Occupy Wall Street; Federal Reserve; Julius Malema
It looks like the world bankers are actively implementing their strategy for world domination. I have demonstrated and spoke at Occupy Indianapolis and Occupy Brownsburg here in Indiana. The points make at both of these rallies apply to Zimbabwe, South Africa and the rest of the African continent. To solve a problem one must first understand it. The problem with the American economy, which affects the world's economy, is America does not make its own money. The Federal Reserve Bank, which is a private bank I might add, actually prints the Federal Reserve Note that is used as U.S. currency. This currency is printed based on nothing of value. It used to be based on gold or silver, but President Richard Nixon
took U.S. currency off of the gold standard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRzr1QU6K1o Herein lies the problem. http://www.cmi-gold-silver.com/gold-standard-inflation-fiat-money.html Zimbabwe has started using U.S. dollars to do Zimbabwe's business. This autmatically puts Zimbabwe's economy in the Federal Reserve's control. The Federal Reserve is continuing to print money to finance America's wars which is making the dollar worth less and less. Zimbabwe needs to print its own money. The key is to base the printed money on the gold resources of the country. Zimbabwe has some of the largest gold deposits in the world. Do not let that gold leave the country. Store that gold and print a currency tied to those gold reserves. This move will make the Zimbabwean dollars one of the most sought after currencies in the world. Along with basing the currency on the gold the government must implement the policy that any business done with Zimbabwe must be done with Zimbabwe's currency. Continentally this is what Col Khaddaffi was trying to do. He proposed to create a continent wide currency based on the gold standard. This would render the U.S. dollar to realize the useless piece a paper that it really is. The leadership of the ANC should be ashamed of itself. Comrade Julius Malema is trying to give the leadership some backbone. http://www.fm.co.za/Article.aspx?id=158910 Supposedly black Africans have taken over the country but whites still control the wealth. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/southafrica/8711891/Julius-Malema-profile-the-political-demagogue-whom-everyone-loves-to-hate.html President Mugabe and ZANU-PF has shown South Africa It is really unfortunate that Africa did not come to the rescue of Col. Khaddaffi with all he has done for our beloved continent. Outsiders cause his demise and death. Now South Africa through the ANC is trying to do the same thing to our brother Malema. However, what the ANC is doing to Malema is worse than what America did to Khaddaffi. The attempted demise of brother Malema is being done by our own family!! Read the following: http://www.dispatch.co.za/news/article/2348 ANC SHAME ON YOU. Malema is directing our people internationally in the right direction.
The conversation can't be to isolate him because he is telling us right. The conversation has got to be about how to cause land and mine reform so the reform benefits the masses of our people. Just as the OWS demonstrators have to identify the Federal Reserve as being the problem we as African have identify our lack of control of our lands resources is our problem. Actually the two go hand in hand. I am running for the Congressional seat in the 7th District of Indiana. I am running because the present Congressman, Andre Carson,
voted to bomb our beloved Africa and also supported the sanctions on our beloved Zimbabwe. We must support each other no matter where we find ourselves on this planet. We cannot be our own enemy. Up you mighty race!! Accomplish what you will.
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References (4)
Response: Kaitlin GoldsteinI cannot thank you enough for the article. Keep writing.
Response: Giovanni BlakemoreI really like and appreciate your article. Want more.
Response: הובלת דירה במרכז... הובלות דירה - אבל חברת הובלות לחפש את שם החברה ברשת או כמובן להתייעץ עם חברים. במידה וחלק מהתכולה שביר או מובילים מומלצים, נסו להובילו במכונית הובלת דירה במרכז. אורזים מקצועיים הנמנעים מרושלת... - Ajabu Speaks - Occupy Wall Street; Federal Reserve; Julius Malema ...
Response: get redirected hereTerrific Website, Maintain the excellent job. Thanks a ton!
Reader Comments (80)
Romans 3:23
Ajabu, I know you do a lot of praying. This is a Bible passage you might want to pray on. Your other prayer seems to bear no good fruit.
I cannot thank you enough for the article. Keep writing.
You can't even tell a good lie. The email says your husband is at home not at work. You continually expose your deceitful self and the prblems within your marriage. And all huby can text about is his gifts!! That's love? No wonder y'all ain't getting along. This again shows your arrogance. I won't stop praying for your deceptive butt.
Look, white folks have pretty much decimated the world. Not because blacks or browns didn't have technology. What kind of excuse is that. People don't have technology so it is alright for America to take the people's land, steal the resources from the land, and kill the people on the land if they act like they will not submit to America's false superiority complex. Woman you are sick!! Read the cmmandments. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!! This is what scares America. They are afraid that what went around will go around. It really is a valid fear if America does no change its ways. Ron Paul seems to understand this better than President Obama. Andre has lst his way also. This campaign is going to make the world take a real close look at America's behavior. You Mrs. Dawn/Bunneh are a micro of the macro. I will have more to say about this on the show tomorrow. You better tune in. This is must listen to radio. I am unbought, unbossed and unafraid to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME GOD!!
I know this is hard to wrap your mind around, but my husband worked Thanksgiving Day. My children and I went to my mothers. We had a lovely long day w family. My husband came home in the evening and we weren't home yet. He missed us and wanted us home. I have a wonderful husband and two kids who are both in college. My husband and I both work hard. And yes, we love spoiling eachother.
There you go spinning again. Why can't you tell the truth. This is the issue with America. If the truth is told that white folks have acted very dispicable in its foreign policy then we are racist. If we say Israel stole land from the Palestinian people then we are anti semitic. If your hubby is at home then why aren't you paying him some attention instead of being up at 3 o'clock in the morning writing on this blog? Don't he want your attention? If so, take your butt to bed and give it to him. I don't want your attention. Give it to him!! You are a stalker. Don't tell me how much you love him. Tell him!! Leave me alone. I love black women. I want the best woman. I don't want a woman who has men in my home at 9 o'clock at night playing on my wife's computer as you have done. Folks I am telling you this campaign is going to bring out kooks from all over the place. You see how this woman, who says she is married, continues to stalk me!! Why don't she give this attention to her husband?? Are they really that in love? If so, why don't she give him the attention she is giving me? Whew!! Y'all stay tuned. This campaign is going to be fun and IMPACTFUL. The truth will be told.
I'm not sure what I am repenting for. I ask God for forgiveness every day for all of my sins. I never saw anything about asking for your forgiveness. I never did anything to you. On the other hand, you have drug me and my husband over coals, but you just get more and more rude when I expected an apology for your ugly and unkind words. So its best we not speak. I find you to be a hypocrite. And either you don't know HOW to ck an ip address or you know you have been lying that Catherine and I are the same person.
No, Ajabu, I just think its best we not speak. I think you are a mean person. I think this race will tell you a lot. You don't have a lot of years left. You can continue to harbor unfair hatred against white people who were not alive during slavery who never did anything to you, or not. But I'm not going to let you keep beating up on me.
Dawn/Bunneh said she is going to leave me alone. Praise the Lord. I finally got through. Her hubby and her must have finally come to terms. I hope so. Now let's talk about the issues.
I am going to announce my candatcy this Saturday Dec 3, 2011 at 11AM on the east sid of the State Capitol Building. C U There!!
You are not going to stop writing on this blog. You love the exchange with Reverend Ajabu and without the back and forth, you can't enjoy the blog. You definitely are not interested in the politics.
In my early encounters with you I realized you have some serious psychological problems. I forgot about your mental condition until I read all of the foolishness you have written recently on this blog. I recall asking you to have your radiologist husband to refer you to a psychiatrist for help. You mentioned in the past that you have been traumatized in some way and that your daughter went through a situation. It appears you are still in trouble mentally.
In closing, why badger Rev Ajabu about his candidacy when your Republican candidates are a worldwide joke and everybody is laughing at all of them. You are so blind to the Republican Conservative idiots and you zero in on Ajabu. Ajabu can run circles around Bachman, Cain, Perry, Santorum, Newt, and Mitt, You must give credit where credit is due. Your racist anti Black mindset will not allow you to see the genius in Ajabu.
You can't debate effectively if you descend to personal attacks and scandalizing the other writers on this blog, There is no hope for you and why don't you stop wasting space with your little girl gibberish and illogical cat fighting style. It brings this blog down.
We have watched the death Mr. Qaddaffi and the take over of Libya. Your courage to speak out against this injustice will forever be a testimony of your commitment to justice. We now know that spent uranium was used against the Libyan people during this war. We will soon see the real reason NATO/U.S. went into to Libya. One of the reasons was to stop Mr. Qaddaffi from using gold as a the purchasing standard for their oil, along with the strategic position Libya is on the continent and in the world. We must continue to watch and speak out against these imperialistic moves for the continent of Africa. POMOJA TUTASHINDE! (TOGETHER WE WILL WIN!)
Thanks for the encouraging words. They mean a lot.
I just did a show to mention the real reason you post. The American economy is on a path of decline that cannot be turned around without abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank. Qaddaffi's move would have made the dollar a useless piece of paper. In fact, it is still a useless piece of paper. People are just still psychologically fooled to believe it is worth something. It's genuine worth is does not exceed the paper and ink used to make it. The value of currentcy comes from what backs it up. Gold and silver use to back the dollar. No more. The only thing backing the dollar now is another dollar. When Nixon in 1972 took the dollar off of the gold standard he took the value from the dollar.
Louis Farrakhan, speaking at the American Clergy Leadership Conference on May 28, lambasted President Barack Obama over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. military intervention in Libya, calling him an “assassin” and a “murderer.”
"We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart,” Farrakhan said, in a video making the rounds on the internet. But he has turned into someone else, Farrakhan told the crowd. “Now he's an assassin.”
America “puts her trust in her weapons of war,” he continued. “She threatens the nations of the earth and has my brother calling for the assassination of brother Muammar Gaddafi. What has he done? I can defend that man. You don't know that man.”
“My poor brother. They said they were only going over there for humanitarian reasons -- and we believed that. You've been deceived.”
Farrakhan draws a comparison between U.S. intervention in Libya and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“You talk about a man killing his own people,” Farrakhan told the crowd. “When you lie to the American people saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. When you lie and then take innocent young men who come to serve their country, and send them to die in Iraq, in Afghanistan, over lies, that's a murderer in the White House."
I am very aware of Min. Farrakhan's words. And unfortunately, his words ring true as ever. I am really evaluating my support for Barack. I am seriously looking at Ron Paul. Farrakhan speaks highly of Paul and his attempts to abolish the Federal Reserve. This also will be one of my campaign issues. I am declaring this Saturday Dec 3rd @ 11:30AM on the east steps of the state office building. Hope to see you there.
"You can't debate effectively if you descend to personal attacks and scandalizing the other writers on this blog, There is no hope for you and why don't you stop wasting space with your little girl gibberish and illogical cat fighting style. It brings this blog down."
Wow, John, I couldn't agree more, which is why it totally disturbs me when my name gets brought up out of the blue after 6 months, I am accused of writing comments that I do not write. I am slandered after 25 years of marriage to the most amazing man, am called mentally incompetent and on and on and on and on. You say you are not personal, you are NOTHING but personal. When all I have said was, I have not written anything ON this blog related to politics for over 6 months. I want that made clear. I want it stated clearly. I want my name left out of your foolish diatribes. I could care less about you. I just want you to stop attributing my name to things I have not said.
I suggest that you all stop. It is degrading. Not to me. To you.
If Catherine and I WERE, in fact, one and the same person, you might have cause to reach these incorrect assumptions, but we are not. Perhaps Catherine and I can meet Ajabu together somewhere so that he can stop saying such a stupid thing. But the least he can do is confirm (if he had the most basic of internet skills) that she and I have never written on this blog from the same IP address. I have written from my office, from my home, from my iphone, but NEVER from Catherine (Bunneh's) IP. I also never wrote on this blog as a black man. This is easily checked. The only reason I can attribute to the fact that Ajabu has not confirmed this is because he intentionally wants to distort opinion.
And in case you're not aware, Ron Paul is a Republican.
I anticipate that Ajabu will never clear my name from his blog and that he will continue to slander me, as will you. But if you are gentlemen, with any honor, you will stop. Ajabu will specifically ask it and you will honor it.
Oh, and that post above that is signed Dawn/Bunneh. That was a private FB message to Ajabu that he copied and pasted on his blog and changed the signature. Charming, right?
The haughty blind person picks a fight with his guide.
- Ethiopian Proverb
Why would you be so concerned about what is on this blog about you. "Who cares!! You can do yourself a tremendous favor by not begging Reverend to stop writing about you because it will all subsides when you stop positing. I can talk about anybody on this blog who has been posting currently or in the past. So you can't stop me or Reverend from posting about you. We recall your conservative opinions and we debated those political positions. So, why worry about what we say about you now.
Your best approach is to not post anything on this blog. Even if we are incorrect about Bunneh or yourself as Christian Conservative, why expend so much energy to stop us from commenting. You don't have that much control.
I will miss sparring with you about your conservative position but all things come to an end. If it upsets you so much, then stop posting comments on this blog. I know Reverencd and I will find other things to comment on.
I think you are right. That lady can't stay away from this blog. However let me propose a way to go forward. Dawn if you will agree to discuss the issues then we can all agree not to get into each others personal lives to include our families. We can disagree with positions without being disagreeable to each other. The reason why I propose the above is because John I am leaning more and more toward supporting Ron Paul. As staunch a democratic as you are I would speculate that you would take issue with my position. Correct me if I am wrong. Our possible disagreement will allow us to put forth our best dialogue why we support who we support. Race will not be off the table. However we would talk about the person's position and not the person. This site gets 200 hits a day. People are reading what is said. Let's talk issues instead of talking about people. This proposal is to you both. Can we get an agreement. Please advise.
Tariq the Ethiopian proverb is right on time!! Thanks for the contribution.
I don't have a clue what Catherine the Bunneh is talking about. Please Bunneh join Dawn and exit this blog unless you are ready to stick to the issues.
I recall hearing Ron Paul say that a sick person who doesn't have insurance should go and die because he believes the government doesn't have to save you. I wish you would research Ron and Rand Paul for their heartless and inhumane political positions.
You do know they don't believe in global warming. They don't want ANY regulations. Can you imagine flying on a plane that nobody regulated. Eating food that is not inspected for rats and poison. They are sick cookies and the American people are not that psycho.
I have no problem with supporting caucasian politicians because as you already know I supported Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary in 2008. Color is not a factor with me but Ron Paul and his stupid son are dangerous.
Dawn/Bunneh is still trying to hide. I have suggested a way out but she still wants to deal in schysophrenia. Under whatever name she must stick to the issues. I am sure her husband would like the attention she is giving us. I don't want her. Do you? If you don't want her then she ought to give this attention to her hubby. Do you think there is a possibility that he don't want her either?? Dawn, Bunneh, Christian Catherine, Catholic, etc. whatever name or title she needs to go give her attention to someone who wants it. I will gladly entertain her if she speaks about the issues. Otherwise she has got to find somewhere else to play.
Now as for the issues, I didn't want to imply that you would not support Ron Paul because he is white. I was strictly talking about the issues. I know you are a staunch Democrat and are not likely to support someone who is not. That was my point. Is that true? I really like Ron Paul's following positions. He wants to abolish the Federal Reserve. He wants to bring all the troops home and stay out of other countries' business. I am not aware of the other positions of which you speak. However, they would not erode my support for Paul. On the other hand, Barack's foreign policy stinks to high heaven. He is really big business' puppet. He right now is comtemplating not holding big banks accountable for the mortgage debacle. The race issue is I wish I could support him because he is black. But I can't support him if his policies are killing us!! This is why I am running against Andre Carson. He too voted to drop bombs on Africa. Even your boy, John Lewis, voted the same way. They have lost their minds!! What say you?
Ajabu Squeeks, Ajabu reeks, Ajabu Freaks,
You act like if someone is black, they are not responsible for anything ugly that happens in the United States. According to you all white people are evil. All white people have been the scourge of the world. All white women are ugly. All white people think they are better than everyone else. You deal only in absolutes. My Bullshit detector is flipping out. You are certifiably insane.
You may think that speaking like an old timer fresh off the plantation makes you sound connected to other black people or saturated in old timey wisdom but I can assure you that it just makes you sound stupid as well as uneducated.(stupid and uneducated are two entirely different things Ajabu, look it up) I have friends of every color, race , creed and nationality and not one of them deliberately speaks as if they have never been inside an English class. Dr. King was incredibly eloquent and articulate, Malcolm X was, as well. That is why people respected them and took them seriously. Besides the fact that they were both great and charismatic men. Obama is one of the greatest orators of our day. You.......well..... have NONE of these qualities. You would be better serving yourself if you learned to speak as an intelligent man and write as a scholar. If you truly knew Julia Carson then you would also know how she doted on Andre. There is not a thing he could do to hurt her pride in him. He could not support his Uncles run for Mayor as it would have hurt him politically as Sam has a Felony criminal record and does not have the education to run a city. It wasn't a matter of him turning his back on his blood. It was a matter of him having the integrity and sense of political self preservation to not endorse someone who is going to get him laughed at and disrespected in the political theater. Maybe you should go to IUPUI and audit a Political Science class or two so you can get a better handle on what makes a successful politician.
Dawn or Bunneh if you prefer,
This post does somewhat deal with issues so I will interact with it. Your personal attacks will not be tolerated and have been edited. Now for the issues:
First of all you must carefully read what I say. I am advancing supporting Ron Paul over Barack Obama. Now if you haven't noticed Paul is white Barack is black. I am seriously cnsidering supporting a white man over a black man. My position is based on the issues not color. Now if Paul and Barack had the same position I would definitely support Barack over Paul. Then it would be family first. Pay attention now.
I seldom use the word "all". My experience teach me that the word all can easily be challenged and disrupt the very analogy being advanced. Your attempt to put words in my mouth actually points to the lack of integrity of your argument.
I speak as an experienced human rights fighter who has been tried and tested. People know my heart and love it. They know I am unbought, unbossed, and unafraid to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Andre evidently is in over his head. Whether his grandmother doted on him or not does not changed the reality that he turned his back on her son. Whether Sam was qualified or not is not the issue. If that was the issue for Andre then he should have publicly said so. Again you argument lacks integrity. This is why. You say Sam is a convicted felon. A convicted felon cannot run for city or state office. Therefore Sam would not have been able to qualify to get on the ballot. It is best to let people think you are a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Just a proverb that comes to mind. Andre supporting Melina because it was politically expedient is exactly the point that I am making. Andre is bought, bossed, and evidently afraid to go against the party so he turned his back on his uncle. He chose democratic party mud over his family's blood. If is political career is more important than his family he doesn't deserve either. He has turned his back on his family, voted to fund the dropping of bombs on his people all in an attempt to save his political career!! Shame on him and the people who persuaded him to do so.
Now for how I speak. I speak how I want to speak. Who are you to tell me how to speak. Me listen to you on how to speak ain't going to get did!! LOL. This is the arrogance that so many white folks display. Who appointed you my English teacher. You have bought me, you are not my boss, and I ain't afraid to tell you so. That bull sh_ _t meter that you have that is going off might be because you are standing so close to it. This campaign is going to be fun. I am going to whip Andre's butt. The truth will prevail. No weapon formed against it will succeed.
I listened to your broadcast and more people should listen to Ron Paul,,actually he is the only one in the Republican Debates that make any sense.His thoughts on abolishing the TSA is right on point,,its another agency under the disguise of the Patriot Act that is eroding our rights and liberties..Where did this act come from ? ..Well if you check history it was adapted from the law Adolph Hitler devised just before WW11..Hitler bombed his own Parliment building and used that as a pretext to invade Poland..he kidnapped and retarded Polish homeless guy,dressed him in a Polish military outfit,had him taken to the Polish and German border had executed and photographed after bombing his parliment building thus the reason for invading Poland and his start to try and take over the world..Then instituted laws similar to the Patriot Act to save his country from internal attacks..He initiated the law under false pretense,,and if you look at it the attack on 9/11 and the Patriot Act are a exact replica of what he did..Actually if you check the history,,we went into Viet Nam the same way,,the same players then lied and said a American Battle ship was attacked in the Gulf of Tunken buy North Vietnamese U Boats and on his death bed Robert McNamara admitted it was a lie for the United States to get into the war,,and if you look at the key players then,they were the key players in 9/11,,Dick Cheney,Donald Rumsfield,and Paul Worfalwitz..Oh and lets not forget your boy Barrak Obama..This is the guy who campaigned on how unfair the Patriot Act was,complained how the Bush Administration was unjustly spying on Americans,violating their civil rights and how unconstitutional it was and if he became President how this wouldnt happen..Well after one year in office the Patriot Act came up for renewal and he signed it back into law with no revisions after complaining how unconstitutional it was..Good Luck with your campaigne and stay unbought and unafraid
If a felon can't run for office, that would be news to Marion Barry, as well as the rest of the United States. Maybe you should check your facts before you open your mouth and remove all doubt. A felon cannot vote, but he can, in fact, run for office. Once again, you are wrong. Also, you have quite a few criminal tidbits in your past, yet you are going to run for Congress.
There you go again opening your mouth and removing all doubt. Barry is Washington DC which is all federal. There is no local elections in DC. In America felons can run for federal office and in Indiana can vote in all elections whether local, state, or Federal. I am a felon. Been voting as a felon for more than twenty years. I am not ashamed of anything in my life. Sure if I had to do over I would make different choices. However, that is water under the bridge and can't be recovered. The key is to learn the lesson from the experience. You are removing all doubt. Quiet might be your best policy. Just some honest advise.
Your analysis is right on time. Saturday's announcement is shaping up to be an event. I pray to see your face in the place. Please advise.