International Economic African Summit
It is with a great honor that I request your attendance at the International African Economic Summit.
Where: Indianapolis, Indiana
When: July 15 &16th ,2011
Time: Workshops to be determined
Cost: $50.00 for both days
The goal of the summit is to develop business relationships on behalf of people of African descent here in America with member countries of the South African Development Corporation. Because American policy sometimes obstructs the development of Africa and her people, we want to guard against the American people of African descent being identified with negative American policy toward Africa our Motherland. Our goal is to protect the interest of Africans at home and abroad within the limits permitted by international law. Furthermore, we want to promote friendly relations between SADC and American people of African descent and nurture economic, cultural and scientific collaborations. We have been involved with the south of African before its days of liberation. We want to continue the involvement now in its days after liberation. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. You can sign up by clicking the CONTACT link to the right. You can pay for the Economic Summit by clicking on the PayPal link also on the right of this page.
Best regards,
Mmoja Ajabu, Owner
Ajabu Communications, LLC
We have confirmed the Zimbabwean Ambassador's attendance. The SADC Ambassador has requested a formal invitation which was delivered on Monday. We expect to confirm his attendance by the first of the week. He will be representing the 13 countries on the southern tip of Africa. We're talking gold, oil, copper, agricultural, and more, and even what you might have to sell to these countries. The African Community International, INC. has agreed to be a partner. The Concerned Black Clergy of Atlanta has put us in contact with the Atlanta and Georgia Black Chambers of Commerce. The Indianapolis Black Chamber of Commerce has been contacted. If there is a black Chamber of Commerce in your city please share their contact. This summit is shaping up to be one of the most important for people of African descent. Our time has come. To seize the time REGISTER NOW!! YOU READY?? Only the serious need apply.
Reader Comments (23)
Thank you comrade Ajabu , if we dont support our own , who will ? Aluta continua.Africa for Africans.
with your permission I can repost this as a note and then pass it along other forums?
Now I understand why whitey wants Mugabe gone so he can keep on exploiting the diamond mines for free. The jews and lebanese are two of the biggest crooks in Afrika who need to be sent packing just like whitey, together they control the lar...gest gold and diamond mines in Afrika. I support this initiative even if I cannot be there as i am currently in Europe. I used to be one of those who thought Mugabe was a bad man but now I know better.!!!
you can influence what Zimbabwe will do? Or is this just to discuss the possibilities of what may happen?
Zimbabwe's policy is to work with us. You must have missed the interview of the Ambassador on my radio program. They are waiting on us. The question is can I influence us? Everything starts with a conversation so we can get an understanding. You ready??
I am in Ghana,I wish to attend this work shop how do we get invitations from paying the fees for both days ,It will be nice to know ...thank you
The registration fee is to offset costs. It will not be waived.
Hey bro! Is the "New World Order" agenda at play and why do it seem like black folk cant see this shit goin on. Da civil rights,BPP movment was da most blks eva achieved as a nation since antiqity wtf. Sumthin has 2 be done. Wat u think?
i am not sure what to say that has not already been said.but all i know is that it is time for us black people to start raising our kinds in the ways of our ancestors.our elders are the connection between our ancestors and the creator.the first elders who have passed onto the ancestral realm are africans first linked to god. they provide guidance and support as we negoiate the trial and errors of the ups and downs of life. go back to our culture and there in lies the answer to all our woes people have to teach their kids to be strong and self lovin and to skake off the shackles of the injustices that have been done to us and be prepared to fight with all our might. the comment above saids volumes and is all true we have a lot of work to do .forget about all the other races and concentrate on ours its beautiful.
And we are still deeply battling this problem Africans VS African Americans. When in reality all having been touch by Satan then on both sides we are Crazy and that's polite. African American children killing each other, not learning anything in schools that prepares them for incarceration. then in Africa they are killing and orphaning children in the name of religion painting them as devils and Rape like it is a new dessert or the newest drug. So much madness. This is all the results of hating the Roots of A Tree !
We've talked too much and have a history that assures us that we've always known what we wanted. What stop's the brothers and sisters in the diaspora from Coming back home, is the curse that we need to eliminate.
Have you talked to UNIA-ACL Leadership about this? They may be interested.
You are a self serving POS. Your biography is full of overblown trumped up fluff. and when were you ever Mayor of Indianapolis? Except n your mind. You are a joke!! And holding a business event? Capitalism meets Racism. Funny
Kasem, Kasem,
Reading is fundamental. Try it. It might, just might help you to be informed. Have a blessed day.
Your words are not worthy of comment. I thought you loved everyone? The love you express is love no one really needs. May the God of justice and truth bless you as you deserve. You do serve the God of truth don't you? If so, then tell it and quit lying?? Lord help her. We haven't seen Jason in the neighborhood. Hummm. He could very well be the catalyst for young black males to begin to love each other once again. When you talk to him tell him to come on down. His invitation is still valid.
If the truth was in you your points they would warrant direct response. But sense they lack truth I will address other things.
I truly pray that the God of truth and justice gives you the blessing you deserve. The god you say you believe in is about truth and justice, isn't it? You should check out the 11PM news on Channel 6 tonight May 24, 2011. Brandon and his family are innocent and because of the beating he took for his innocence has become targets of the Indianpolis Police, The police are victimizing and trying to criminalize this family for Brandon's innocense, his brothers' innocence, and the love of his mother for her babies. The police and your behavior shows the type of diabolically behavior that Indianapolis accepts from some of its police officers. What makes the situation worse is that the so-called good officers will not call out the bad ones. The prosecutor said Brandon committed no crime. The prosecutor determines whether a crime was committed or not. Carl Brizzi ruled after his investigation he found no criminal behavior on the part of Brandon nor his brother. Yet the police are ruled to be justified. That smacks of a police state. The police are the ones that will not follow the law. The prosecutor said Brandon did not break the law. How does he get beat and look like he looked after police beat him and he didn't break the law. How are the police exoncerated for beating someone who didn't break the law. Lord what happened to truth and justice?
It has gotten so bad that the Indiana Supreme Court has suspended Indiana citizens rights under the 4th amendment of the United States Constitution. By law now in Indiana police don't have to have a warrant to knock your door down and come in your house. Therefore, the Indiana Supreme Court has justified Indiana being a police state. THIS IS LAW IN INDIANA!! That why the law cannot be supreme in America. The people that make the laws some times do the work of the devil. Slavery was devil worship. Suspending the 4th amemdment rights of Indiana citizens is devil worship. Jason wanting to randomly come to the black community and start shooting yough black males is devil worship. Dawn, you trying to make people think your words are true is DEVIL WORSHIP!! The innocent family being targeted by the police with your help Dawn is the work of the devil. I pray that the God of truth and justice gives you all what you rightly deserve. God bless you. Really, I mean it. God bless ya!!
Check out the news tonight. That is channel 6 @ 11PM May 24, 2011. The lies of your words will be exposed. I am still praying that God gives you what you rightly deserve. I see you missed it. Read it again: If the truth was in you your points they would warrant direct response. But sense they lack truth I will address other things.
I truly pray that the God of truth and justice gives you the blessing you deserve. The god you say you believe in is about truth and justice, isn't it? You should check out the 11PM news on Channel 6 tonight May 24, 2011. Brandon and his family are innocent and because of the beating he took for his innocence has become targets of the Indianpolis Police, The police are victimizing and trying to criminalize this family for Brandon's innocense, his brothers' innocence, and the love of his mother for her babies. The police and your behavior shows the type of diabolically behavior that Indianapolis accepts from some of its police officers. What makes the situation worse is that the so-called good officers will not call out the bad ones. The prosecutor said Brandon committed no crime. The prosecutor determines whether a crime was committed or not. Carl Brizzi ruled after his investigation he found no criminal behavior on the part of Brandon nor his brother. Yet the police are ruled to be justified. That smacks of a police state. The police are the ones that will not follow the law. The prosecutor said Brandon did not break the law. How does he get beat and look like he looked after police beat him and he didn't break the law. How are the police exoncerated for beating someone who didn't break the law. Lord what happened to truth and justice?
It has gotten so bad that the Indiana Supreme Court has suspended Indiana citizens rights under the 4th amendment of the United States Constitution. By law now in Indiana police don't have to have a warrant to knock your door down and come in your house. Therefore, the Indiana Supreme Court has justified Indiana being a police state. THIS IS LAW IN INDIANA!! That why the law cannot be supreme in America. The people that make the laws some times do the work of the devil. Slavery was devil worship. Suspending the 4th amemdment rights of Indiana citizens is devil worship. Jason wanting to randomly come to the black community and start shooting yough black males is devil worship. Dawn, you trying to make people think your words are true is DEVIL WORSHIP!! The innocent family being targeted by the police with your help Dawn is the work of the devil. I pray that the God of truth and justice gives you all what you rightly deserve. God bless you. Really, I mean it. God bless ya!!
Leadership - A function of leadership is to give advice and guidance to the people. Such is the role of the Spiritual technician. Much of this work has gone into the realm of "fortune telling" and is not taken seriousily. It is labeled as superstition, primitive, pagan, psuedoscience, hocus pocus, Vodu. Now of all the things it is labeled the one thing they said true was "Vodu." The other detracting terminology was meant to discourage us from looking into Vodu, Orisa-Vodu (The Weusi/African Amer. School), Obeah, Candomble, Santeria, etc. Wise people have to heed the fact that the Haitian War of Liberation began on Aug. 14, 1791 in a Vodu ceremony at Bwa Kayiman. Now, say what you want and say what you will, from this one event a victory was won. This demonstrated the legacy of Vodu amongst our people. It was and remains our one and only victory over the mightiest forces of the day. THEY TOOK THEIR LIBERATION - unconditionally.
Official histories of the United States have ignored the fact that 25 percent of all U.S. presidents were slaveholders, and that black people were held in bondage in the White House itself. And while the nation was born under the banner of "freedom and justice for all," many colonists risked rebelling against England in order to protect their lucrative slave business from the growing threat of British abolitionism. These historical facts, commonly excluded from schoolbooks and popular versions of American history, have profoundly shaped the course of race relations in the United States
Rev. Ajabu,
Why would you continue to engage Bunneh/Dawn in meaningless conversation. You are on the verge of uniting the economic power of Africans around the world. Leave that mindless idiot white girl alone. You got bigger and better things to do. That girl is a minor. Please, don't major in a minor. Our people need you.
Your words ring true.
And I am listening. I will not continue to major in a minor. Our time has come. Let's get organized. See you in July.
Just an update. People from all over the African world are indicating their intent to be at the Summit. It is our time. We must move forward. We must anticipate the fear of white folks because we are maturing and becoming our own. We don't need negatism making noise as we move forward in a positive direction. Our time has come. UP YOU MIGHTY RACE!! ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU WILL!!
Brother Ajabu,
Thank you!! It sounds better already. History teaches us that we can't have negative white folks in our conversations. I have already registered for the Summit. Look forward to seeing and meeting you there.