
« Parenting Without Violence 12Oct2024 | Does Mike Pence Deserve To Be HUNG!! »

Does Mike Pence Deserve To Be HUNG!!

Posted on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 06:18PM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | Comments2 Comments

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Duck has committed to pardon the 6Jan2024 capitol rioters who wanted to hang Mike Pence. Will Indiana voters support Duck's becoming president or stand with Mike's life? Indiana, THAT IS THE QUESTION!! i want to believe that more will support Mike than won't. What say you?

October 5, 2024 | Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu

There are thousands of hours of video on Jan 6th that was put out on the government website of the inside of the Captial from many camera angles. I have viewed a few of them. They show many people walking though the Capitol rotonda in statuary hall walking though peacefully. I also saw video of people coming though one door that they had broken out windows also in that same place I saw polices inside allowing people to come in and go out. There were people that had nothing to do with the rioting that was caught up in it, for those people they should be pardon.

I am deeply surprised from the Black community who have known peaceful protest that have been infiltrated by agent provocateurs to create problems, so that the protest would look bad. Most in our community have let their hatred of Donald Trump give them amnesia of the diabolical workings of this government towards those that they see as a threat.

Dr. Marting Luther King Jr went to Montgomery twice. The first time he went they were protesting when it became violent with people breaking windows and such like. It was later found out that those people taking part in breaking windows and vandalism had been paid to do that, so it would discredit Dr. martin Luther King and the movement. That is also why he went back to Montgomery to like to have a do

I watched the happenings on January 6th on C-span and when I saw those in the House and Senate running scared(these are the same people who would send your children into war). I was laughing because they think they are like royalty and are above the people that they are supposed to be servants of. They got a taste of what it's like for the everyday citizens when they are scared to leave their homes because of the crime and shootings that go on in certain neighborhoods in the Black community. I had wished that one of them could have been slapped in the face. I have no respect for any of them.

If you want to see a real attempt of overthrowing a government look at Turkey of July 15, 2016. That is a real coup and insurrection done by the military.

There can never be an overthrow of this government without the full support of the military, so calling what happened on January 6th an insurrection is BS it was nothing more than a riot.

As far as Pense is concern, I could care less. I don't care about any of those politicians whether they are Republican or Democrats, they are 2 wings on the same bird.

October 7, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterSankofa Folami

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