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Alaskan Blacks File Lawsuit Against Palin

John Lewis said that McCain and Palin are creating an atmospher that reminded him of the atmosphere created by George Wallace, the governor of Alabama. John Lewis feels that the atmosphere generated by Wallace with his venomous rhetoric contributed to the bombing of an Alabama church that left four (4) little Black girls dead. It appears that Blacks in Alaska are not too happy with the atmosphere that Governor Palin is generating in Alaska. Is this why McCain was so upset with John Lewis' remarks? The feelings of Blacks in Alaska are outlined in the Complaint below:


Gregory Charles Royal

1929 18th Street NW PMB 1153

Washington, DC 20009

(202) 302-6703



Talis J. Colberg

P.O. Box 110300

Juneau, AK 99811-0300

(907) 465-2133

October 14, 2008


RE: Governor Sarah Palin

Violations of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act

Non-Issue of Juneteenth Proclamation 2007

I, Gregory Charles Royal, a private citizen, file this

complaint to investigate actions by Governor Sarah Palin

pursuant to Alaska Statutes 39.52.310(b) for violations

under the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act (AS 39.52.120

Misuse of Official Position- Paragraph (4) take or withhold

official action in order to affect a matter in which the

public officer has a personal or financial interest).

Specifically, Governor Palin withheld the official action

of issuing a proclamation in the year 2007, to commemorate

Juneteenth Day, as required by House Bill 100.

Governor Palin withheld this action consistent with her

personal interests, i.e., a demonstrative attitude,agenda

Page 1

and or ideology which promotes indifference toward African

American people and culture in the state of Alaska.

Furthermore, in an effort to quell protests over her

failure to issue the proclamation, overall race relations

and hiring practices, Governor Palin’s office may have

falsely claimed to the public in August 2008, that her

Press Secretary, Bill McAllister who is arguably visually

caucasian , was in fact, an African American or a person

who historically identifies himself as African American.


1. Complainant held a press conference at the National

Press Club on October 7, 2008 regarding now vicepresidential

candidate Sarah Palin's record on race

relations. At that time, several African Americans voiced

their experiences regarding the Governor, including the

complainant from an incident which occurred in 1990, and

Bishop Dave Thomas and Gwendolyn Alexander from the

African-American Historical Society of Alaska, and Reverend

Ronald V. Myers, Chairman, National Juneteenth Holiday

Campaign. Each commented on Governor Palin's actions

regarding the Juneteenth Holiday which was inacted in 2001

and states as follows:


"An Act establishing the third Saturday

of each June as Juneteenth Day." BE IT


OF ALASKA: * Section 1. AS 44.12 is

amended by adding a new section to

article 2 to read: Sec. 44.12.090.

Page 2

Juneteenth Day. Juneteenth Day is

established on the third

Saturday in June each year to

commemorate the abolition of slavery

throughout the United States and its

territories in 1865 and to remind all

Americans of the status and importance

of Americans of African descent as

American citizens. The governor shall

issue a proclamation to commemorate the

day. Juneteenth Day may be observed by

suitable observances and exercises by

civic groups and the public, and

citizens of the state are urged to

reflect on the suffering and sacrifice

endured by millions of early

African-Americans and to appreciate the

unique freedom and equality enjoyed by

all state citizens today, today."

[Emphasis Added]

2. In pertinent part Reverend Myers stated:

"As the chairman of the National Juneteenth Holiday

Campaign, Alaska became our sixth state to recognize

Juneteenth as a state holiday or state holiday observance

in 2001. And so, I started to inquire from our Juneteenth

director in Alaska, Gwendolyn Alexander, about what the

status was and coming to find out some concerns about, not

only her [Palin's] lack of support for Juneteenth and

acknowledgment of it, but the law that was written in 2001

to make Juneteenth an official state holiday says Alaska

Page 3

requires the governor to issue an annual proclamation

acknowledging Juneteenth in the state of Alaska. She didn't

even follow her judiciary responsibilities in 2007 and

issue a proclamation.......I wanted to acknowledge the

black community's contribution in Alaska building the

highway to Alaska, which was put together by 3,000 black

Army engineers, which played a significant role in terms of

World War II and the attack from Japan.....So blacks in

Alaska deserve a lot of respect. And I was quite concerned

about the lack of respect we were getting from Governor

Palin" SOURCE: CQ Transcriptions, LLC 2008

3. In pertinent part Bishop Thomas stated:

I'm Bishop Dave Thomas. I'm a part of the Juneteenth board

here in Anchorage, Alaska. We're just trying to let

everyone know in the nation about Governor Palin's noninvolvement

with the black community. On several occasions

we asked Governor Palin to come to Juneteenth festival

prior to it happening to come and be a part of Juneteenth

festival. And she on several accounts of us requesting that

did not come or did not send anyone to either be a part of

the festival. She also on several occasions here on the

part of the Black Ministerial Alliance -- we were trying to

meet with her to try and see where does the minorities

stand here in Anchorage as far as jobs, job opportunities

as coming on with this gas pipeline. And finally she met

with our president, Dr. Patterson. But through his meeting

with her, the meeting, what he says, did not go anywhere.

She is not a part of the black community. She is not

sensitive to the black community's needs here in Anchorage.

Like I said before, I am a part of the Juneteenth

Page 4

committee. She did not proclaim Juneteenth Day like she was

supposed to. And previous governors -- they always came to

the Juneteenth festival. They always sent a representative.

Governor Palin did not send anyone to even represent her

for this festival. So we're just trying to get this out to

the nation that she is not sensitive to the black community

here in Anchorage, Alaska.


Bishop? I'm fine. I was just going to ask you about Bill --

how much you knew about Bill McAllister since he was an

anchor previously for about 30 years in Alaska at KCOO and

KCUU. Was there any record before he became Palin's press

secretary of him acknowledging that he was of mixed racial

heritage or had something to do with African-Americans?

THOMAS: None that I've heard of. I heard that he was on her

staff. But as far as him being involved in any type of

black leadership or any type of black festivals or any type

of black events that go on in the city, I don't have no

type of recollection that he was even a part of that. Now,

I know that he's on her staff. I believe he got on staff a

couple of months ago or when she started running. I know

nothing about Mr. McAllister, to tell you the truth,

nothing at all. SOURCE: CQ Transcriptions, LLC 2008

4. Complainant on Bill McAllister

Complainant did conduct additional inquiries into Bill

McAllister's record because of his statements which have

appeared on numerous websites as follows:

"....denies allegations that her

[Palin's] record of hiring and

Page 5

retaining racial minorities in

government posts compares poorly with

her predecessors.“I’m African-American

and I am a big rebuttal to those

charges,” said Palin Press Secretary

Bill McAllister, a former broadcast


A colleague from KCOO who worked with McAllister laughed at

the assertion and emphatically stated that "the Bill

McAllister I knew who used to work here was white". Another

colleague at the St Cloud Times who at first stated that

she knew McAllister over several years would not confirm

that McAllister was an African American. Journalist Brady

Gervais who did a feature on McAllister for Twin

in person and entitled "Palin's spokesman swept up in the

story" in September, 2008, did not recall that McAllister

was African American nor did he speak of any issues that

would infer such. There seem to be no published statements

of affiliations corroborating McAllister's claim of racial

identity, as set forth by the Governor's office.

5. Gwendolyn Alexander stated:

My name is Gwendolyn Alexander. And I'm the president of

the African-American Historical Society of Alaska. And we

do each year very community events. We are a non-profit

organization. Our main focus is the Juneteenth event. And

we have also added last year to this event because people

don't really know what Juneteenth is. We've added an

Emancipation Proclamation observance day where we do

broadcasts on radio and televisions and blogging site in

Page 6

the newspaper to identify that the Emancipation

Proclamation is the reason why we celebrate Juneteenth.

Well, my main concern is the fact that we do have the

celebration every year. It was put down we were

instrumental along with a few other community individuals

in instituting the H.B. 100, and that's the House bill 100,

which gives the third Saturday in June of every year as the

Juneteenth observance day. And as part of that bill that

was past there was a portion in there. It's called Senate

bill number 71 that dictates that the governor shall issue

a proclamation to commemorate the day.

In the past we have had the proclamation come to us from

the previous governors. The proclamation is sent to us by

the governors, beginning with Murkowski. And we take that

bill, and we publish it in our annual official Juneteenth

booklet. They also send a representative out to read the

bill. And if they can't -- if the governor could not make

it himself, then Lieutenant Governor Leman came out to read

the proclamation and give his thoughts on the event.

And I do have the previous booklet showing this fact. In

2007 we did not get a proclamation at all. We didn't get

any recognition from the governor's office in regards to

the Juneteenth event. In 2008 we sent requests to the

governor's office for the proclamation and to invite the

governor or a representative to come out to the event. We

did not get an answer to our fax.

There was a proclamation issued, I did see, in the

governor's Web site, that there was a proclamation that was

issued in June (2008). But it was not given to us. The

proclamation was supposed to be made public. If it's not

Page 7

given to us, then it should have been published in the

local newspaper, you know, on that day because it is

supposed to be something that is done by the governor on a

public basis. SOURCE: CQ Transcriptions, LLC 2008.

6. Further statements which were not present at the

National Press Club were included in an October, 2008

article by Linn Washington, Jr columnist for the

Philadelphia Tribune entitled "I Don't Mess With Black Men"

Palin's Racist Remark:

Eleanor Andrews, board chair of the

Anchorage Urban League:, said she is

unaware of any programs or outreach to

Alaska’s black community by Palin. “It’s

not a disengagement. It’s just no

connection. She does not have relations

with African Americans,” said Andrews, a

businesswoman and 44-year resident of


Attorney Rex Butler:

“People say that when [Palin] took over

as governor blacks lost jobs in state

government,” said attorney Rex Butler.

“It seems that the posture of her

administration with blacks is: Don’t

need them – Don’t worry about them.”


I request an investigation into the allegations as set

forth and further request that Governor Palin's failure to

issue the 2007 Juneteenth Proclamation treated as a

Page 8

separate matter and failing if such an act cannot be deemed

a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.

Respectfully submitted,


Gregory Charles Royal

1929 18th Street NW PMB 1153

Washington, DC 20009

(202) 302-6703


STATE OF ________________)

COUNTY OF _______________)

Subscribed and sworn this____day of____________2008


Notary Public

My Appointment Expires

Page 9

Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 10:44AM by Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu | Comments14 Comments

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Reader Comments (14)

Why did you delete my post? TRUTH hurts doesn't it???? ha, ha!

October 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersick of it!

Sick of it,

Your post was not deleted. Anytime a new article is posted then the comments from the last article are not carried over. You are free to repost your comment. Did you see Marshal's rebuttal? I am surprised that you did not respond. Did his truth hurt you? I have posted both comments below. Marshall makes some very good points. How do you respond?

October 15, 2008 | Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu

You don't want to be segregated but you segregate yourselves!! You want to be accepted but you have your own music, your own language, your own churches! Slavery is OVER! and we are not responsible for it! we cannot help what our ancestors did! Only they can answer for that so stop blaming Americans today! If you are insecure in your own skin then ask God to help you, but don't blame us white americans!! There are more blacks in prison than in college today! That should tell you something! and it's not white american, republican party or anybody's fault but ch-own! And where does "tax exempt status" fit into this scenario? hmmmm...

October 14, 2008 | sick of it

October 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSick of it.

Sick of it

There are Blacks who want to be with you and there are far more Blacks who enjoy being with their own people. We want to be able to do both. We realize that we have been our own worst enemies and we are trying to address those serious problems in our community.

We are still reeling from Slavery even though it has been a long time ago. Our people were made paupers during and after Slavery. When the Northern troops left us down South, your ancestors went on a terrorizing and killing spree. There was nobody to protect our people who had nothing to fight with and they were dirt poor.

You ought to really be sick when you realize that you will one day pay for the blood that your ancestors shed on our people. A decent hard working people who were brought here by your ancestors to work without pay. You, my dear sick one, has benefitted from that sweat and labor. You got a welfare check that is still paying you today because of those hard working Black hands.

We are in prisons because your current White brothers, who are in control of the justice system, are putting any Black who sneezes in prison or on probation. You are still destroying us even to this very day.

I guess by now you realize that you are not the only one, "Sick of It". You do know you will have to pay for what your ancestors and present Whites have done and are doing to the Blacks of this country. That is why you are sick, the psychological effect of knowing that when you do wrong to someone, payback is on the way. That is really what you are sick of, it could come sooner than you think.

Nobody was discussing anything on this blog that fit your input about how sick you are. If it won't be you, it will be your children but payback is bound to come. You know you will reap what you sow. You and your ancestors have sown hate, death, destruction, and genocide of our people and the God I serve will make sure you reap what you have sown.

You need to be sick!!!

john marshall

October 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarshall

Hello All,

Please excuse the mass mailing but I did tell you all that I would keep you posted. The attached is a copy of a complaint filed by Mr. Greg Royal against Sara Palin for her treatment of the African American people here in Alaska. Don't get me wrong, it is not only the African American people, it is just about most of the minorities here, even the native population is not immune. Don't take my word for it, go to and see for yourself. This blog spot has articles, videos, tape recordings and more on the situation here in Alaska for minorities under Sara Palin.

A lot of people doubted my claims and the attached complaint gives proof from more
prominent African Americans here in Alaska now support my claim officially. Thank you all for your emails and please forward this one to those that need to know a little more in order to make an informed decision in November. I will continue to keep you informed.
Be Blessed. Gwen

October 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGwen Alexander

Just let me get one thing straight...I am not a racist! I think slavery was totally wrong and I do not condone it! I just wish people would stop blaming other people for what they are not responsible for. It seems like black people will always have a chip on their shoulder for something that happened over 100 years ago. You are free now and that's great that you want to turn things around, just do it! I will not have to pay for anything my ancestors did thanks to Jesus Christ because those sins were washed away a LONG time ago and that generational curse was broken a long time ago thanks to Christian parents and grandparents...I will not reap what they have sown, but I'm sure alot of them are reaping that in hell right now as we speak. Nobody was discussing anything on this blog that fit my input? Just spewing hatred about Sarah Palin! Blacks are in prison becuase they kill, not because of some white person's fault, most likely it was another black person they murdered!

Are we going to have black and white sections in heaven? NO, so why can't we get along on earth?

October 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersick of it!

Sick of it!

Let me present this to you in a calmer spirit. You are not guilty of the Slavery atrocities but you are responsible at this present time. You and other Whites [if you are White] have lived deliciously on our ancestors blood and labor which enriched you directly and mostly indirectly.

You have a responsibility to right the wrong. You followed Slavery with terror as KKK and other forms of terrorism. You have to wonder why blacks struggle so hard to advance unlike others who have come to America. We are targeted and destroyed if we achieve economically.

We can site several instances in this country where White wiped out Blacks who accumulated wealth and were prosperous. Look up Rosewood and the massacre in Oklahoma and over 50 different cities where Blacks were doing well. Oklahoma City was called Black Wall Street, Whites even bombed the Black community in that city.

That type of racial slaughter left Black people afraid to be prosperous. The psychological damage is manifest in so many ways to such extent that your people have us gripped in fear.

We are not free! The criminal justice system and the dependence we have on White America has us in a neoslavery mainly because if we achieve we are targeted.

Even Blacks who have worked their way up to produce a corporation such as Beatrice Foods, BET, many hair products companies are bought out. It just comes across that your people do want to see us with anything. What are you people afraid of?

There is a man in this Southern town who only drives his cadillac at night because Whites will get upset to see that he owns a cadillac. One physician refuses to buy a Mercedes for similar reasons. We are afraid to achieve.

The exceptions are showing up such as the businesses listed on Black Enterprises list. There are exceptional breakthroughs but generally the fears are there.

You are not guilty but you certainly are responsible as you all have gotten over with all that free labor and the atrocities during sharecropping and low wages on menial jobs. You will have to pay just as your ancestors may be flipping in their graves.

Your hatred of our people[not you personally] shows that there is fear of our rise and our inherent greatness. You cannot suppress and oppress us forever. We have been through your fire and we will come out like pure gold. The bottom rail will come to the top. It is just a matter of time. That's what you are so afraid of.

john marshall

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjohn marshall

Sick of it:

Let me try to enhance Marshall's point. Although you personally did not commit the atrocities of slavery, you still benefitted. Does that make you a racist? No. But does that make you a benificiary of racism? Yes. And there are white people who fear Black people being on an equal level. Check out the following video:

There are more Blacks in prison than in college because the justice system in skewed against Blacks. Let me explain. This past week I was demonstrating for some janitors who were unjustly fired. To make a long story short they had negotiated a union contract with their employer. Their employer, a janitor service, was fired by the building owner (the contract was terminated early I might add) and another janitor contractor was hired. The new contractor would not honor the negotiated agreement and fired the janitors that presently cleaned the building. A clergy group was going to present a letter to the building own to express that the Building owner's behavior was not what God would have them to do. As we were going into a revolving door to present the building owner a letter a senior white lady came out in front of the door, extended her arms, and told me I could not enter the building. This is a public building mind you. After having a brief conversation with the lady I noticed a swinging door entrance to the right of the revolving door. I side stepped to the right, opened the swinging door started to go in. The woman grabbed me by the neck and tried to prevent me from entering the building. In the process, she poured coffee all over my suit. The police were called. The police agreed that I was unjustly assaulted by the woman. Yet they decided not to press charges against the woman. Hummm. Now reverse the roles. If I had did to that white woman what she did to me do you think the police would have decided not to prosecute? I say not. This type of thinking causes the jails to fill with Black men. Justice in too many instances is not just. That is not to deny in some instances that people must take responsibility for their behavior. But it is to highlight that justice in America for Black people is not the same justice for white people. Racist behavior is alive and well. I hope this helps you. I am all about increasing the love and decreasing the hate. But I am not about doing that at the expense of the truth of our reality.

One more point. God did forgive your forefather and mothers sins if they repented. But that does not justify you reaping the benefit from their forgiven sin. May God continue to order our steps.

October 16, 2008 | Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu

This is a good quote from a successful black man: "Jesse B. Brown, president of Krystal Investment Management, a financial advisory firm in Chicago, IL and author of the best selling book, Investing in the Dream-Wealth Building Strategies for African Americans Seeking Financial Freedom. “The next battle is for economic freedom. People love to talk about African-American wealth. ‘We are worth $500 billion,’ they cry. Great. But how much of that is invested? The African-American community is not invisible, but its investment earnings are barely discernible. Don’t let lingering racial insecurities or fear of discrimination keep you from claiming your prosperity birthright and participating in the American economy."

There is alot of injustice in this whites, all people of color, Jews, Christians, the disabled, elderly, the unborn, this list goes on and on. I guess none of us will be totally free until we reach heaven. The only one we have to answer to is our heavenly Father and He doesn't care what we look like...

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersick of it!

Sick of it!

You must admit that the Black experience in America is very different from any other ethnic group. We are feared by the Whites who make up the majority. That has to be all that we can use to draw the conclusion that explains why Whites will not allow Blacks to advance in America.

There was a time when they were afraid to allow us to learn how to read. Remember we were captives in this land with nothing. As hard as it is for you to believe it, we are still reeling from Slavery. We were finally allowed to read and eventually obtained a European education. Furthermore the White rulers realized that religion helped keep Blacks in check as Blacks deferred living well in the here and now for a better life after death.

All along the way there was always fear that blacks had been subjected to mostly subconsciously. That same fear has stifled us and stunted our growth in this land. Even the gains that we do have today are still shrouded in fear. The justice system is there to keep blacks in check. Look at the number of Blacks who have been killed by police in this country; but we never hear of an unarmed White getting shot 17 times by the police.

Our people do not discuss the level of fear openly but it is there. And we have been damaged mentally to the point of self hatred that is manifested in the Black on Black violence. We hate ourselves and any thing that looks like us. This is what can happen to an entire race of people who are made to submit and are made fearful of their opressor.

We have advanced to a certain point but the White majority is always on alert and they will not allow too much advancement by Blacks. Amazingly they too are afraid that one day they will receive payback for all the hell that they have put Black people through.

Why else would a majority White population vote for George Bush twice and a sizable number who still support McCain and Palin right now. They prefer an ignorant leader like Bush over a strong progressive and liberal Democrat who might lift all boats [like Clinton and Roosevelt did] which scares the hell out of guilt ridden Whites in America.

Black fears are justified because the record is clear that a whole race of people have been subjected to genocidal behavior by Whites in authority in America. God will give the kingdom to whom he pleases. It is very apparent that Whites will be overwhelmed by Blacks and Hispanics who will be the majority soon. It is just a matter of time.
But out of all the ethnic groups, Whites are most fearful of Blacks. And now you know why.

john marshall

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjohn marshall

Sick of it:

I want to emphasis the point made by Marshall about whites selling the pie in the sky theology that for sometime Black people bought wholesale. For the most part we still believe that the after life will be better than this life. But with that belief it does not stop us from demanding that we some heaven here on earth. Whites tried, and were to some degree successful, to sell to us that suffering here on earth will make the pie better in heaven. Too many of us have awoken from that tainted theology. That suffering for our belief in Jesus will make heaven better, but suffering for the white man who exploits and oppresses us because we are Black has nothing to do with better treatment in heaven. White folks are afraid that Barack's victory will heighten this awareness. Check out the following to see the fear of white folks openly expressed:

I am all for increasing the love and decreasing the hate. But that pie in the sky theology has really been overstated. May the God of justice continue to order our steps.

October 17, 2008 | Registered CommenterRev. Ajabu

Well, this is interesting, someone finally realized and has shown evidence of a woman running for one of the most important positions in America but who is incapable of benefitting all concerned. Palin's personna is not one that shows itself being in touch with the needs of all people nor does her demeanor reflect a concern for all. To "sick of it," centuries ago the Constitution (written by Euro-Americians) was written to exclude blacks from rights due all "HUMANS." As a result of those laws being enforced white America still uses the Constitution for its own benefit, one being to keep black Americans down. However, as an black woman in America, I am not bound by those laws and because of being in touch with my true identity have been able to rise above those chains as well as to help others. That being said, I agree with Marshall, many blacks are still suffering as a result of slavery and though today not visibly prevalent it does exists and it is expressed more and more by the powers that be. So, don't get offended, just face reality. We are not dealing with issues from the past, because what was one man's past has become another man's present and future struggle. We many times look at behaviors and not the core of issues. This is a heart issue, what people believe. If anyone living in America can say slavery and racism are a thing of the past, then it is this person who is in danger of self-deception and blindly leading others. To ignore a nation of people is like dismissing their existence thus maintaining a mindset that "they are not fully human." Whcih is what is appears Palin has done, along with many others. One beautiful thing to me about all of this is, because of the maltreatment suffered, both past and present I am ever reminded of how unique, significant, intelligent; innately resourceful and wise black people are. All of these reasons are why white America has tried to strip us of our dignity and self-worth but more importantly exactly why we do not have to remain in a slavery mentality. My, look at where intimidation and fear of our gifts and talents still control the minds of those confused but also continues to create a people whose internal insignificance causes them to want to impose their lack of instability upon us, to include other minorities as well. Remember it was African Americans who predominately built America, who instituted the first University in Timbuktu, where many white scholars studied in archaeology, math and science. Plantation owners sought out Africans who were experts in certain areas of cultivation, basically became wealthy off of the knowledge and experiences of blacks, does this sound like a nation of incapable people, not at all; however still today in many arenas we are treated as such. So much so that a government official would ignore one of the most important days of history that continue to help shape our future. And someone thinks slavery is still a part of the past? Is she not saying, "as far as she is concerned we still are?" Hmmmmm.

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLuWanna Jennings


John Marshall - YOU will be the one OUR ancestors blame for feuling racial hatred in people who have grown up in mixed race households, neighborhoods and schools.

And while you are bashing white ancestors - when many had NOTHING to do with slavery and were ALSO sharecroppers....don't forget to bash the AFRICAN ancestors who traded slaves.

I'm so damned sick of this crap

October 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJinTX

Alaska has a population of around 25,000 African-Americans, with a total population of around 700,000. Therefore, African-Americans make up around 4% of the overall population of Alaska, with higher percentages in the larger cities like Anchorage.

We should familiarize ourselves to the history of African-Americans in Alaska:

For example, African-Americans who built the highway to Alaska stayed to live after it was completed. Taking the position that the people who continue to play a significant role in the building of the infrastructure of Alaska should not be represented on the staff of Gov. Palin is preposterous.

Gov. Palin’s attitude toward Alaska’s black population indicates what her feelings might be toward all African-Americans as vice-president and possibly president of the United States. Like Sen. McCain, Gov. Palin shows little or no respect for the observance of Juneteenth Independence Day in America. Juneteenth is an official state holiday observance in Alaska which requires the Governor to issue an annual proclamation. Despite the statute, Gov. Palin did not issue a Juneteenth Proclamation in 2007.

Gov. Palin still refuses to meet with African-American leaders of the Ministers Alliance to discuss job opportunities for African-Americans during the building of the Alaskan pipeline. Again, in my opinion, if elected to the White House, most likely her actions toward African-Americans will not change. Let African-American leaders in Alaska tell their own story about Gov. Palin. I have spoken to several of them and remain quite concerned about what I am hearing.

Juneteenth is America’s 2nd Independence Day celebration. 29 states and the District of Columbia recognize Juneteenth as a state holiday or state holiday observance, as well as the Congress of the United States.

Together we will see Juneteenth become a national holiday in America!

Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D.
National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign
National Juneteenth Observance Foundation (NJOF)
National Juneteenth Christian Leadership Council (NJCLC)

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