Y’all just ain’t gonna believe it!! As you know it is estimated that one fourth of the diamonds in the world are located in Zimbabwe. While working with the lawyer and financial advisor we found out that the United States has changed the rules of the game. That’s right!! President Obama has accepted the recommendation of the Jewelers of America and made it against the law for American citizens to buy Zimbabwe’s diamonds!! Go to http://beta.jewelers.org/about/j_whatwestandfor/zimbabwediamonds.php for more info.
The president has dropped bombs on the continent of hisdaughter's grandfather's birth. Is that the image he wants Sasha to have of him. Surely he doesn't want to be viewed as the black man that took black people back into the slavery? He must know we ain't going whether it is a black man or any other man that tries that madness. Forever forward!! NEVER BACKWARDS!! Y'ALL READY? FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE BLACK PANTHERS: We ain't afraid!! Check out this video http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150577789010296&oid=26139792372&comments Give me my peace. Nah! Don't give it to me. I'll take it!!
He refused to attend the International Conference on racism hosted by South Africa. Now he doesn’t want black people to help the people of Zimbabwe or ourselves. Lord that man has lost his way. But not only him!! I have asked for Rep. Andre Carson to intervene. We expect Andre on the show Monday. This and more will be discussed on AjabuUnleashed!
Title: Democracy’s flaw!!
Where: http://www.thewarhorn.com
When: Monday, April 25, 2011
Time: 11AM
• Andre is supporting a white woman for Mayor instead of his
• President Obama has bombed Africa and now is supporting the
starvation of Zimbabweans
• Preachers have taken up several 10’s of thousands of dollars to
assist Brandon Johnson’s family. The family has gotten $1,000
of the money. Where is the rest of it?? WHERE??
• Black police officers want to speak out but are afraid to speak
out against the wrong of white police officers because white
police officers will put the black police officers intentionally in
harm’s way.
What the hell is going on??
Somebody has got to tell the truth!! Looks like the task has fallen on me. Well, I truly believe the truth will set you free. So I am going to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God because I am not afraid of freedom!! I am unbought, unbossed, untied and unafraid. This is must listen to radio!! C U There.
What the hell has America made black people into? Are we more concerned about being American than we are about the welfare of our own?? You don't want to miss this show. It is must listen to radio!!
http://www.thewarhorn.com Call in @ 1-760-569-7676
Access Code 708994
Are we pro America and anti ourselves?? It is time to seek answers to this question. Tune in. You won't want to miss this show. You life will not be the same. Read more about President Obama's attempt to stop Zimbabwe from selling its diamonds on the world's market. Let me also say this. Even though I take issue with the president's policies I truly do love the man. He is still the one we should support for re-election. We should do so because we have a much better chance of changing his policies than we would any other. His daddy is from the African Continent. Eventually he will see the light. We must keep the contradiction of his policies front and center. The truth will set him, you, us free. We must not be afraid of freedom. We must have the courage to excercise our freedom. I am unbought, untied, unleashed, and unafraid. Don't miss the show. Please feel free to leave comment on this page. Bunneh, that even goes for you with your arrogant self.
http://www.jewelers.org/about/j_whatwestandfor/zimbabwediamonds.php |
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