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It's is official. Rev. Mmoja Ajabu has thrown his hat in the ring as a candidate for Congress. In 2014 the United States Constitution, and many state constitutions, to include Indiana, still allows for one to be legally enslaved if convicted of a crime. This language must be removed!! Rev. Ajabu has taken on the duty to champion this cause. He is the first abolitionist candidate since John Quincy Adams. You can hear the official annoucement by clicking on this link We need volunteers. If you are ready for integrity to come back to Congress then click on the contact button and leave your information. We will get right back to ya. Victory is at hand!! It's time for the right thing to be done for the right reasons!! YOU READY?? If so, let me hear from ya!! Do be blessed.

Posted on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at 08:51AM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | CommentsPost a Comment

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