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Police, Pastors, Politics & Prophecy: Truth & Consequences

Police, Pastors, Politics & Prophecy:
Truth & Consequences

Y’all buckle up. This is going to be a rough ride. Tune in to Monday November 15th @ 11AM for a fuller picture of this article. I actually had a Pastor bring someone to the meeting to tell me he would physically put me in my place. This pastor did not want me to tell the truth about the mayor!! Can you believe it!! I will name names and paint this picture of a pastor who says the aim of his ministry is to build “healthy families.” CD’s of this program will be made available. Spread the word. The truth is on the way. You must tune in!! I no longer speak for Bishop T. Garrott Benjamin. I am no longer the Minister of Social Concerns for Light Of The World Christian Church. I am unbought, unbossed, and unafraid. Being threaten with violence by a so-called Pastor will not stop me from telling the truth. I took an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God!! I did not take an oath to protect preachers because I am a preacher. What kind of oath is that to take.  I am AjabuUnleashed. I’m telling you I am untied, unbridled, off the chain!! You better not miss this program. The article below is just the beginning.

As you all know the Indianapolis Civilian Police Merit Board ruled that Officer Piland should not be held accountable for the beating that made Brandon Johnson look like he looks in this picture. Their position, they say, is based on them not wanting to hold accountable only Piland for the youth’s injuries. According to Jeff Oberlies, the Board President, they felt that in actually it was Officer Carney that caused Brandon to look the way he looks. The Board is actually using Chief Paul Ciecselski’s own words to exonerate Piland. Listen to Chief Paul Ciecselski's words justifying Carney and Clothier's beating of Brandon  If Chief Ciecselski had held all the police accountable who beat Brandon then the board would have had to find something else to justify this wrong. For some reason I feel even with all the officers charged the board still would have exonerated them. However, we will never know because Chief Ciecselski would not do the right thing. The board hung its decision on the investigation of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department’s (IMPD) Internal Affairs. Because the Chief and Straub would not hold accountable all of the officers that beat Brandon the Board didn’t feel it fair to hold Piland accountable for the part he played. Now Chief is surprised that the board won’t fire Piland. I don’t see why.

Chief, it was your desired position to justify some of the beating of Brandon. It was you who justified the beating that Carney and Clothier gave to Brandon.  All the officers should have been held accountable as you were told by me. The video in the upper right hand corner of this blog attests to my statement directly to you and Straub. However, the board position is still wrong. Although he did not do all of the beating, Piland should still be held accountable for the beating he did. The others also should be held accountable for the beating they did. The board should have held Piland accountable for the knees to the head that he admits administering to Brandon. Those knees to the head make him guilty and he should be held accountable for his guilt.

This incident has caused division between the Baptist Minister’s Alliance, The Ten Point Coalition, White churches, the Concerned Clergy, etc. This incident has also appeared to have caused division between the IMPD and its leadership. I feel the division between the ecumenical groups is a genuine division. I think the division between the police and the leadership is concocted to make the public think there is a division. Let me explain. Did you buckle up?

Pastors have been meeting to determine a proper response. The Baptist Minister’s Alliance (BMA) is in a power struggle with the Ten Point Coalition (TPC). Initially both groups were going to hold a sit in at the City County Building on this Monday at 4:30PM. The announcement was supposed to be made from the pulpits on Sunday November 14, 2010. However, the strategy was derailed before it got that far. The BMA agreed to support the sit in because it wanted to hold the administration accountable for the debacle in which the city now finds itself. It wants Public Safety Director Frank Straub fired. The BMA is chaired by Stephen Clay, Pastor at Messiah Missionary Baptist Church. The BMA will also bring Al Sharpton to Indianapolis this Wednesday 7PM at Eastern Star Baptist Church. More about my position on Sharpton will be shared on the program @ 11 AM this Monday. If you miss it the CD will be available. You must hear this program.
                                TPC is chaired by Charles Harrison, Pastor of Barnes United Methodist Church.      
                                                                                                                      The TPC wanted the goal of the sit in to be to go after the FOP and the City County Council and pressure these bodies to support the Mayor, Public Safety Director, and the Police Chief in reforming IMPD and the Merit Board. The BMA wanted the sit-in to go after the mayor and his administration. TPC wants more tolerance of the administration. The sit in cooperation died in the middle of these two positions. I believe that the disagreement between these two black minister organizations is genuine. I believe the reasoning of their disagreement is tainted. Tune in. I will go further in depth on the show.

As for the so-called disagreement between the IMPD and its leadership, I think that perception is designed to fool the public. In my opinion, Chief Ciescelski should have known that all of the officers that beat Brandon needed to be held accountable. When the Prosecutor ruled that neither Brandon, nor his brother had did nothing that rose to the level of being a crime, then it was clear that the police beat an innocent child. Prosecutor Brizzi's words Brandon's behavior did no rise to the level of being a crime. 
For him and Internal Affairs to go against the findings of the prosecutor was a deliberate attempt by the Chief to justify police brutality against Brandon. I think to quell the outrage in the community he decided to make it look like he was going to hold Piland for all of the beating administered to Brandon. However, his goal was to protect all the officers but do it in a way that he would appear like he was trying to do the right thing in the sight of the community. He had bet, if not had already talked to certain members on the board so the board’s decision would be in Piland’s favor. YES, in my opinion, the fix was in before the board had even met. I will delineate the facts that make me draw these conclusions on the show. You will hear Ciecieselski and Oberlies in their own words. You must tune in!! If you can’t tune in get the CD.

I have briefly dealt with Police, and Pastors. The politics is about the mayor’s race. On the democratic side the question is will the BMA try to persuade the Black community to support this woman  



 instead of this man   

On the republican side the TPC wants to have the present mayor serve another term.  You see Harrison standing over the Mayor’s right shoulder. He is standing with his man. Many believe that Harrison is bought and paid for, so the Ballard administration can do no wrong. I would say they are not far from the truth. Money is the root of all evil. Stay tuned. There will much more on this.

 Tune in. There is much much more. I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God. The prophecy will be manifest. The consequences of the truth are in God’s hands. Tune in!! If you miss the program you must get the CD. CD’s are $12 dollars and can be ordered by contacting AjabuCommunications. You must pay in advance by clicking on the PayPal link. Pay your $12 through PayPal and leave your address on by contact. Both CONTACT & PAYPAL can be found on the right side of this page. Thank you for supporting and listening to AjabuSpeaks.


Cheif Paul Ciecselski's words justifying Carney and Clothier's beating of Brandon ed (53)

Jeff Oberlies justifying board decision
(00) Public Safety Director Frank Staub doesn't agree with board decision

(1:22 - 2:06) Carney the culprit
(4:01 - 4:11) Officer Carney's decision merits descipine
4:53 - 5:09 Brandon Should not have been arrested
(4:11 - 4:26) Internal Affairs report says Brandon resisted

Prosecutor Brizzi's words Brandon's behavior did no rise to the level of being a crime. (:35 - :50)

6:14 - 6:50   7:15 - 7:28   Public Safety Director wants right to appeal.

Jeff Oberlies justification for Merit Boards decision (1:12) Mayor's words to respect the Merit Board Decision (10)

Posted on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 11:46PM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | Comments21 Comments | References1 Reference

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    - Ajabu Speaks - Police, Pastors, Politics

Reader Comments (21)

Yes, I would be able to hear it by CD, I can get internet radio, but I don't have a login, and I didn't see a place on your website where I could register. I must say, I am so impressed with what you are doing, and they have always tried to hold you back, but by God's grace and mercy they will not be able to. Before hand, that used the excuse you were too violent, but nevertheless, you were speaking truth, and now, you are doing it God's way, and they still have a problem, nothing but Satan.....I support you 100%.

Whenever you get some time, I would like to speak with you about my daughter who is serving 30 years for a crime she could have been totally suspendable.

Doris Elliott

November 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDoris


Just click on the PayPal button to the right and pay $12. The fee is $10 for the disk and $2 shipping and handling. Use the contact button to leave your name and address so I can ship the CD to you. Thanks for your support. God bless.

November 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

"Sorry, I missed it. I'll listen to the recording when you put it on."

November 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLesia

You had a great show today. Good job. I see things are starting to get out of hand. Who in the hell would try to fight with you? Don't they know who you are???????????

November 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJose

Wow Ajabu.....
Well, I have to say you're working this one pretty good, and (surprise) I agree with you for the most part. This should have never never happened- I also wish there wasn't so much crime in our city.

I have a difficult time believing Brandon was just "innocently trying to console his brother"- and got the crap kicked out of him. Did he deserve this? No. He could have been restrained some other way. Yes. But I think the record speaks for itself- Brandon interjected himself into a situation that he should not have- without this, the event would not have happened.- maybe he did it to "look cool" or whatever. He still doesn't deserve to get the crap kicked out of him. But I think for some reason- kids think they have some "right" to interject themselves into a police situation- when they in fact, do not. Nor does anyone.
Police brutality is wrong. These officers should be fired if they responded in a way that was illegal. I don't know what happened on the scene one side says "Consoling my brother", the other says "brandon had multiple warnings to back off, and Brandon made MULTIPLE decisions to ignore those warnings". Police should not have to "answer questions" from a 15 year old while in the middle of an arrest period.
Should Brandon have been beaten? NO.
Did he have a role in this event, yes.
The cops should have restrained him inj a different manner- it may have involved pain, or cuffs or whatever but not a beating.

Our city law enforcement has a lot of room to improve, I believe Mayor Ballard is trying to do that. In the process a lot of bad apples will be exposed and hopefully removed. I hope more of the criminals in our community are removed as well. Our City is not safe- we have gangs that are growing in number, and it seems "thug" behavior is on the rise. Why? I don't know- it gets the "thug" what?

Ajabu- I think if you give consideration to ALL the facts then the truth of what happened here will be exposed. If you are only considering "CERTAIN facts"- then you will be seen as just playing to your audience, and it and you will be written off as BS.

Link to Community service video.


November 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJayson

If there is an illegal arrest going on, or questionable behavior by police, certainly one should be able to speak up. The idea that we cannot respond to police, within lawful means, is to me, a terrifying proposition. That is what makes for police states, and of the worst kind. Certainly I think there is a proper role for police, but once they think they are beyond question, and people who question them are trouble to be dealt with, the only proper response is to dismiss such officers. When this does not happen, we have real danger signs!

November 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHenry


I tend to agree with Henry's position. The prosecutor is the legal arbitrator charged with determining whether Brandon illegally interferred with the police. The prosecutor ruled that Brandon exhibited no behavior that rose to the level of being a crime. That is not my position. That is the position of the prosecutor. I support the prosecutor's position. His independent voice speaks loudly to me.

I have been informed, by a judge I might add, that either party has the right to appeal the ruling of the Merit Board. If the Mayor does not appeal this decision then he sends the signal that he believes the Merit Board got it right. For him to publically state that the Board got it wrong then not appeal means that he supports our city boarding on being a police state. To be that is frightening and reason for grave concern. The Mayor must appeal the Merit Board's decision. Wouldn't you agree?

November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

The ten Point Coalition had a meeting at Barnes UMC today November 16, 2010 @ 10:30Am. I went to the meeting and was not allowed to enter. The Mayor, Public Safety Director and Chief of Police was in attendence. Why would the Mayor go to a church that will not let the people of the city enter in? Would Jesus support people being turned away from the church? They wouldn't even let city county councilman Jose Evans into the meeting. This city is sick. It is just time for Ballard to go. God is not happy. When a sinner can't get into a church you know Satan is winning the war. Lord I pray that you touch the heart of Pastor Charles Harrison, Charles Ellis, Olgen Williams, and the Mayor himself. God surely you are not happy that your children were refused entry into the church.

November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Ajabu and Henry-

I agree- we have a right to question the police, and we do. But that is not the issue, and you two are clouding it that way- please be genuine. If in every instance of being in the middle of an arrest, trying secure a crime scene, determining if someone is armed, to ascertain the facts of a situation that involved a burglary or crime- you think a policeman has to stop and negotiate with a bystanders yelling questions???? that's where you lose the attention of law-abidimg citizens here Ajabu.-- that makes for a dangerous situation and chaos.

You both know, what the proper conduct should have been for Brandon. The proper police response was multiple warnings to back off while the situation was secured. If you defy specific orders of police, during this situation then you set yourself to be dealt with accordingly. That should not include being beaten and injured like this.
I agree this should never had occurred- the police should have responded in a forceful detaining manner that did not involve this type of injury. Had Brandon chosen to obey the police commands...we wouldn't have had this.

Be credible Ajabu- acknowledge that there is responsiblity on both sides here, or you simply will fall on deaf ears as being a shill for an audience you are trying to appease.

If I was the Chief, I would have fired those who responded in an excessive use of force, period. That doesn't give a pass to the "Brandons" to get into the face of the police during an arrest situation, that is just stupid conduct.

I am not sure what paying $20,000.00 to Al Sharpton to parade here as bought anyone. It seems like a waste of money that could have done much good in our community vs. giving it to him. Where can I get a gig like that...!


November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJayson


I believe it you who clouds the issue. Be clear and genuine. The prosecutor ruled that Brandon exhibited no behavior that rose to the level of being a crime. To have been beaten like he was beaten and he had not committed a crime means a crime was committed against him. The police officers should be charged with a crime. It will be interesting to see if Brizzi does so.

How do you know what Sharpton got paid? How do you even know that he did? As close as i am to this situation I know nothing about how money changed hands, and neither does Abdul or you.

November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Ajabu- you get close to actually speaking the truth but you twist, and conveniently leave out important details and facts. I never said Brandon committed a crime, ever. Ajabu- you know the real story of what his part was- so tell it.
....and you actually think Sharpton just "came here" with his "posse" for free? - Come on Ajabu, who are you kidding ??!!!!
Ajabu, you know how this works. You want Sharpton to show up, and do his arm-in-arm parade thing, -you know someone makes a phone call and places an order for a "Sharpton March". - and you think he does it for free?

What do you think he's up in New York- and he just decides to show up?
Ajabu- Speak the whole truth, not just the parts that make you and your audience happy.


November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJayson

WE need to keep moving forward

November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJJ


If you agree that Brandon did not commit a crime then must agree that what the police did to him was criminal. Carney, Clothier, and Piland need to be charged and tried.

I am more concerned about my taxes going to pay for the officers pay than I am with how much Sharpton got paid. Sharption didn't commit a crime, the police did. I would just say that Brandon's family should be given some of the money collected so they can weather the financial storm that is raging in their life right now do to this beating. My position is we should be concerned about what we can do for the family as well as what needs to be done to the officers. We cannot forget the family in all that we do. Wouldn't you agree?


We must move forward toward the pinacle of justice. Hopefully we do it together whether black or white.

November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu


If you agree that Brandon did not commit a crime then you have to agree that his beating was criminal. The officers that beat him need to be charged and tried in a court of law. Really I am more interested in what is done for the family than I am concerned about what is done to the officers. Whether Sharpton got paid or not is not the issue for me. Sharpton did not commit a crime. However, of the monies that were collected some of it has to be given to Brandon's family. They are in the middle of a financial storm because of how these officers behaved. The preachers should make sure that they do what they can for the family.


We must go forward in a way that justice prevails. Hopefully we do that as black and white. I pray that God will order our steps. God bless.

November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Look at my poor baby,this is done now,but yall shhhhhhhhh,GOD IS WORKING,Brandon keep your head held high enough to watch THE WORK OF GOD.AMEN

Work done by IMPD Finest,What a job guys,But hey one mistake on yall part HE LIVED...(Attemped Murderers).May God have Mercy on yall souls,SHHHHH GOD IS WORKING...AMEN

November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShantay

You know, for some reason I really do want you to be credible. You could do a lot more good here, and actually get an audience of more than 5 people. But you paint with too broad a brush, and it makes your voice ineffective.
The truth, is often inconvenient- for both sides. I sincerely wish for Brandon and his family to have some relief.
$20k should have gone to them instead of Al Sharpton.


November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJayson


While something should be done to help Brandon's family, and financial support is a good idea, that doesn't mean we should ignore the greater, systematic problem developing in Indianapolis. We need vocal leaders to be brought in to help stop police corruption. This, too, takes money. It isn't an either/or, it should be a both/and.

November 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

I think you're exactly wrong- we do not need "paid outsiders", to incite our city. I think you will see just a further exacerbation of the divide in our community- and it will backfire on the very people who brought him here.

I see police misconduct, yes.
I also see Black Ministers that ignore common sense. Brandon had a HUGE Role in what happened to him. While I appreciate the intensity of the concern about police conduct by by these Black Ministers- what is missing is equal concern for the thug-behavior/mentality that is pervasive in this community's black youth. All you have to do is go to Facebook, look up some of these kids and see the names they give themselves, the attitude that they are owed riches for nothing or at the expense of others, and the glorification of disrespecting police, and the rights of peaceful citizens.
The black ministers are absent in any concern on this worsening situation- and don't want to acknowledge this.

You want more polarization, fine -invite a high-paid black racist to town and he will simply line his pockets at our community's expense. I'd like to know who asked him to come here- my guess, and it isn't even hard to tell- The BMA wasted $20,000.00 to pay Sharpton to come here.


November 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJayson


Again i tend to agree with Henry. And you should get your facts right. Listening to Abdul with get you mislead. Abdul does not know about the inner workings of this situation. Now what he tells you concerning the mayor's office line of thought might be credible, but on the other side, he knows nothing.

Once again I give you Prosecutor Brizzi's words that Brandon's behavior did not rise to the level of being a crime.

The behavior you describe would be criminal if Brandon had done so. The prosecutor, who is charged with determining whether a person's behavior is a crime or not, said Brandon's behavior did not rise to the level of being a crime. PERIOD. The Prosecutor's investigation trumps the Internal Affairs investigation of the police. If you suppost the system then go with the conclusion of the people charged with the responsibility of the system. Brandon did not commit a crime. A crime was committed against Brandon. The question left to be answered now is will the prosecutor charge and try the officers for the crime they committed against this innocent youth.

Oh, just for your info some of my blog data is below:

Page Views 2,583

November 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

Well most people will look at this and go- Hmm....kid got badly beaten by a "hot" cop, very bad not good, shouldn't have happened- but what triggered the total police response.
You would like us assume the Police where not dealing with someone who may have been a threat(how could they know?) and was ignoring orders, and resisting being restrained, again after many orders being ignored.
So you can repeat Brizzi's statement 'til the cows come home..."Brandon's conduct was not something that rose to the level of something "prosecutable"...but something happened that night.
But Ajabu, Please use some common sense- if you want to be credible Ajabu, you have to be conscious of the public's perception. hey aren't stupid.T

While I don't exactly know all the intricacies of the rules regarding the merit board, the IMPD, the Police Local Union, and where the Mayor's powers start and stop- If I were the Police Chief, I would fire anyone that I determined used excessive force and I would ask for an "independent" prosecutor be appointed and evaluate the case if charges can be brought that would stick. There is also a possibility that Brandon could bring a civil suit on his own- any Atty could review what happened here and decide "will we win"- and take it on contingency. If it's so open and shut- I am a little surprised this hasn't been initiated yet, why? certainly there should be a big payday here for that Atty.

This incident, really shows what a rift we have here in our city on many fronts. I find it quite disturbing, and wonder what effect it will have on Brandon as a young man and his future.

And Ajabu, lastly LET"S be REAL- YOU KNOW what is happening here now is that this ENTIRE INCIDENT and Brandon are being USED by the Black Minister's Association, and the Marion County Democratic committee to make POLITICAL HAY, in order to position Melina Kennedy for the Mayor's office. Don't be a "shill" and LET"S NOT BE NAIVE!!!!
Fine so be it, that's what they are doing- but it seems the Black Minister's who locked you out the the church the other day have lost what should be their focus- preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and healing our community,and guiding our youth. Instead of helping Brandon and his Mom- THE Black Minister's are focused on POLITICAL HAY MAKING, and smearing Ballard, and "revenge", for the sake of getting someone back in the Mayor's office with a "D" in front of it. That became readily apparent when they bought Sharpton for $20k.

When will we stop doing this?- as it isn't helping heal our city or Brandon and his family to get on with their life. A bad situation is being made worse.


November 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJayson


On this one there is a lot on which we agree. However I think you have really exposed the different perceptions of the police in our communities. In our community it is not farfetched to believe the police beat someone unprovoked. It has happened so many times we see unprovoked beatings as the rule, not the exception. Obviously, in your community this is not the perception. This leads me to your next point.

A civil suit has been filed. But for the life of me I can't understand why the Mayor would dilly dally around about settling!! I have shared this with him and he said he would, but to this date hasn't, and to my understanding there is no serious conversation going on to make it happen. Now to your next point.

The black ministers that kicked me out of the church were playing politics to protect Ballard. They have received $200,000 for city coffers to finance the Ten Point Coalition. And you again are probably right. The BMA does want to attack the Mayor but I am not sure that it is to open the way for Melina Kennedy. I think their political leanings are democratic party but no necessarily for Melina. This is where we truly agree. The position of any preacher, black or white, should be based on getting at the truth of the matter, not politics or anything else. Because I truly seek the truth and the justice that the truth calls for, I am not really accepted in either camp.

You ask when will it stop. I think the best behavior that can give it pause is for the Mayor to settle with the family. Settlement would quickly take this issue out of the public discourse. It would not stop it from coming up in the mayoral campaign but it would not be ongoing. The mayor and his administration are truly neophytes. A seasoned political animal would know that the mayor has to get Brandon's family situation solved and get it solved quickly. This is really the case with this being an election year. I have tried to tell him to do so, even though my reasoning is centered around it is the right thing to do, not because of its polital expedientcy. For some reason it is not getting through. Maybe you can reinterate. If so, I hope he hears you and moves accordingly. I am truly surprised of how we are so much on the same side of this issue. God truly has a sense of humor. God did the same thing with Dr. Karlson and myself. Lord I appreciated you being God. I pray you keep working in a way that brings us together. My brother, GOD BLESS YOU!!

November 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Mmoja Ajabu

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