God bless.
Ok, F.L.,
I told you I was a woman. You are the one who is confused. Are you Muslim? Black Theologian or a follower of Christ? You need to make up your mind. When I look in the mirror I see a beautiful, vibrant, intelligent woman who fights injustice and racial hatred. I bet you don't see anything cause Vampires have no reflection.
It's sad you think I am a comedian and you place levity on how people of all colors and nations are treated so badly. This says a lot more about the content of your character, then the content of mine. You exploit young black men like Brandon Johnson to meet your own sick racist agenda and you exploit God. I'm telling you, he ain't gonna let that go buddy. He ain't gonna!!
and Mr. Banks, how did throwing your money away on Kofi's defense work out for you? Yeah..... totally got your moneys worth there my friend. Well, I must be off, there are others things on my calendar today. I just needed to let Dracula know I am still on the job.
You know who I am
P.S. God probably shut down your radio show so he could finish writing up all the evil things you have done in his book. For when you get your reckoning!!!!!
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Thanks for the feedback. President Obama has truly lost his way. We must continue to put pressure on him so he knows we know. Being an American should never be more important than being what God made us. Brotha has truly lost his way. Please distribute widely.
You know who you are and continually show us you do not like yourself. Yes I do know who you are. You are a confused, arrogant white woman that has secret desires for a black man because your husband has proven inadequate. Those of us who are black and men do not want less than the best. You are stuck with that piece of a man. ENJOY!! LOL. You looked in the mirror and saw beauty?? PLEASE!! You know you don't like what you look at. Thank God I was born black and beautiful. We know white people have an inferiority complex. Your tactic to make others feel inferior to whites just continues to expose your inferiority complex. I thank God again for not looking like you. Moreso I pray and thank God for not giving me the history that white folks have. I don't know how you sleep at night. Really!! You might as well go on and do what you can with that piece of man. A true black man would have nothing to do with your arrogant butt. We know the epitome of feminity. Black women are the top of the female chain. You know it LOL. Black woman, sweet, lovely, beautiful, Black woman. Man, it just don't get no better than black woman. Oh by the way, Have you seen that piece of a man Jason? We still would like to give him the greeting. Thank you Father for making me and my people who we are. When it becomes time to account I sure would hate to be white with the way they have behaved here on earth. Thank you Father. AMEN!!!
Let me deal with one more thing. I would suggest you tune in. REALLY!! Am I Muslim, Black Theologian, or a follower of Christ? Now that is a good question. I am going to deal with religion on my next program. By definition a Muslim is one who summits to the will of God. So by that definition I truly am muslim. I am black, beautiful and a theologian. So yes, I am a Black, Theologian. Since Jesus believed in doing the will of his Father then he too submitted to the will of God. That makes Jesus by definition a muslim. I do believe in following the lessons that Jesus share with us through his life. So yes, I am a follower of the annoited. And I do love me some Farrakhan. Yes I do!! Yes I do!! Yes I do!! LOL. (-: And Bunneh I sure seek your assistance in getting Jason's schedule to come to the neighborhood. I know you know him. Tell him we are waiting on him. He must be given the proper greeting. May God add a blessing to the truth of this word. AMEN!!
As for my husband. He is more man than you will ever be. He is good and kind to all men, passionate and noble, cares for others, protects the weak, He is handsome, strong, brave and confident.
In fact the Song of Solomon from the Bible best describes how we feel about each other:
Son 1:9 to 1:17
I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots.
Thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, thy neck with chains of gold.
We will make thee borders of gold with studs of silver.
While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof.
A bundle of myrrh is my wellbeloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts.
My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi.
Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes.
Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green.
The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir.
Also, our children and healthy, beautiful and successful. As God meant for them to be. They were raised in a loving 2 parent household where they were taught respect for all others, regardless of the way they look. You always try some covert insult when you have no intelligent response. What are you? a five year old?
And Jesus was NOT a Muslim, he was King of the Jews. Do you even own a Bible? Cause it kinda seems like you do not.
Also, just to clarify,
Most African Americans as well as most people from every other race are most assuredly my equals as well as being my peers. It's just people like you and Jayson that are beneath me and whose vile hatred, must be stopped. If Jayson had a blog, I would be on it disparaging him as well. You are both the same. The exact same.
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If the history of white people is what you hate, trying looking at your present. It is just as embarrassing, because you don't try to break the cycle of violence and welfare dependency, as well as, crime against all races, including crime against each other. You will never win an argument against Bunneh, until you have a present to be proud of.
A Muslim (pronounced /ˈmʊslɨm/) is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran. It's based on the Quran, not the Bible. Need I start quoting the craziness that is in the Quran? Which book has more power and more followers? If you answered the Bible, you would be correct. Do you feel there are 72 virgins waiting for you Ajabu? and what happens after you have sexually disappointed those 72 virgins? Yeah, You would then be completely out of women who have no frame of reference of having experienced a real man. So then you would have to be compared to much better men. Real men.
My pen is mightier than your sword and Gods word is mightier than both. AMEN
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