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You must tune in to AjabuUnleashed:


When: Monday, March 21, 2011




Time: 11AM



·        Brandon Johnson home broken into without a valid warrant, gun put to his mother’s head, he and his brothers taken to jail. Brandon charged with possession of a firearm because of a picture. Yes you read it right, a picture!!! Let me paint another picture.

 The below picture is of Brandon's little sister. When the police invaded her mother's home she was in the bathroom. The police kick in the bathroom door and violated the privacy of this 13 year old little girl!!

·        Libya and the invasion of its sovereign territory. Listen to Aljazeera to get another perspective.

·        Pope’s position on the invasion of Libya

·        What should be the position of Christians on the invasion of Brandon’s home and Libya’s country? Yes the local is reflected in the global. Blacks in Africa and Blacks in America, WE ARE ONE!!


·        What should be the position of black police officers on the invasion of Brandon’s home? Is there any officers black or white that is going to speak out against this unlawful invasion?

·        What is Prosecutor Terry Curry doing? Public Safety Director Frank Straub stated publicly that Curry was in on the decision to invade Brandon’s mother’s house. Surely you are kidding me!!

·        Thomas Hardy killed a IMPD police officer. Is he the hero for which we have been looking?? I’m just asking.

·        And more!!


There are a number of positions on all the above issues. Who is telling the truth that surrounds these developments? It’s me!! I am unbought, unbossed, untied, unafraid. The truth will be told.  If you are NOT listening to me then you don’t know what is happening. This is must listen to radio. C U THERE!!



At the onset of America’s invasion of Afghanistan, former US vice President Dick Cheney was quoted as saying the Third World War has already began. Many at that time felt it was the usual American  political talk but events subsequently have proved that the US agenda is to remove any national leader who is not ready to handover his natural resources to the Americans.

A cursory look at the list of countries that have either been invaded or puppets placed in power to do the American will is getting longer by the day. From Iraq to Afghanistan, Egypt and Tunisia, the imperialists have now brought the war to the African continent and Libya is the first stop in long campaign that will ensure that patriotic leaders are removed from power through any means possible.

Now it is Colonel Muammar Qaddafi’s Libya that has been invaded by so-called Western democracies who are using surrogate fighters recruited from such infamous and murderous groups as al-qaida in Afghanistan, and those detained in Guantanamo Bay and the eastern European jails to come and kill our African brothers and sisters.

This determination to either kill the Libyan leader or split the country into two is being done under the thin veneer of a purported UN Security Council resolution that has imposed a no-fly zone on the country. What these so-called teachers  and defenders  of democracy have however forgotten  is that the Security Council is not authorized, according to the UN Charter, to intervene in the internal  affairs of any country, and any attempt to do so using any kind of reason will be the legalization of injustice and aggression which will undoubtedly have grave consequences not only for the Middle East but Europe and Africa as a whole.

The so-called no fly zone is a very hypocritical position taken by the world body. This shocking attitude which was promoted by the Arab League to ‘protect the protestors’ from government military attacks is at variance with the Saudi Army’s role in Bahrain which has been ruled by the al-Khalifa dynasty for more than 200 years. In that country, peaceful protests are being broken up through the use of brutal and naked force by the ‘police’ sent by another home of usurper tyranny, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with Saudi troops providing the muscle to commit this infamy with impunity .

These acts of genocide have not attracted the attention of the world body that is consumed with an anti-Qaddafi agenda.

In Libya, an armed insurrection against a legitimate government is on. In all logical situations, a sitting government is to be aided to beat back an invading force but in this case , the opposite is the case as the world is bent on ending the legitimacy of the Libyan leader.

From Washington we have heard Barak Obama thunder that Libya should hand over the territories it has seized from the hired goons. This statement looked at critically means Libya must be divided into two, one for the imperialists and the other for Libyans, an unheard of case in the world.

The hypocrisy and double standards being exhibited is shocking. U.S. President Obama is warning  Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi that his forces must stop attacking innocent civilians or face military action. And that military action is what the world will soon see as the B-52 bombers thunder from their bases loaded with weapons of destruction aimed at Libyans will soon be on their way from their bases in Italy and the various aircraft carriers scattered in the Mediterranean to cause mayhem in Libya.

NATO countries have begun
moving  planes and other military assets closer to Libya to enforce the so-called U.N. Security Council resolution.

The bombing of Libya will begin on or nearly to the day, of the eighth anniversary of the beginning of the destruction of Iraq, 20th March. Libya too will be destroyed - its schools, education system, water, infrastructure, hospitals, municipal buildings and electricity. There will be numerous "tragic mistakes", "collateral damage", mothers, fathers, children, babies, grandparents, blind and deaf schools and on and on bombed. And the wonders of the Roman remains and earlier, largely enduring and revered in all history's turmoils as Iraq, the nation's history - and humanity's, again as in Iraq and in Afghanistan, will be gone, for ever.

The infrastructure will be destroyed. The embargo will remain in place, thus rebuilding will be impossible. Britain, France and the US will decide the country needs "stabilising", "help with reconstruction." They will move in, secure the oil installations and oil fields, the Libyan people will be an incidental inconvenience and quickly become "the enemy", "insurgents", be shot, imprisoned, tortured, abused - and a US friendly puppet "government" will be installed.

The invaders will award their companies rebuilding contracts, the money - likely taken from Libya's frozen assets without accounting - will vanish and the country will remain largely in ruins.

And the loudest cheerleaders for this, as in Iraq, will be running round TV and radio stations in the UK, Europe and the US, then returning to their safe apartments and their UK/US/Europe paid tenures, in the knowledge that no bombs will be dropping on them. Their children will not be shaking uncontrollably and soiling themselves with terror at the sound of approaching planes. The media, as usual will trumpet how these murderous gangs from the Western world are good for the Libyans as their actions are meant to bring democracy, and free Libyans from a ‘bloodthirsty tyrant’, from the "new Hitler" or the "Butcher of Bengazi, as they have already started calling him.
With time the truth will be known but by then Libya will be broken and its people, fleeing, displaced, distraught will be sent back to the stone age while diseases long forgotten will rear their ugly head. Deformed babies will be born as they and their mothers are exposed to the dum-dum and bunker bursting shells manufactured from depleted uranium.

The most shocking aspect of this is the silence of individual African governments and the African Union in general over the invasion of a sister nation who is also member of the AU. It was criminal on the part of Nigeria, Gabon and most notably South Africa to have voted along with the likes of France, Great Britain and the US to impose the no-fly zone on Libya.

So soon South Africa has forgotten that at the height of the anti-apartheid struggle these countries that it has joined today to destabilize Libya were in cahoots with the apartheid regime to deny Africans the right to self-determination. It has also forgotten that Libya was one of the few countries that devoted its resources to the South African liberation struggle just to ensure that the obnoxious white supremacist regime was done away with. The thanks Qaddafi has received from Jacob Zuma is that the dogs of war must be let loose on the people of Libya so that Washington again holds sway over that country.

The bottom line to all these is that there is a racist agenda afoot and African leaders cannot see it. Ban Ki Moon has never shown any love to Africans since his days as South Korea’s foreign minister. By pushing through this racist agenda, he is just doing what he knows best – Africans must be enslaved again and one way to start this is to replace the patriotic leaders with puppets.

Having succeeded so far, nothing will stop Washington and the dogs of war from invading other African countries if Africans do not stand up and speak with one voice against this 21st re-colonisation of the continent.

Intelligence reports at our disposal suggest that there is a grand agenda in place to re-conquer the world and impose puppet leaders. From Libya, the next target is Syria, then Algeria and eventually the Islamic Republic of Iran whose resources the Americans and Zionist government of Israel have always coveted since the dawn of time.

Having achieved the regime change agenda in the Middle East, the next target will be the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela whose oil Hugo Chavez has ensured will benefit only his citizens instead of some so-called defenders of democracy and good governance sitting in London, New York, Paris and Washington to be followed by the old foe – Cuba. These will be followed by the invasion of North Korea, Ecuador, Bolivia and Eritrea among others in quick succession.

What lovers of democracy, freedom and justice however have always asked: When will NATO enforce the various UN resolutions on Israel so that the Palestinians, owners of the land can also have a homeland? When will NATO force Israel to lift the siege on the West Bank which is a huge concentration camp being operated by the bloodthirsty Zionist regime in the Middle East?

While we await the final word from the African Union, we urge all Africans, wherever they are to picket their governments to make a statement on the impending invasion of Libya. This is the time for Africans to show that they are ready to face the future with a renewed strength and confidence that they cannot be pushed around anymore. Enough is enough

Long live Libya,

Long live Brother Muammar Qaddafi,

Long live the Great Al-Fateh Revolution



By Alimamy Bakarr SANKOH

National Committee member’

African Unification Front (AUF).



Posted on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 11:21AM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | Comments22 Comments

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Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, observed on 21 March:

Every year, the world commemorates the anniversary of the 1960 Sharpville massacre, which saw dozens of peaceful demonstrators shot by police in apartheid South Africa merely for protesting racially discriminatory laws.

This year, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is devoted to combating discrimination faced by people of African descent. This focus reflects the United Nations General Assembly’s proclamation of 2011 as the International Year for People of African Descent.

The discrimination faced by people of African descent is pernicious. Often, they are trapped in poverty in large part because of bigotry, only to see poverty used as a pretext for further exclusion. Often, they lack access to education because of prejudice, only to have inadequate education cited as a reason to deny them jobs. These and other fundamental wrongs have a long and terrible history, including the transatlantic slave trade, the consequences of which are still felt today.

A decade ago in Durban, the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance adopted a forward-looking and comprehensive anti-racism agenda in which the empowerment of people of African descent figured prominently. The International Year is an opportunity to advance this effort and recognize the vast contributions made by people of African descent to the political, economic, social and cultural development of all our societies.

Overcoming racism compels us to address public policies and private attitudes that perpetuate it. On this International Day, I call on Member States, international and non-governmental organizations, the media, civil society and all individuals to engage meaningfully in the promotion of the International Year for People of African Descent — and to work together against racism whenever and wherever it occurs.

March 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBan Ki-moon


You must be having a full blown "manic" episode, you need to go focus on your diamond expedition!!!



March 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJayson

Why Has Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks!! the question shouldnt be about race.,..bu rather WHY HAVE THE US JUMPED TO SAVE LIBYA AND DID NUTHIN TO HELP YMEN, BAHRAIN AND SAUDIS PEOPLE? AND BEFORE THEM TUNIS AND EGYPT? oh Libya got the biggest Oil Reserves in Africa? OOOOOOOH Bush n Obama are ONE

March 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterT. West

I had seen an Al Jazeera report earlier that first said Gaddafi had shot down a jet from an outside "intervener", the I just saw the same footage, and the story was turned into anti Gaddafi rebels were flying the plane ??? How would a civilian know how to fly a jet, and how could they hi-jack it ???

March 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNatTurner

Lugar: Budget and Troops Too Stretched for Libyan Action

Senator Dick Lugar, the Ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, reiterated his call today for "full congressional debate on the objectives and costs" of President Obama's military actions in Libya, "and a declaration of war" to proceed.

"There needs to be a plan about what happens after Gadhafi,” Lugar said. “Who will be in charge then, and who pays for this all. President Obama, so far, has only expressed vague hopes.”

“Congress has been squabbling for months over a budget to run the federal government for a fiscal year that is almost half over,” Lugar said. “We argue over where to cut $100,000 million here and there from programs many people like. So here comes an open-ended military action with no-end game envisioned.

With the Arab League already having second thoughts, and Turkey nixing NATO taking over, today there are even more questions. We also have to debate how all this effects the Saudis, Bahrain and Yemen."

“The facts are that our budget is stretched too far and our troops are stretched too far,” Lugar said. “The American people require a full understanding and accounting, through a full and open debate in Congress.”

March 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDick Lugar

Subject: Draft press Release: White War Clouds Storms Africa
March 21, 2011
Contact: Rev. P.D. Menelik Harris/404-527-7756
Emergency Meeting as 'White' Cloud gathers over Africa

Atlanta, GA. Our people need to know that the no-fly-zone is a declaration of war on Africa stressed Baba Hekimah, while shaping the 5-point-action plan in response to the invasion of Africa by the United States, European Union and members of the Arab League. The emergency meeting with Pan African and African centric leaders in Atlanta was chaired by Baba Mukasa Dada and called for an immediate cessation of military assault on Libya by air, land and sea as one of the highest priority responses to the grave situation affecting Africa.

Baba Mukasa is a Civil Rights and Pan African leader who served as part of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the All African People Revolutionary Party (AAPRP). He is currently an Executive member of the World African Diaspora Union (WADU). Both the Civil Rights and Pan African movements were catalysts for the freedom and rights of African people in the U.S., Africa and elsewhere in the world. However, these rights are now been trampled on across the world.

In addition to the call for immediate cessation of the invasion of Africa, African Diaspora leaders in Georgia are also calling for the African Union to immediately implement the United States of Africa and the African High Command as a Pan African government and military command and control structure for the full integration of African Africa. A United States of Africa High Command would make Africa the second largest military behind China. After slavery, colonialism and imperialism have destroyed Africa, Africa needs a strong military to protect its economic, political and social advancement, especially to defend against another imminent foreign invasion. The United States of Africa and the African High Command were envisioned by great leaders like the late great Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Marcus Garvey to protect Africa from neo-colonialism and imperialism.

The third point-of-action is for Black communities to engage in continuous civil mass demonstrations across the world against the military invasion of Africa by the same forces who participated in the Maafa mass enslavement of Black people. The first demonstration will be held on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 in Atlanta and will continue indefinitely. African Liberation Month in May will also remain a high priority for actions across the African world for mass mobilization to protect gains made since African enslavement.

Additionally, the African Diaspora community leaders are urging African Union leaders to eliminate all foreign military bases, including Africom and other European bases in Africa because these military outposts of Europe are threats to the advancement of Africa as a self-determined and free continent. Finally, the African Diaspora community leaders are urging the African Union to implement plans for the African Diaspora to gain dual-citizenship as a way to strengthen the resolve of the Pan African Diaspora community to protect and invest in a sustainable and empowered Africa.

The facilitator of the emergency meeting Kofi Adjeri of Africa also reminded others that Libya and other parts of Africa such as Ivory Coast are targeted by the Europeans and the United States as a new scramble for African resources to continue stealing Africa’s oil and other forms of mineral wealth. The industrial power, prosperity and wealth of Europe are only due to the European colonization and enslavement of Africans. Africa’s wealth is now in greater demand to stabilize in Europe after its economic meltdown which started in the United States.
Without Africa’s resources, Europe and the United States will continue to degenerate as powerful economic forces in the world. Since the 1960's, Africa's freedom struggle has sapped its former enslavers from the direct exploitation of Africa. Africans everywhere are urged to rise up as the dark cloud of 'whiteness' gathers storm over Africa to continue its savage rape of Africa to protect White hegemony and supremacy in the world from a powerful China, Russia, India and Brazil.

March 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMenelik

"We must be prudent. We know what our political line is: We don't
support invasions, or massacres, or anything like that no matter who
does it. A campaign of lies is being spun together regarding Libya.
The U.S. government is behind the campaign to remove Qadhafi."
-President Hugo Chávez in a speech
to university graduates in Venezuela
March 2, 2011
21 March, 2011.
Subject: “UN-NATO Forces of Terrorism massacre civilians in Libya”.
Long before he became President Barack Obama, the then senator was
quoted as saying in the Senate on December 20, 2007 that "The
President (of America) does not have power under the Constitution to
unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not
involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."
Suddenly Obama, leading the coalition of the willing has gone to do
exactly what he said was an illegal act by declaring an all out war on
a government without seeking the approval of Congress. As we rightly
pointed out earlier that the war will begin exactly on the 8th
anniversary of the attack on Iraq by George Bush, Jr so it was. And in
that first night of madness, more that 120 tomahawk missiles were
fired on Libya and according to official sources each missile costs
nearly $600,000. Total cost on day one for Cruise missiles alone: $67
million at a time, tent cities have appeared across America because
the country 'does not have enough money to keep people alive and in
decent, dignified conditions – but always enough to wage war
The U.S. and its allies have therefore embarked on another holocaust
campaign and regime change operation. Before they started their
attacks on the people of Libya, they admitted that there would be
civilians causalities but also claimed they were acting to save these
civilians which they are killing today en mass.
Hours after the attacks, sources in Libya have reported that three
civilian medical facilities - two hospitals and a medical clinic were
bombarded. These are the Al-Tajura Hospital and the Saladin Hospital
in Ain Zara. The clinic that was bombed was also located in the
vicinity of Tripoli, the Libyan capital. Not only were these civilian
structures, but they were also all far away from the combat zone.
How can the UN-NATO alliance justify the killing of over three hundred
civilians and wounding more in two days of indiscriminate bombing of
Libyan cities and towns? How can this be justified at a time when the
whole world has come to condemn the gruesome attacks against Africa,
Libya and Libyan people?
The Hugo Chavez Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity
(HCI-FPFS) is convinced that the ongoing aggression and massacre of
civilians in Libya by UN-NATO forces of terrorism are acts that are no
longer practice in our civilized world. We categorically condemn
UN-NATO anti-African, anti-Libyan genocide campaign that targets the
integrity of Africa by undermining its sovereignty, and rupturing its
unity and peaceful co-existence.
We of the Hugo Chavez Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity
(HCI-FPFS) find it interesting that these same coalition partners who
through their various media told the world that there was a popular
uprising against the Libyan political leadership now has to bring in
Tomahawk and Cruise missiles to help sustain the ‘popular uprising’.
It is becoming clear to the world that once more we have been taken
for a ride through the manipulation of the United Nations system which
agreed to an act which when subjected to logical and critical thinking
falls flat on its face and is therefore clearly illegal and criminal
We are watching the response from Tripoli as the patriotic citizens
have come out to support the political leadership and condemn the
unjustified attacks and clear acts of aggression launched against
their country, Libya.
For once the Arab League is beginning to see its folly in calling for
the so called ‘no-fly zone’ which has been translated to mean an all
out war zone. What it forgot was working with the Devil has its
consequences which must be prepared to bear most especially when these
messengers of death are professional liars who have on countless
occasions in the past 20 years manipulated the media and lied to the
whole world to create and cause wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan
and elsewhere where the land is rich in mineral resources especially
gold and oil.
Added to that is the involvement of the cut-throats called al-Qaeda
whose policy is that every black person found in Libya is a
‘mercenary’ recruited to fight the so called bazooka wielding
protesters when in actual fact these are genuine Libyan born Africans
or genuine expatriate workers engaged in the oilfields and allied
professions or medical doctors and teachers. So apart from the attacks
against civilian facilities, a war of genocide and extermination is
quietly being waged against Africans over which the world is silent.
The winner of the 'Nobel Peace prize, Obama launched his liberation of
the good people of Libya with his own shock-and-awe bombing campaign
appropriately on the eighth anniversary of Bush's illegal invasion of
Iraq. This tyrannical intervention is so naked, so brazen in its
hubris that whatever shred of goodwill America had left is completely
gone. America is officially the most murderous, anti-democratic,
terrorist nation the world has ever known.
Interestingly, on the very same day of this unconstitutional act of
war, the US reintroduced the National Service "Draft" bill that will
allow more American citizens to be drafted and sent to this new and
fourth theatre of war to be slaughtered and sacrificed to the gods of
greed and add their names to the more than over 4,400 servicemen with
over 32,000 injured who have died in Iraq. The world is finding out
too late what a “no fly zone” means to “the coalition of the willing.”
We are however happy that the African Union is finding its voice and
has called for an immediate end to the act of brutal aggression and
impunity against the people of Libya while China and Russia have
called this belligerency primitive while to the Venezuelan leader,
Hugo Chavez, this is simply an act of madness and we agree totally
with these condemnations.
For those Arab countries like Qatar who have decided to join this act
of race purification and genocide, they must be sure of one thing: the
NATO agenda is not against Libya alone, it is a plot meant to remove
all leaders – whether they join in removing the Libyan political
leadership or not – and these sheikhs and their families who have
misruled the Middle East and did the America and NATO bidding are on
their way out as a new wave of American trained puppets will be
brought to replace them.
The plan is to extend this madness to Iran, Latin and South America
but this devilish plot shall fail and that will mark the first stage
of the collapse of the evil American empire.
Libya will survive, God willing!

Alimamy Bakarr Sankoh
President of the Hugo Chavez Foundation for Peace, Friendship and
Solidarity (HCI-FPFS)
For and on behalf of the Hugo Chavez Foundation for Peace, Friendship
and Solidarity (HCI-FPFS)

March 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlimamy

Letter from Quadaffi to President Obama

March 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commentert.West

Sunday, 20 March 2011 16:27

"What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone,” Moussa said CAIRO – Western attacks on Libya to halt Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s onslaught on anti-regime oppositions are drawing fire from Arab officials, with many suspect that the offensive is meant to control the country’s oil assets.

"What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone,” Arab League chief Amr Moussa said in comments carried by Egypt’s official state news agency MENA.

“And what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians."

French, British and American forces launched military attacks into Libya on Saturday to stop Gaddafi’s onslaught against anti-regime opposition.

French planes fired the first shots, destroying tanks and armored vehicles in the Libyan opposition stronghold of Benghazi in eastern Libya.

Hours later, US and British warships and submarines launched 110 Tomahawk missiles against air defenses around the capital Tripoli and the western city of Misrata, which has been besieged by Gaddafi's forces.

A Libyan government official said 64 people died in the Western air strikes.

Moussa called for an emergency Arab League meeting to discuss the Western attacks on Libya.

Arab backing for a no-fly zone provided crucial underpinning for the passage of the UN Security Council resolution last week that paved the way for the Western intervention, the biggest against an Arab country since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, according to Reuters.

Withdrawal of that support would make it much harder to pursue what some defense analysts say could in any case be a difficult, open-ended campaign with an uncertain outcome.

The US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said the no-fly zone was effectively in place.

But he told CBS the endgame of military action was "very uncertain" and acknowledged it could end in a stalemate with Gaddafi.

Mullen said he had seen no reports of civilian casualties from the Western strikes. But Russia said there had been such casualties and called on Britain, France and the United States to halt the "non-selective use of force."


Some Arabs are worried that the Western intervention would strip legitimacy from the Libyan revolution.

"Who will accept that foreign countries attack an Arab country?” asked Yemeni rights activist Bashir Othman.

“This is something shameful."

Support for military action was also muted by deep-seated suspicions that the West is more concerned with securing access to Arab oil supplies than supporting Arab aspirations.

"They are hitting Libya because of the oil, not to protect the Libyans," Ali al-Jassem, 53, in the village of Sitra in Bahrain, told Reuters.

A spokesman for Bahrain's largest Shiite opposition party Wefaq questioned why the West was intervening against Gaddafi while it allowed oil-producing allies to support a crackdown on protesters in Bahrain in which 11 people have been killed.

Gulf countries have sent troops into Bahrain to help the government to pacify the country against growing popular protests in the tiny country.

Some Arabs called on their leaders to comply with their peoples’ aspirations to help avoid foreign interference.

"It is now clear and understandable that Arab people want to get rid of their leaders, so leaders should simply leave and not fight their people and force foreign nations to interfere," said Mohamed Abdel Motaleb, a bank employee in Cairo, where mass protests toppled veteran president Hosni Mubarak last month.

"I am very much against foreign troops fighting in Libya, but Arab leaders should not let that happen through their stubbornness and refusal to quit power."

March 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOnIslam & News Agencies

African Union demands 'immediate' halt to Libya attacks
Sat Mar 19, 9:55 pm ET
NOUAKCHOTT (AFP) – The African Union's panel on Libya Sunday called for an "immediate stop" to all attacks after the United States, France and Britain launched military action against Moamer Kadhafi's forces.
After a more than four-hour meeting in the Mauritanian capital, the body also asked Libyan authorities to ensure "humanitarian aid to those in need," as well as the "protection of foreigners, including African expatriates living in Libya."
It underscored the need for "necessary political reforms to eliminate the causes of the present crisis" but at the same time called for "restraint" from the international community to avoid "serious humanitarian consequences."
The panel also announced a meeting in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on March 25, along with representatives from the Arab League, the Organisation of Islamic Conference, the European Union and the United Nations to "put in place a mechanism for consultation and concerted action" to resolve the Libyan crisis.
The AU committee on Libya is composed of five African heads of state. But the Nouakchott meeting was only attended by the presidents of Mauritania, Mali and Congo. South Africa and Uganda were represented by ministers.
The committee said it had been unable to get international permission to visit Tripoli on Sunday but did not elaborate.
Libyan generosity and Moamer Kadhafi's role in the creation of the African Union could explain the continental cautious stand, experts said.
The AU was born in the 1999 Sirte Declaration, named after a summit hosted by Kadhafi in his hometown on the Libyan coast.
The declaration said its authors felt inspired by Kadhafi's "vision for a strong and united Africa."
"The AU as an organisation has benefited significantly from Kadhafi's wealth," said Fred Golooba Mutebi of the Institute of Social Research at Kampala's Makerere University.
The pan-African body has taken a firmer stance on three west African crises: most recently Ivory Coast and previously Guinea and Niger.
Handouts aside, Libya has invested billions of dollars in sub-Saharan Africa.
It has interests in more than two dozen African countries, while its petroleum refining and distribution unit Oil Libya has interests in at least as many.
Libyan telecommunications unit LAP Green is present in five countries in the region and expanding rapidly.

March 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAfrican Union

Obama is working for the interests of Westernized Imperialists, and Transnational corporations, he promised White America that if he was elected that he would pull all of the troops out of Iraq, when he became president, it didn't happen, in fact he transferred most of the troops to Afghanistan. It is clear that Obama is not the Puppet Master, Black folks in America are invisible to President Obama, his becoming the first Black president, is not an asset to Africans in America, Black people still suffer, because of lack of jobs we can't support our families, all over the World because of White supremacy and oppression. This is not change, this is more of the same, Bullshit, Overthrowing Governments all over the world and replacing them with American puppet leaders and taking the lands natural resources, this is Obama's New World Order, the world will not bow down to this, we as black people cannot continue to except our suffering to make you Wealthy, the greed in America reaches into every family on this Earth, and has destroyed many lives, through mind control, turn off the TVs, reject all commercials, their is a better way, and America aint it.We are in a new Age, We are in a World WAR!! The brainwash is over!! The spiritual awakening has begun, (AWF) "The African World Front", is here!!!!!

March 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOzebo

For every tomahawk missle fired from a F22 raptor jet during this Libya crisis = $500,000 + each. The weekly total war cost is upwards of $300,000,000. Imagine the amount of medicines or food that can be purchased for needy Countries facing hunger & AIDS epidemics. Or much needed funding for job creation & prevention of record breaking housing foreclosures.

March 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIan

This is nonsense! The man has not given any reasonable answer as far as i am concerned. Who are the rebels and who are the civilians? This is just a show of lack of shame by the US. They are the complainants. They are the judges. They are t...he executors. So why worry all of us with meetings in the first place? I hope something bad happens to them for this nonsense they are doing. Okay, where is Gadaffi as we speak? If they did not plan to kill him. HAM lies that they did not go there to help the opposition. France recorgnizes the Rebel as the true government of Libya. So are the coallation on the same side of the fence? Something must be wrong with the heads of the US to think some of us do not know that they are behinde this whole mess and all in the name of getting the OIL in Libya that Gadaffi have refused to let them have monopoly of. SMH

March 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRegina

Q: Can I just follow on that, General Ham? Elisabeth Bumiller, from The New York Times. You said there was no official communication, or formal communication, with the rebels. Can you say there are no Americans on the ground, period, with t...he rebels -- or on the ground, period, Americans of any kind?

GEN. HAM: It's been very clear to me, and I think anyone who has heard the president or the secretary of Defense speak to this: you know, no American boots on the ground.

There are no American boots on the ground from this coalition. You know, I think there are -- frankly, I think there are some American citizens who were in Libya who chose not to leave, but no one who's -- no one who's a part of this coalition is on the ground. I don't know how to be more clear than that: No military boots on the ground. BUT TWO DROPPED THERE TODAY! I HOPE THEY GO MISSING!!

March 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRegina

russia says the U.s. is lying about Ghadaffi using airstrikes on civilians. They have been electronically monitoring the area and find no evidence. The U.S. appears to be lying!! Why would we expect anything else. Hears the Moscow news report.

March 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRoosevelt

Lugar Calls on Kerry to Immediately Hold Hearings on Libyan War

Senator Richard Lugar, the Ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called today on Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.) to immediately schedule committee hearings on the current conflict in Libya. The text of the letter follows:

Dear John,

I write to request Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings on the U.S. government’s ongoing intervention in the Libyan civil war and the innumerable policy considerations that flow from that intervention. I noted a newspaper story today that cited one of your spokesmen as saying that there are no plans for hearings on Libya. That statement may not accurately reflect your own intent. But I wanted to make clear that I believe prompt hearings on Libya in our Committee are essential.

Any U.S. military intervention in a foreign country would require oversight hearings by the Foreign Relations Committee. In my judgment, hearings on Libya are especially vital because the Obama Administration did not consult meaningfully with Congress before initiating military operations. Members have not yet had an opportunity to question the Administration on its policy goals or its diplomatic and military strategy. The Administration has not defined the U.S. strategic interest in Libya or adequately articulated how the conflict ends. Questions remain about how the coalition will function going forward and what role the U.S. will play among our allies. Administration ambiguity on these points is impacting our military activities, the cohesion of the coalition, and public attitudes towards the war.

We also know little about the Libyan opposition or the Administration’s plans for paying for the war. It is not clear that the Obama Administration has thought through the consequences of this action for regional stability, the fight against terrorism, the impact on oil markets, and other factors.

I believe hearings not only would provide some important answers to Senators and to the American people, they would induce the Obama Administration to conduct in-depth contingency planning that does not seem to have occurred. Is the Administration planning for the range of potential outcomes, including a prolonged stalemate in which Col. Qadhafi remains in power in Tripoli? All scenarios in Libya will have significant budget implications at a time when Congress is focused on achieving budget savings. We need to discuss this now, so the American people know what may be asked of them.

An enclosed article by Tom Friedman poses many additional questions that should be explored in hearings on the Libya intervention.

I appreciate the hearing on upheaval in the broader Middle East that we held with Undersecretary Burns on March 17, before the coalition intervened in Libya. As you know, in that hearing, I expressed serious doubts about a U.S. military intervention and urged the President to seek a declaration of war if he ordered an attack on Libya. I continue to advocate for a Senate floor debate on this question. If such a floor debate occurs, hearings in our Committee would be an important contribution to Congress’ base of knowledge and inquiry.

I have no doubts that our military can accomplish whatever mission it is assigned. We must fulfill our constitutional role to ensure that their efforts are part of a coherent national strategy. I appreciate your consideration of my views.


Richard G. Lugar

United States Senator

March 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSenator Lugar

Minister Ajabu,
What we are witnessing world-wide is the unvarnished truth - America and her Euro-centric allies are exposing for all to see, their brutal reaction to any leader who dares defy them.

White supremacy is dying before our very eyes. Bush changed the historic posture of this nation when he instituted the new foreign policy of "strike first, ask questions later". He named an 'axis of evil'. And now, one of our own, a Black man with a white man's mind, the ultimate 'house nigger' is leading the attack on Africa. Is Kenya next?

World-wide there is a recognition among the over 100 million Africans in the Diaspora that we need to return home and create our own. This movement has not gone unnoticed, hence these violent and unprovoked attacks.

Why do the neo-colonialists seem to be in such a hurry, when in the past they were content to do their deeds so gradually we did not notice? Rev.12:9-13 tells us why. Satan has but a short period of time left to plague mankind. Yes, the ruler of the world is running out of time, IMHO.

The planet is at an historic cross-roads. Earthquakes, volcanos, tsunami's, unusual weather conditions, climate change, exploding nuclear facilities, exploding oil wells, poisoning the air, water, soil and food chain, food shortages, rising unemployment and crime, wars in one place after another; often unprovoked, all are signs foretold by the Scriptures.

We are deep into the 'time of the end' and forces are now being unleashed that portends the 'perfect storm' of conditions to force Yahweh's hand.

All flesh on this planet is now at risk due to the unbridled selfishness, greed and madness of these men led by Yah's enemy, Satan. Perhaps we will live long enough to stand and watch the Almighty Yah exercise His power on these puny nations. Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

IMHO, we are almost there. Do not give up hope. Yah is in control of this situation. We must re-connect with Yah and obey His laws and commands. Peace and blessings to you and yours, my brother.

March 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWes Barnard


March 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDoc


The first time my picture was in the paper was in fourth grade with a bunch of other kids in my class. It was a MAJOR deal for me. I cut it out and could not believe my picture was in the paper.

The first time I had MAJOR media attention upon being attacked by Mayor Peterson for my work as a Dominatrix, I was a full grown self-actualized adult who was philosophically grounded and had a major support network. Even still, it was an extremely difficult.

Imagine what the spotlight is like for an innocent child to be PUSHED into the media in a race war for a private thing like being in the bathroom when the cops (right or wrong) busted in? Don't you think you are intensifying a really bad experience for her?

Look in this child's eyes. Why are you not protecting her? Why do you use her as bait?

This is wrong. Even more wrong than the action by the cops who busted in the bathroom not knowing a child was inside during what should be a private moment.

Two wrongs don't make right, Ajabu.

This race pimping has got to stop and the limit should be the exploitation of children.

David Scott and I (as well as many others) are praying for Brandon and his sister.

Would MLK do this to Brandon and his sister?

March 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelyssa

Hey Miss Ann-

I think Ajabu needs and would enjoy a good hard spanking!!! and I am sure he has fantasies regarding a white lady and a bullwhip, a roll of visqueen and a bucket of lard.

I can see him now, Ajabu tied to your basement post with a studded his FOL Tighty-Whities, Versace' black dress socks, white alligator leather shoes...his phony "Reverend" frock.... and a bright orange ball-gag in his mouth praying to you for "Gimme mo' o dat Whip, Please Miss Ann!"

I'll even take care of your "donation!" !!!
And Please- don't forget to put your foot in his mouth- Problem is you'll have to take his own fat foot out first!!!!
Please post a pic!!! LOL!


March 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJayson


The police breaking into a bathroom when a 13 year old girl his handling her business is far from being right. And by the way, they knew she was in there. Her story has to be told. People must know the level of harrassment that this family is experiencing because the police don't want the city to take responsibility for their beating of her brother. One must play the hand that life deals. She is not trying to run away from the reality of how the police violated her. And the family trusts me to not let this city act not nothing wrong has happened.


You are a funny man. If Melyssa ever persuades me to come under her control I am going to take the pictures myself. lol. You are funnnnnnnny!!

March 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Without a doubt, preparations have transformed the town's look and feel. The community has poured hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and corporate coin to build new hotels, spruce up landscaping and resurface miles of streets.

May 15, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterwheelchair

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