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Good Reason Why African Union Should Morph Into United States Of Africa!!

Y’all just ain’t gonna believe it!! As you know it is estimated that one fourth of the diamonds in the world are located in Zimbabwe. While working with the lawyer and financial advisor we found out that the United States has changed the rules of the game. That’s right!! President Obama has accepted the recommendation of the Jewelers of America and made it against the law for American citizens to buy Zimbabwe’s diamonds!! Go to for more info.

The president has dropped bombs on the continent of hisdaughter's grandfather's birth. Is that the image he wants Sasha to have of him. Surely he doesn't want to be viewed as the black man that took black people back into the slavery? He must know we ain't going whether it is a black man or any other man that tries that madness. Forever forward!! NEVER BACKWARDS!! Y'ALL READY? You must listen to AjabuUnleashed


When: every Monday

Time: 11AM

I am unbought, unbossed, and unafraid. Someone has got to tell the truth about what's going on. Looks like the task falls on me. Tune in!! This is must listen to radio. C U There!!

What the World Got Wrong in Côte D'Ivoire

Why is the United Nations entrenching former colonial powers on our continent? Africans can and should take the lead in resolving their own disputes.


                                                    Gbagbo and Mbeki

The second round of the Nov. 28, 2010, presidential elections in Côte d'Ivoire pitted against each other two long-standing political opponents, Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara. For this reason, and of strategic importance, it was inevitable that this electoral contest would decide the long-term future of the country. Everybody concerned should have probed very seriously the critical question: Would the 2010 elections create the conditions that would establish the basis for the best possible future for the Ivorian people?

Rather, the international community insisted that what Côte d'Ivoire required to end its crisis was to hold democratic elections, even though the conditions did not exist to conduct such elections. Though they knew that this proposition was fundamentally wrong, the Ivorians could not withstand the international pressure to hold the elections.

However, the objective reality is that the Ivorian presidential elections should not have been held when they were held. It was perfectly foreseeable that they would further entrench the very conflict it was suggested they would end.

The 2002 rebellion in Côte d'Ivoire divided the country into two parts, with the north controlled by the rebel Forces Nouvelles, which supported Alassane Ouattara, and the south in the hands of the Gbagbo-led government. Since then, Côte d'Ivoire has had two governments, administrations, armies, and "national" leaders.

Any elections held under these circumstances would inevitably entrench the divisions and animosities represented and exacerbated by the 2002 rebellion.

The structural faults which lay at the base of the 2002 rebellion include such inflammable issues as trans-national tensions affecting especially Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso, Ivorian ethnic and religious antagonisms, sharing of political power, and access to economic and social power and opportunities.

In this regard, the international community has assiduously suppressed proper appreciation of various explosive allegations which, rightly or wrongly, have informed and will continue to inform the views of the Gbagbo-supporting population in southern Côte d'Ivoire -- and much of Francophone Africa!

These are that Ouattara is a foreigner born in Burkina Faso, that together with Burkinabè President Blaise Compaoré he was responsible for the 2002 rebellion, that his accession to power would result in the takeover of the country especially by Burkinabè foreigners, and that historically, to date, he has been ready to advance French interests in Côte d'Ivoire.

Taking all this into account, the African Union understood that a lasting solution of the Ivorian crisis necessitated a negotiated agreement between the two belligerent Ivorian factions, focused on the interdependent issues of democracy, peace, national reconciliation and unity.

In protracted negotiations from 2002, the Ivorians agreed that the presidential elections would not be held until various conditions had been met. These included the reunification of the country, the restoration of the national administration to all parts of the Ivorian territory, and the disarmament of the rebels and all militia and their integration in the national security machinery, with the latter process completed at least two months ahead of any presidential elections. Despite the fact that none of this was honoured, the presidential elections were allowed to proceed.

In the end, Ouattara has been installed as president of Côte d'Ivoire. Gbagbo, and his wife Simone, have ended up as humiliated prisoners. Many Ivorians have died and have been displaced, much infrastructure has been destroyed, and historic animosities have been exacerbated in the lead up to this outcome.

Many things have gone radically wrong along the road to this result.

Agreements relating to what needed to be done to create conditions for free and fair elections were wilfully and contemptuously ignored. The Ivorian Constitutional Council (CC) is the only body constitutionally empowered to determine the winner in any presidential election and to install the president, with the Electoral Commission (IEC) mandated to forward its provisional results to the CC. However, the very people who insist on the sanctity of the rule of law as fundamental to all democratic practice, elected illegally to recognise the provisional result announced by the chairperson of the IEC on his own, as the authentic outcome of the presidential election.

As provided by the law, Gbagbo contested the fairness of the elections in certain parts of the country, especially the north. The CC, rightly or wrongly, accepted the majority of the complaints made by Gbagbo, identified other "irregularities," annulled the votes in some districts, and declared Gbagbo the victor. The chairperson of the IEC did not take these alleged irregularities into account and decided that Ouattara had won.

The envoy of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, his fellow South Korean, SRSG Young-jin Choi, also determined that Ouattara had won, but on the basis of fewer votes than those announced by the IEC, having determined that some of the complaints made by Gbagbo were legitimate. In terms of the votes cast for the two candidates, the IEC, the CC, and the U.N. SRSG made three different determinations.

Gbagbo proposed that to resolve this matter, which bears on the important issue of the will of the Ivorian people, an international commission should be established to verify the election results, with the important pre-condition that both he and Ouattara should accept the determination of the commission.

This proposal was rejected by the international community -- despite the fact that it would have resolved the electoral dispute without resort to war, and despite the fact that some election observers questioned the fairness of the elections, especially in northern Côte d'Ivoire.

For instance, reporting on the elections in the north, the election observer mission of the AU led by Joseph Kokou Kofigoh, former prime minister of Togo, the independent civil society Societé Civile Africaine pour la Democratie et l'Assistance Electoral led by Seynabou Indieguene of Senegal, and the Coordination of African Election Experts (CAEE) from Cameroon, Senegal, Benin, Mali, Morocco, Gabon, and Togo led by Jean-Marie Ongjibangte of Cameroon, all sounded the alarm about the elections in the north.

For instance, the CAEE said: "After sharing information with other national and international election observers, we hereby state that the second round of the presidential elections in Côte d'Ivoire was held amidst major problems in (various northern) regions...

"These problems were stealing of ballot boxes, arresting of candidates' representatives, multiple voting, refusal to admit international observers to witness counting of ballots, and the murder of representatives of candidates. To that effect, we hereby declare that the second round of voting was not free, fair and transparent in these (northern) localities."

For its part, to this day, the ECOWAS election observer mission has not issued its report on the second round of the presidential election! Why?

Clearly the independent international commission proposed by Laurent Gbagbo could have been established and empowered to make a definitive and binding determination about what had happened. Time will tell why this was not done!

Further, the U.N. SRSG took the extraordinary decision to exceed his mandate by declaring who had won the presidential election, contrary to his tasks as detailed by the Security Council. This positioned the U.N. Mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) as a partisan in the Ivorian conflict, rather than a neutral peacemaker, equidistant from the belligerent parties.

From this point onwards, UNOCI had no choice but actively to work for the installation of Ouattara as president of the country and the removal of Gbagbo. Ultimately, this found expression in the blatant use of its military capacities to open the way for the Forces Nouvelles to defeat the Gbagbo forces and capture Gbagbo, under the shameless pretence that it was acting to protect civilians.

While obliged to respect its peacekeeping mandate, which included keeping the belligerent forces apart, UNOCI did nothing to stop the advance of the Forces Nouvelles from the north to the south, including and up to Abidjan. Nor did UNOCI or the French Licorne forces, as mandated by the United Nations, act to protect civilians in the area of Duékoué, where, evidently, the most concentrated murder of civilians took place! This recalls the United Nations's failure to end the more catastrophic murder and abuse of civilians in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo!

The Ivorian reality points to a number of incontrovertible conclusions.

The agreed conditions for the holding of democratic elections in Côte d'Ivoire were not created. Despite strong allegations of electoral fraud, the international community decided against conducting any verification of the process and the announced results. This left unanswered the vitally important question of who actually had won the elections, which Ouattara might have done.

The United Nations elected to abandon its neutrality as a peacemaker, deciding to be a partisan belligerent in the Ivorian conflict.

France used its privileged place in the Security Council to position itself to play an important role in determining the future of Côte d'Ivoire, its former colony in which, inter alia, it has significant economic interests. It joined the United Nations to ensure that Ouattara emerged as the victor in the Ivorian conflict.

This addressed the national interests of France, consistent with its Françafrique policies, which aim to perpetuate a particular relationship with its former African colonies. This is in keeping with remarks made by former French President François Mitterand when he said, "Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century," which former French foreign minister Jacques Godfrain confirmed when he said: "A little country [France], with a small amount of strength, we can move a planet because [of our]...relations with 15 or 20 African countries..."

The AU is also not without blame, as it failed to assert itself to persuade everybody to work to achieve reconciliation among the Ivorians, and therefore durable peace. Tragically, the outcome that has been achieved in Côte d'Ivoire further entrenches the endemic conflict in this country. This is because it has placed in the exclusive hands of the failed rebellion of 2002 the ability to determine the future of the country, whereas the objective situation dictated and dictates that the people of Côte d'Ivoire should engage one another as equals to determine their shared destiny.

During the decade he served as president of Côte d'Ivoire, Gbagbo had no possibility to act on his own to reunify the country and achieve reconciliation among its diverse people, despite the existence of negotiated agreements in this regard. As he serves as president of the country, Ouattara will not succeed to realise these objectives, acting on his own, outside the context of honest agreement with the sections of the Ivorian population represented by Gbagbo.

What was to come was foreseen by the then U.S. ambassador in Côte d'Ivoire, Wanda L. Nesbitt. In July 2009, she advised the U.S. government:

"It now appears that the Ouaga IV agreement, [the fourth agreement to the Ouagadougou Political Agreement which prescribed that disarmament should precede the elections], is fundamentally an agreement between Blaise Compaore [President of Burkina Faso] and Laurent Gbagbo to share control of the north until after the presidential election, despite the fact that the text calls for the Forces Nouvelles to return control of the north to the government and complete disarmament two months before the election...

"But the 5,000 Forces Nouvelles soldiers who are to be "disarmed" and regrouped into barracks in four key cities in the north and west until a new national army is created, represent a serious military capability that the FAFN [Forces Nouvelles] intends to keep well-trained and in reserve until after the election. The hand-over of administrative power from the FAFN to civilian government authorities is a pre-requisite for elections but, as travelers to the north (including Embassy personnel) confirm: the FAFN retain de-facto control of the region especially when it comes to finances."

The failure to address the "pre-requisite for elections" predetermined their outcome. The rebel "control" of the north, mentioned by Ambassador Nesbitt, prescribed the outcome of the 2010 presidential election. Similarly, it was the "military capability" of the rebellion, which Ambassador Nesbitt mentioned, that was used to ensure that Ouattara became president of Côte d'Ivoire.

It is little wonder that as the post-election crisis deepened, Laurent Gbagbo would cry out: I was betrayed!

At the end of it all, there are many casualties.

One of these is the African Union. The tragic events in Côte d'Ivoire have confirmed the marginalization of the union in its ability to resolve the most important African challenges.

Instead, the AU has asserted the ability of the major powers to intervene to resolve these challenges by using their various capacities to legitimize their actions by persuading the United Nations to authorise their self-serving interventions.

The United Nations is yet another casualty. It has severely undermined its acceptability as a neutral force in the resolution of internal conflicts, such as the one in Côte d'Ivoire. It will now be difficult for the United Nations to convince Africa and the rest of the developing world that it is not a mere instrument in the hands of the world's major powers. This has confirmed the urgency of the need to restructure the organisation, based on the view that as presently structured the United Nations has no ability to act as a truly democratic representative of its member states.

Thus, in various ways, the events in Côte d'Ivoire could serve as a defining moment in terms of the urgent need to reengineer the system of international relations. They have exposed the reality of the balance and abuse of power in the post-Cold War era, and put paid to the fiction that the major powers respect the rule of law in the conduct of international relations, even as defined by the U.N. Charter, and that, as democrats, they respect the views of the peoples of the world.

We can only hope that Laurent and Simone Gbagbo and the Ivorian people do not continue to suffer as abused and humiliated victims of a global system which, in its interests, while shouting loudly about universal human rights, only seeks to perpetuate the domination of the many by the few who dispose of preponderant political, economic, military and media power.

The perverse and poisonous proceedings that have afflicted Côte d'Ivoire pose the urgent question: How many blatant abuses of power will Africa and the rest of the developing world experience before the vision of a democratic system of global governance is realised? 

Posted on Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 08:23PM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | Comments57 Comments | References1 Reference

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    - Ajabu Speaks - Good Reason Why African Union Should Morph Into United States Of Africa!!

Reader Comments (57)

Un uh!! So you acknowledge your husbands weakness. Poor children. You should have thought about their father before you had them. I see you trying to live a better life by mimicking them black beautiful sistahs!! Girl, and that is what you called yourself, girl you just ain't got it compared to those royal African Queens. Oh, if you want a legitimate definition of muslim go to genuine Islamic literature. Otherwise you are getting what someone else wants a muslim to be. America is good at giving America's definition to other people. Just arrogant, just like you. I know it is hard for you to wallow in that pitiful history that white folks have made on this earth. Wow!! I feel sorry for you. I pray that God gives you comfort. I also pray that you give Jason the message to COME ON DOWN!! We have a greeting for him. Once you support him, now you are against him. You are a pitiful friend. Lord I truly pray for you. AMEN!! I would suggest that you really tune in to the show Monday. Religion will be dealt with. REALLY!!

May 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Do you even read my posts? It's like you are on a whole different plane of existence as the rest of us. I never supported Jayson, ever!!! How stupid are you? Maybe you should have someone read my posts to you slowly, and explain them point by point. I am shaking my head in amazement at your ability to not get even the smallest point. You do realize, many of the people who used to read your blogs, now see how stupid, angry and racist you really are. I have done my job and you have helped me. You have helped me beautifully and more than I ever thought possible. You have no right to speak about religion. You were thrown out of your church because you are a huge embarrassment to them and your rampant diarrhea of the mouth is the main cause of your expulsion. This is common knowledge. Everyone knows this, ask anyone in the Church.
All you know how to do is lie and disseminate. You are always spewing lies and hatred. You raised a murderer and I raised 2 beautiful successful people. You never speak to the issues, you always try to use lies about people to try to take the focus off how dumb and clueless you are. Or you revert to talking about Jayson and his greetin. You wouldn't give him a greeting of any kind if he did show up and lick your face. Cause you would then go back to prison where you belong. And quit trying to pull African Americans into your web of hatred. I have many beautiful, strong black women as my sisters and guess what? They don't like you either.
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and quit trying to use me to incite people to listen to your stupid racist radio show. God in heaven. If you hate our country so much, then leave it. Seriously, go to some other country, go to Libya. You seem to really love Libya. Libya would love to have you I'm sure. You could stay in Momar's pool house like O.J's little friend Kato.

May 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

You sound frustrated. I told you to quit wanting a black man and go on and get yourself one. Oh, that's right. A real black man wouldn't want less than the best. Looks like you're stuck you and those inadequate offspring. You know I know black women than know you. If they told you they like you and hate me then they are lying to you. The one's I know who know you are sure you are a sick little white women. I agree. Go hug your inadequate spouse. I did see him in the hospital running behind sister lady. He is frustrated too. Lord, what is going on in that house. Mark my word, that house will not continue to be a home. I pray for you. God bless. Tell your friend Jason to come on to the neighborhood. We would like to give him the proper greeting.

May 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Its 77 degrees in Tripoly, Ajabu, best go get you some of that Libyan weather. You admit over and over you have no idea who I am, yet you attempt to make cutting remarks about me. Just like you say Brandon " I have a long criminal history and my mom is a 2 bit welfare sponge" Johnson, is completely innocent. It looks like you have zero credibility and just lash out in impotent rage all the time. You know, you have been outed as an ignorant hate monger. My life is so much better than yours and my afterlife with the Lord will also be better than yours. I get to see my children all the time and I will be able to hold my grand babies and you won't ever see Kofi thru anything but glass and metal. If you had taught him love instead of hate, peace instead of war, he might have had a chance at a normal life. You can continue to lie all you want, you won't make me stop posting. Someone has to be the voice of reason to your voice of insane, blind, ignorant hatred. And the more you post mean lies about me and I just keep posting the truth, the less credibility you will have and some of the people who were listening to your mantra of hatred are falling off and turning away.
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At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

You cannot win. Good always triumphs over Evil, don't you know that? If you don't believe me, ask Osama Bin Laden when you see him in Hell.

May 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

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May 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAC

Awww, A.C.learned how to make a bunny rabbit face on his keyboard. Good for you little buddy.
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May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

Your children are lucky someone would want to hold them insecure bratts. And I am glad the truth will reign. That means your days are numbered. Unfortunately, so is America's. It can't tell the truth to save its life. Obama may have killed Osama but the story of how it happen is nothing but lies. Kofi has a better life in prison than Obama in the white house because Kofi is my innocent child serving time for a lying America. Obama is killing his own people for a lying America. When it comes time to account it will Obama who will language in hell with you and those two inadequate children that have you to hug. Lord I pray for them and their pitiful daddy too. God is not happy with most white folks and nor is God happy with black folks who carry out white folks agenda of hegemony as does Obama. Judgment will be passed on Bunneh, her sick parents that raise such a maligned person, and Bunneh's future which those misfit children of your's represent, Your inadequate husband will join the family in the judgment that God will place on you and all that think like you, to right now include President Obama. Osama, by his belief, will not join you. He is in paradise picking off 72 virgins one by one. We know you would like to be one of those but God would only give the best. If Osama's belief is true then he is surrounded by the epitome of femininity, my sweet and glorius African queens!! Lord, such a paradise. Dawn, oh excuse me, Bunneh, the chance of your lying butt along with your lying people getting into heaven, the chance is slim to none. lol You know it. I don't know how you sleep at night. I would advise you to listen to the show. Your sick butt, and people like you will be topic of discussion. Yep, keeping bringing your lies to this spot. This truth will set you free from them nightmares and lack of sleep. White folks history is so diabolical and Obama is helping to carry that develish history forward. Dawn, America, along with you better wake. There is a new type of African that has developed in the neighborhood and around the world.Obama is not that new African. Brother man has lost his way. Both are trying to make people believe that lies are really truth. First Osama resisted, Now we find out he was unarmed. The Seals stormed into the compound, now we find that their was very little resistance. Osama took a woman and put her in front of himself to use as a human shielf to protect his life, now we find that the woman supposed charged the seals and they shot her in the leg. Lie after lie after lie. And supposed Obama and gang was watching the whole operation on a live video feed. How did the story get so mangled when the President himself is supposedly and eye witness? Obama has become just like you. Girl, I call you girl because that is what you called yourself and how you act, hold onto your seat. THE TRUTH IS ON THE WAY!! SOON. My son is better off lock up, than you, your people, along with Obama who will be jacked up in Hell!! Thank you Father. THE TRUTH IS ON THE WAY!! AMEN!!!

May 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Wow, that was a whole new level of crazy. I don't even have to respond. Anyone who thought for a second you were not completely off your rocker, now has definitive proof that you are absolutely nuts. You are like a rabid dog, chained in the front yard of a crack house. Thank you, I guess I finally pushed you over the edge. Can you say terrorist watchlist?
You must really hate me now. This is so funny.
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P.S. You know I only listened to your show for 15 minutes one day and that was enough for me to know all I needed to know about you. I will never listen to your crap again so when you are screaming and hollering like an idiot. I will be getting a manicure and a pedicure and sipping champagne. Cheers :P

May 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

Osama took a woman and put her in front of himself to use as a human shielf to protect his life,
This is a direct quote from your last post. You are saying he cowered behind a woman's skirts, rather than reap what he sowed. Typical of men (being generous saying men) of your acquaintance. I believe you meant Languish in hell not language in hell (spellcheck is our friend).and thanks again for showing everyone the content of your character, short bus.

May 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


You just can't tell the truth. We appreciate you showing the ugly American. Now there is no doubt. You are just a liar. But that is American history. Liars about white supremacy, liars about, my momma being on welfare, liars about your inadequate husband and ugly children, liars about bin laden putting someone in front of himself to product himself from America's murder. America is so sick that it actually celebrated the killing of a man. Just down right pitiful and liars on top of that. America is on its way down. Its only possible savior is obama, and he has serious flaws. If he doesn't change his ways then we will continue to see the fall of America. I suggest that you tune in. You will miss something. We are missing Jason. Have you seen him LOL We have the greeting for him. Black soldiers are waking up. They will not fight a war in Africa. If Jason comes to the neighborhood and inadvertantly starts killing young black males America will have to fight wars at home and abroad. Are you ready for that? That will cause possible innocent white folks to be killed because of Jason. We welcome his stupid butt to the neighborhood. We reserve a greeting just for him. When you see him again tell him to come on down. America is on its way down. It spends more than it takes in. It can't keep borrowing from China. It can't win a war so its military can't any more go around the world stealing people's resources, like it is trying to do in Libya. America, like you Dawn, is morally bankrupt. Check out Sista Soulja God is not happy with America and you neither. You better WAKE UP!!

May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

I couldn't hear any of your B.S. over the Osama Bin Laden is dead bash I am throwing with all my American friends. We decided to use yellow party decorations in honor of the HUGE yellow stripe down his back.Get out of my Country, since you hate it here so much!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! oh yeah.....before I forget........ Suck it!!!!!
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uhm yeah...... Apparently a lot of prominent people feel you have lost your marbles hon. I just read about your meltdown in Indiana Barrister. Ajabu Unleashed and apparently un-medicated. Shabazz is so funny!!!!! Now that is a brilliant man. You must be so jealous that he is respected and educated and you are, well........ not!!!

May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

and about celebrating over the death of a mass murderer. When 9/11 happened and all those innocent people were murdered. There was film all over Muslim countries where they were partying in the streets. You are a big fat old ugly lying insane HYPOCRITE!!!! I gotta bounce dawg, they are running out of Champagne in the other room and I needs to be filling up some flutes brother!!!! Woot!!!!

May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


You have just proved your lack of civility. Lord praising death. Just because others act uncivil does not justify you doing the same. Lord you are the epitome of the ugly American!! Your country huh? Hummm. In order to be in your country I must support my demise. Maybe leaving is not such a bad idea. Will you help with the ticket? LOL

May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Whats up Doc?
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If I thought you would actually get off my turf, I would buy you the ticket. I'm sure many people would help cover the cost. Until I ran into a couple of people at a charity luncheon and your hilarious show came up in conversation, I had no idea just how many people see you as a cartoon character.
When 9/11 happened and all those innocent people were murdered. There was film all over Muslim countries where they were partying in the streets. You are a big fat old ugly lying insane HYPOCRITE!!!! If your chosen people are celebrating the death of thousands of innocents, why should I mourn the elimination of an infected boil?

You did not respond to Shabazz outing you as off your meds? What up Dawg? At least I address the topic at hand, which is more than you can say. Posting to your site is kinda like putting a dog in a round room and telling it to pee in the corner. You are stupid on a whole new level. It is pretty awesome to have you continually post your bile with hardly any prompting.
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My people were constructing aqueducts and creating modern civilization, while you were still hiding in caves and being afraid of the sun.

May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


You are just so ignorant and have no sense of history. It was white folks that were hiding in caves and trying to shield yourself from the sun. Why would the melanin people hide!! the sun is our friend. God gave us melaning to protect us from the sun. You are just a stupid, ignorant white woman.

I am not like President Obama and the birth certificate. When you talk about that bad haired dude Trump and Abdul just some things just don't warrant a response.

May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Who the hell is Dawn? Seriously?
It seems as if you have never cracked the cover of Darwin's Origin of the Species or the follow up book, The Voyage of the Beagle. I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't teach him to read.
Give me Dawns full name so I can friend her on facebook.
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speaking of facebook Jabby, you need to update your personal info. It says you are only 40 years old. Now who is the liar. If your murderer son was 21 years old, 15 years ago when he was put where he belongs, well even A.C. can do the math on this one.

May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


I am 40 plus 22 and loving every bit of it. And there you go still lying. Lord help her. She is going to burn in hell along with her two misfit childern and her inadequate husband. Dawn this is not the way to get a black man!! If fact, you should quit trying. Don't none of us want your pale butt. At one time I thought Abdul might, but he had enough sense to get the best. Now you know if Abdul don't want you then you are in really bad shape. You might as well go over there and hug your inadequate husband and them ugly kids. That is the best you gonna get. LOL. Lord this is so much fun. Thank you Father for making be a bold black man. I couldn't stand it if I looked like Dawn and her family. Thank you FATHER!! THANK YOU!!

May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

On your facebook profile, you have I'm 40 and still fine. Anyone can look at it, as it is a public profile. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt who is the liar Dawg. I turn down that advances of men from every race constantly as I am married to the best man in the World. Explain why, the second a brother gets a big payday he immediately gets himself a white woman. I guess that also shoots down your theory. Why are you not married Jabby? Cause no one will have you. Abdul is more man than you will ever be, no matter how much Viagra you take. Every facet of your pathetic life is flaccid and impotent. You are right, this is fun, although sometimes I feel sorry for you. Cause you don't realize when you have been punked.Which is sad :(
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May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


Does your inadequate "best man in the world" know that you be on this blog talking about my penis? If he is so great why don't you talk about is little pecker? LOL. Abdul has his problems, but his taste in women is not one of them. He went with the best. Wouldn't you call him successful? Yet, he didn't get himself a white woman. I never thought I would be defending Abdul, but on this one I am with him. He really surprised me. I have to give him that one. Wouldn't you? I am not married by choice, not because of lack of sexual performance!! Every woman can't get some of me. When I was younger, it was who so ever will let em come. And if I liked it, let em come twice. Now I have much more discretion. If I like ya, and we agree to wrestle intimately, girl don't have something to do. This is something that will take some time. Girl you better ask somebody!! I know your secret desires. However, it is not longer secret. You have told the world on this blog that you want a black man. Sorry, none of us that are real men want your pitiful white butt. Go give it to that inadequate man you married and who gave you those two ugly chillins. That is what you are stuck with. ENJOY!!

May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

I can make you do anything up to and including defending Abdul. You are not married by choice, by the choice of every woman you meet. You couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with ten grand and a banana stuffed in your pants. And shave that crap off your ugly face it looks like pubes. Actually, leave it on. It covers up at least a little of the outer ugly. Your inner ugly is off the hook and can't nothing cover that up.
Is wrestle intimately your term for forced intercourse? Cause you know ain't nobody letting you touch them willingly. I just vomited in my mouth a little thinking about poor Kofi's mom. I bet you guys had a huge water bill from all the showers she felt like she had to take to wash the BuBu offa her. Have you ever had a paternity test done? Maybe you brainwashed some other man's child into enough hate to kill young men and a little girl.
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May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

p.s. my name is not Dawn. That is a very nice name though. I still need the 411 on her so I can send her a facebook friend request. Why you holdin out on me? You share so much other stuff with us, why not that?

May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAC

Whatever Ajabu tells me to say, as I'm his only advocate, Whatever boom box I have to carry for him, whatever mess I need to clean up after him. Whatever of my puppet strings Ajabu has to pull. Yeah A.C. we get it. He owns you.
YOU need to get unleashed brother. You are Ajabu's yes man. I picture you standing behind him saying, "I know dat's right Reverend." and "Yes sirree boss". Be your own man. Pathetic.

May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh

If it weren't for Ru-fees and duct tape Ajabu would never get any.

May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Bunneh


You keep revealing your fantasy!! Girl you can't get none here!! You best go hug your inadequate husband and them ugly kids. It is obvious that you haven't ask anybody about me that has had me. I am telling you. YOU BETTER ASK SOMEBODY! That is the only way you might get to know something for you will never experience a true black man. We like the best. Would never accept you cause we know you are the less, if not the least of the hiearchy of women. You, your pitiful husband, and ugly children deserve each other. LOL!!!!

May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

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