Democracy's Fallacy!! Obama has lost his Way.
Y’all just ain’t gonna believe it!! As you know it is estimated that one fourth of the diamonds in the world are located in Zimbabwe. While working with the lawyer and financial advisor we found out that the United States has changed the rules of the game. That’s right!! President Obama has accepted the recommendation of the Jewelers of America and made it against the law for American citizens to buy Zimbabwe’s diamonds!! Go to for more info.
The president has dropped bombs on the continent of hisdaughter's grandfather's birth. Is that the image he wants Sasha to have of him. Surely he doesn't want to be viewed as the black man that took black people back into the slavery? He must know we ain't going whether it is a black man or any other man that tries that madness. Forever forward!! NEVER BACKWARDS!! Y'ALL READY? FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE BLACK PANTHERS: We ain't afraid!! Check out this video Give me my peace. Nah! Don't give it to me. I'll take it!!
He refused to attend the International Conference on racism hosted by South Africa. Now he doesn’t want black people to help the people of Zimbabwe or ourselves. Lord that man has lost his way. But not only him!! I have asked for Rep. Andre Carson to intervene. We expect Andre on the show Monday. This and more will be discussed on AjabuUnleashed!
Title: Democracy’s flaw!!
When: Monday, April 25, 2011
Time: 11AM
• Andre is supporting a white woman for Mayor instead of his
• President Obama has bombed Africa and now is supporting the
starvation of Zimbabweans
• Preachers have taken up several 10’s of thousands of dollars to
assist Brandon Johnson’s family. The family has gotten $1,000
of the money. Where is the rest of it?? WHERE??
• Black police officers want to speak out but are afraid to speak
out against the wrong of white police officers because white
police officers will put the black police officers intentionally in
harm’s way.
What the hell is going on??
Somebody has got to tell the truth!! Looks like the task has fallen on me. Well, I truly believe the truth will set you free. So I am going to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God because I am not afraid of freedom!! I am unbought, unbossed, untied and unafraid. This is must listen to radio!! C U There.
What the hell has America made black people into? Are we more concerned about being American than we are about the welfare of our own?? You don't want to miss this show. It is must listen to radio!! Call in @ 1-760-569-7676
Access Code 708994
Are we pro America and anti ourselves?? It is time to seek answers to this question. Tune in. You won't want to miss this show. You life will not be the same. Read more about President Obama's attempt to stop Zimbabwe from selling its diamonds on the world's market. Let me also say this. Even though I take issue with the president's policies I truly do love the man. He is still the one we should support for re-election. We should do so because we have a much better chance of changing his policies than we would any other. His daddy is from the African Continent. Eventually he will see the light. We must keep the contradiction of his policies front and center. The truth will set him, you, us free. We must not be afraid of freedom. We must have the courage to excercise our freedom. I am unbought, untied, unleashed, and unafraid. Don't miss the show. Please feel free to leave comment on this page. Bunneh, that even goes for you with your arrogant self.
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Reader Comments (46)
Ajabu, I am happy to see you admit Farrakhan's complicity in Malcolm X's murder. Of course you had no choice, when the man openly admitted it. I am also glad you feel remorse for the Allemeno's murders. If our young black men had a stronger familial base and the support of loving fathers, more of these tragedies could be avoided.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
God Bless you and keep you brother, and may his mercy follow you all the days of your life.
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Wow!!! What happened to The Bunneh? There must have been a revelation. There is a God!! Thank you Father. THANK YOU!! Bunneh you should tune in tomorrow for the Special Broadcast of AjabuUnleashed. Presiden Obama has lost his way. We are going to do our best to help him find his way back home. Tune in. Call in. Your life will not be the same.
I wouldn't miss it Ajabu!
You must know by now I am your friend, not your enemy. I seek only to share with you the path to peace and brotherhood. I want you to set aside your anger and hatred. It will make you a happier person and a better leader. I wouldn't spend so much time with you if I did not feel you were completely worth the trouble. God Bless Brother!!!
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Nothing but Love for you!!!
Some anger. No hatred. Much righteous indignation.
The righteous indignation part you totally have nailed. I just don't want to see more of our young people hurt. I know we can all overcome adversity and do great things. Peace
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We as a people- by John Allen
We as a people, as a nation and as a world community, must be accountable for our own decisions and actions. This is true of both men and women, rich or poor, democrat or republican, white or black, etc... However, we as a people must come together to help raise one another up, and support each other. There are those who won't accept responsibility for their actions or decisions and there are those who won't help their fellow man and support others in time of need. God’s people are responsible to defend the poor, feed the hungry, comfort the bereaved, heal the sick, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, shelter the homeless, care for orphans, provide for widows, strengthen the disabled and the elderly, bind up the wounds of the afflicted, wet the lips of the thirsty, assure justice, and remove stumbling blocks from the paths of those who falter. However, a person must be willing to help themselves before accepting help from others, for GOD helps those who help themselves. GOD wants us to love ourselves and others as he loves us. And to do this we must first realize the sacrifice that Jesus made for the world. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit dwells within all of us however, it is the gift of free will which allows for us to choose the path we take and temper our souls so that we can be ready to face or GOD in heaven, or turn our backs on him and forever dwell in Eternal Darkness.
What you mean you don't wnat to see more of our young people hurt?
Ajabu, LoL!!
-- you forgot you hate white people, especially white women married to black men!!!!
LOL! I bet you'd like big fat piece of "white cake"nah wuddnt ya Ajabu!!!
What I meant was, there is no need to hate each other. Most murders and shootings of young black men are done by young black men. I had occasion to watch a murder trial of a young black male here in Indianapolis. This young man shot and killed a young man and his friend and the young man he shot was not even the person he was looking to shoot. Now this young man is spending the rest of his life in prison and the person he wanted dead is free and walking the streets. So many of these deaths occur due to very small misunderstandings. So many people are hurt or killed because someone felt they were being "disrespected". When, in actuality the other person may just be having a bad day. but we are so quick to rush to judgment and carry huge chips on our shoulders when all we really need to do is communicate better. You are a man of great experience. I know you have seen a lot of senseless violence. I really would like you to start spreading a more positive message in your blog and on your radio program. Dr. King, Gandhi, Steven Biko, these were all great men of peace who were taken from us before their time, yet their legacy is greater than any War monger. Why do you think this is? I can tell you it's because Love is stronger than Hate. Encourage people to settle their differences in a peaceful way. You have an opportunity to achieve greatness Ajabu, if only you would do in your heart what you know to be right. Peace Brother.
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Much of what you say I am in agreement with. Young black males definitely need to stop resolving conflict by killing one another. To shoot one another is a waste of bullets. They should save for bullets for when Jason and his ilk comes to the neighbor to inadvertantly kill young black males.
On the macro level the same thing goes for President Obama. For him to authorize the bombing of Libya is for a black man to authorizes the killing of African people. No black should support the resolution of differences with other blacks in a way that cause the death of one or the other.
Jason the invitation is open. We would love to give you the proper greeting. COME ON DOWN!!
Again. You miss the point. Sigh...........Maybe I am wasting my time on you. You feed Jason when you respond to him. Ajabu. He is playing you like a fiddle. You are just dumb enough to let him do it. I am so above him that I don't even bother with him. Why can't you?
Maybe you are wasting your time. You are not my mentor, or even someone I trust. I don't know you. You shouldn't put yourself in a place in my life on which I have not agreed. I am waiting for Jason to come out and play. Damn, there I go again. Yep, you are wasting your time on me. I will never be passive to aggression. Jason, the invitation is open. Damn, there I go again. Yep, if you want me to be passive, it is truly a waste of time. Self defense is a fundamental response for those with a healthy mental health. I feel just fine. Jason, when you coming to the neighborhood. Bunneh wants me to ignore you. He/she, or that human, may choose to do that. I choose not. If you come down in the neighborhood inadvertantly killing people we will respond in kind. If we don't find you, then anyone will do. Bunneh, you are wasting your time!! Quit it. We will not be passive in the light of the agression of which Jason speaks. And for some reason he thinks I want his white butt momma. Man I want the best, you can have the rest. Jason I know people who already have had your momma. they told me how nasty she was. That had your sister too. Like momma like sister. If I were you I would be ashamed to be in that family. Hell, I would be ashamed to be white. Does that mean I hate white people. Nooooooo! I just know y'all's history. Lord thank you for making me a black man. Thank you Father!!
Again. You miss the point. Sigh...........Maybe I am wasting my time on you. You feed Jason when you respond to him. Ajabu. He is playing you like a fiddle. You are just dumb enough to let him do it. I am so above him that I don't even bother with him. Why can't you?
You don't need a mentor, you need a keeper. If you can't find Jayson, anyone will do? What an ignorant statement. You just said you are endorsing random violence against random people not of your acquaintance. You are not just a waste of my time, but a waste of oxygen as well. I totally see why you are where you are, as well as why your family is where they are. I don't expect you to be passive, I expect you to quit making some African Americans look bad, violent and stupid. You don't want to pick yourself up and raise up your station in life. You are a thug and I see why you support Brandon "I have a huge criminal history and my mom is a 2 bit welfare sponger" Johnson. Go ahead and kill people, you idiot. The sooner you are taken out of the shallow end of the gene pool, the better.
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Bunneh, Have you seen Jason??
Sent: Sat, Apr 30, 2011 11:27 pm
Subject: America's Gift for the English Royal Couple
The murder of the son and 3 grandchildren of Colonel Qaddafi of Libya is the precious gift given to the royal couple of England. Three little children unstained yet by the follies of life. Three mangled virgins innocent lie at the throne of grace. What a royal present this is from the USA, NATO, United Nations Security Council, France and all of imperial Europe. Three children all wrapped and delivered by president Barak Obama of the USA.
Who is this standing now at the bars of human justice? Can it be the American people hands dripping with blood? American hands are not clean. They drip with the blood of little innocent children. Naught can deny that its the Americans who murder the children of God
My soul is humbled before the creative force. I weep with the mothers and daughters of Libya and all of Africa for this egregious crime has no forgiveness. America and the West continue to murder and sacrifice Africa's babies for their filthy greed.
We will Be Heard,
Colia L Clark
Manhattan Green Party
"For my people trying to fashion a better way from confusion, from hypocrisy and misundersyanding, trying to fashion a world that will hold all the people, all the faces, all the Adams and Eves and their countless generations.
Let a new earth rise. Let another world be born. Let a bloody peace be written in the sky. Let a second generation full of courage issue forth. Let a beauty full of healing and strength of final clenching by the pulsing in our spirits and our blood. Let the martial songs be written, let the dirges disappear. Let a race of men now rise and take control." For My People by Margaret Walker Alexander
Your mentality is why your son went along with his friends that night. He is as weak minded and unable to think for himself as you are. You are so clouded by hate that you are unable to make a free choice. Why do you think he will never see light of day outside a prison? It's because he is as guilty as the other two. You continue to endorse violence, when it has had such a profound negative impact on your own life, and the lives of your family. You are a sad, angry, little man. And yes Ajabu, people now sign in just to read my posts. Did I just say that? Yeah, that's a freakin lame thing to say. Sorry I went there people. Ajabu attempts to make things sound controversial. He uses sensationalist journalism to try and provoke people into stupidity. And the dude that giggles over his stupidity on his radio show, reminds me of the little dude that used to carry Mike Tyson's boom box everywhere. Also........ LAME!!!!!! Ajabu, get an education and maybe someday you will be a match for me. No actually, you will never be a match for me. Because you can't fix stupid!!!!
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Ajabu plays YOU like a fiddle.
So. Your posse does hang on my every word. Guess that makes you my biatch A.C.
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Have you seen Jason. I was moving about the neighborhood this weekend and so many people told me they were chasing Jason. No one has found him yet. However, we are looking. Jason come on down. There is a new type of black man in the community. Don't let Bunneh's scared butt fool you. We would love to get you the greeting you deserve. If you come down into this neighborhood and start killing black people just because you are white and think your whiteness gives you that priviledge, I am telling you we got something for you LOL. And if we can't find you, then you will make us find somebody and treat them like you. You ready for that?? We are!! Bunneh, have you seen him? Jason you could very well be the catalyst to make our youth to stop killing each other and understand who the real enemy is. Bunneh, are you afraid to let people know who you are? You do an awful lot of talking behind the curtain. If you are going to make A.C. your biatch then identify your punk butt self. Chicken!! Damn, did I say that? Yep!! I said and I meant it. CHICKEN!! Come on out of the closet you chicken. You better wake up. We ain't scaaaared. There is a new type of black in our neighborhood. Come on down and get acquainted. If I were you I would tune in to the show tomorrow. I will go further indepth about the new kind of black in the neighborhood. Look for ya!! CHICKEN!!