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The Police, Parents, And Our Children

Sometimes we can learn human lessons from animal behavior. In the link below we see some water buffalo attacked by some lions. The water buffalo initially are afraid to fight the lions so they run. The lions see grown buffalo afraid so the lions go after a calf. The attack on the calf causes it to fall into a body of water. An alligator sees opportunity and tries to wrestle the calf from the lions. The lions are able to wrestle the calf from the alligator and are attempting to kill the calf for dinner. Click on the link below to see the whole scenario play itself out. 

As you have seen the buffalo after seeing their child being gnawed upon by the lions begin to gain courage. They come back in mass and begin to attack the lions. They have overcome their fear because the child is more important than their fear of the lions. In this film you cannot tell to which buffalo the calf belongs. The whole herd of buffalo react in a way that it makes no difference who are the actually mother and father of the calf. The calf belongs to the herd. And the calf will not let lions maim and eventually kill their young. There is a lesson for freedom loving people in Indianapolis to learn from these buffalo. Buckle up. It is a tough lesson.

Friday, November 5, 2010 the Indianapolis Civilian Police Merit Board found Officer Jerry Piland not guilty of breaking Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department policy. Because Piland was found not to have broken   IMPD policy he was awarded his job back. Piland along with two other officers beat Brandon Johnson until he looked like these pictures.   

Brandon’s mother, Ms. Shantay Chandler is very concerned about this ruling.

The very offensive nature of this ruling is that the Marion County Prosecutor, Carl Brizzi, ruled that Brandon exhibited no behavior that rose to the level of being a crime. Therefore the Merit Board’s ruling sends the message that a police officer beating an innocent child is within IMPD department policy!! My Lord!!

This is where the lesson can be learned from the water buffalo in the video. When they say the lions, which represent the police, trying to maim their calf, which represents Brandon, they found the courage to attack the lions. Humm.  I believe that there is a lesson that we can learn from water buffalo.

The first lesson to learn is that if you want to understand an event you must understand what led up to the event. To understand how Piland got exonerated you we first must understand that he was not the only officer to beat Brandon. Officer Carney was the first officer to beat Brandon and Officer Clothier was the second. The key to what led up to the event can be found in the statement of one of the Merit Board members that is quoted in the Indianapolis Star. The quote is as follows:

"It was the right decision," said merit board member John Burns, 51, a Republican. "What happened to Brandon Johnson was terrible, but there was more to it. We couldn't just make (Piland) the scapegoat."


We just couldn’t make Piland the scapegoat. Humm. What Burns is saying is that if Chief Cieselski had gone after all of the officers that beat Brandon then the board would have felt justified in finding Piland guilty.

But because Cieselski did not go after all the officers that beat Brandon the board did not feel it fair to make Piland the scapegoat. If you watch the video in the upper right corner of this blog you see this is the statement the I am making to Cieselski. All the officers that laid a hand on Brandon should not only be fired, but charged. So what led up to Piland being found by the Merit Board to be justified in his beating of Brandon was the Chief’s decision not to go after all of the officers that beat on Brandon. Therefore it was Chief Cieselski’s attempt to protect the officers that initiated the beating that caused the exoneration of officer Piland who finished the beating. I saw Piland’s exoneration at the very time that Cieselski made public his decision to just go after Piland and not the other officers. It was a long range con game. Chief Cieselski, Frank Straub, and Mayor Ballard want us to think they are upset that Piland got his job back, when all the way through the picture they had planned it that way. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!!

The merit board’s ruling also raises another question. If the Public Safety Director, nor the Police Chief cannot fire a patrolman then are Straub or Cieselski really over the department or are the patrolmen in charge of them.                               

This raises another question. If the Mayor is over the city, and the police are city employees, and the Mayor cannot fire a city employee then who really is in charge of the city? If the police can’t be fired by the mayor then we don’t live in a democracy, we in actuality live in a police state.,0,4656641.story

The founding fathers feared being controlled by a tyrannical government. A tyrannical government is a government that does not follow the laws of the land. Because of the fear of tyranny the Founding Fathers amended the United States Constitution with what is known as the bill of rights. The first amendment was the right to free speech. Brandon was exercising his First Amendment right by asking the officers why were they arresting his brother. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution is the ultimate law of America. The Founding Fathers felt so strongly about being able to criticize representatives of the government that they said if the government stops a citizen from exercising their right to question the government then the citizen should have the right to bear arms. This is not what I said. This is what the Founding Fathers of America wrote. This is the history of America. The Founding Fathers made the right to bear arms the second amendment to the United States Constitution. The Founding Fathers wanted the right to bear arms is someone in the government tried to stop them from being able to question the government. Don’t get mad at me. This is pure American History!!

So if the Merit Board approves the beating of Brandon by officer Piland, and Carney and Clothier, because Brandon exercised his right to free speech is that ruling justification for citizens to use the arms that the Founding Fathers gave us the right to bear? I’m just asking. Should we not defend our children as the buffalo defended their calf? Did not the Founding Fathers see this day coming? Are not the people of Indianapolis American Citizens? Do we not have the right to exercise our constitutional rights? If we are counseled not to exercise our rights then are we being counseled to be less than an American citizen? If we agree not to exercise our constitutional right are we in essence volunteering to be enslaved? You tell me.

The citizens out in Oakland, California have decided to riot because a police officer shot one of their citizens in the back of the head. Notice in both of these videos of the response in Oakland that the people upset are Black, white, Hispanic, etc. Although the person killed was black citizens across the ethnic spectrum are upset. They are tired of being brutalized by the police. 

The officer who killed the citizen in Oakland said he thought he had his taser instead of his pistol in his hand. Everybody that believes this officer doesn't know a pistol from a taser please stand on your head. One of the things that came out in the Merit Board hearing here in Indianapolis is a taser does not work if it is fired from close range. If the Indianapolis Police department knows this fact, I am willing to bet the Oakland Police department is also aware that the taser is ineffective at close range. I would counsel the citizens of Oakland to not to riot. Don't riot!! Rioting is against the law. I counsel the citizens of Oakland to follow the law. The Founding Fathers gave us as citizens the right to address tyranny from the government. Don’t riot, exercise your constitutional rights!! I believe this is the advice that my good friend Dr. Henry Karlson would give to us. I am sure he would instruct us to follow the law. May he rest in peace. This is not over!! If we can't rely on the police to serve and protect us, then we must rely on ourselves to serve and protect us. The bulls did not rely on the lions for protection. They were intelligent. The bulls quickly gathered and understood that they must protect their children from the pride of lions. We can learn a lot from the water buffalo. Thank you for listening to AjabuSpeaks.

Posted on Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 11:55PM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | Comments6 Comments

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Our Republic is now celebrating the 200th birthday of the Bill of Rights to our Constitution. Through the wisdom of a few free - thinking men, we have come incredibly far in 200 years. Our nation has been blessed with prosperity more than any other in world history. The technology in this country compares with no other. Our leadership in world politics and economics has no rival. Yet, all this has happened outside the "house" our predecessors on this continent designed and built.

This fantastic and majestic political building, which our forefathers constructed with their lives and sacred honor, has fallen into disuse and now sits empty. When it was new, it was the most beautiful mansion in the world. There was nothing else like it for it was built on a foundation called the "common law." The walls were shaped in liberty by a unique arrangement referred to as the separation of powers and its roof was made of transparent material to let in the light of the Law. So all encompassing that it is adaptable to any people regardless of color, race, creed or religion.

It didn't crumble overnight. What took place was the result of a delusion for people would never give up liberty knowingly - only through deception. Gradually the deceptive rot took hold and, one by one, the citizens of the house called a "Republic" moved out for a third rate structure called a "democracy."

Napoleon said; "History is a fable agreed upon," because he knew that history repeats itself, especially when the history lessons have not been learned or remembered. Thus our history lessons have fallen into disrepair. Our forefathers founded this nation because they believed they had a God-given Right to walk away from enslavement to the King. Yet, the very bondage they walked away from has opened the door for the most subtle slavery this world has ever known. So subtle is this slavery that the citizens are entrapped by their own ignorance through offers of enticements called economic benefits. Acceptance of these benefits sets into operation rules and laws that operate outside the Constitution and thus we have the largest and most unmanageable bureaucracy that has ever existed. A bureaucracy bogged in debt because it has taught its people that government is the provider and problem solver instead of "one people," the subjects that used to live in that special mansion known as the Republic, lighted in Law.

The peoples freedom has been lost more because of what they haven't done than what they have done. In the pages that follow, you are going to discover why you are an economic slave and what you can do about the U.S. of A. the Republic. Yes, you can move back into that mansion known as the Republic for that is what this treatise is about, finding your key to liberty. Always remember that you are the only one that can take back your liberty. No one else can do it for you. You can and you must act independently of the masses. You and the Law are capable of awesome accomplishments in liberty. That is why Thomas Jefferson's statement in the Declaration of Independence is as important today as it was in 1776, "... it is their [your] right, it is their [your] duty ... to provide new guards for their [your] future security. ... and such is now the necessity which constrains them [you] to alter their [your] former systems of government."
One man with the Law is a majority.

November 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNgone

Reverent Ajabu,

Thank you once again; I just got the letter out in the mail, so I expect it will get to him by mid-week.

I listened to some of your radio presentation this morning, and i liked your point -- social justice must be central and not ignored. Social injustice brings out the cries of the oppressed to God. It was social justice which the prophets proclaimed and what Jesus said he had come to fulfill. Though I try to engage systematic theology, I try (for the most part) to consider social ramifications and to bring them out when I can.

Thanks again

November 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

As a mother I feel Brandons mothers pain.As a us citizten I will now began to read the constitution over to fully get a since of our rights here in America.Like you stated rioting is not the answer.The best waY TO FIGHT THIS BATTLE is with your mind(understanding the laws that govern us)..Thank you for lighting that fire back in me I will now re read our constitution....

November 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternilebreeze1

"It's a very very very Good post!!! I like it very much. The site miu miu bag
is also good,have a view please!!! "

November 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteralan

Good post, Reverend.

Increase the love, decrease the hate. I hope all of us grapple with the meaning of this expression as we bear witness to the violence that is being sanctioned by the police against our young, especially our young Black men. Please keep us apprised, Rev. Ajabu, of next steps. I want to be a part of them.

November 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChalmer

so pretty.You are a good teacher. Lucky student! llwslp llwslp - christian louboutin schaussures.

December 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfcuvnj fcuvnj

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