Today on Afternoon with Amos, which is a local radio program in Indianapolis, it was brought up that at the rally for Trayvon that Rev. Ajabu push a sista to the ground. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yall know me. You know in this city there has been no one to stand on the battlefield for the rights of our people like I have. Michael Taylor, I led the boycott of the Public Safety Director's grocery store which made the city come to the table and eventually settle with the family. Leonard Barnett, Edmond Powell, and others shot and killed unjustly by the police. I was there pushing for justice for the families. Just as recently Brandon Johnson. I stood with his family when others said they would and we couldn't find them. This is Ajabu yall!! My history is to protect women and chilldren. As I was then I am now. And because I stand, and stand strong, no sell out, no cop out my son has been threatened at Pendleton by Sgt. Rhienhart because they saw me on TV standing for Trayvon. Who in this city pays a price like this besides me!! Don't let agents of mistruths fool you. My history speaks for itself.
Now, To understand this event one must understand what led up to the event. I am not going to have the time to write down right now what actually took place. However I want to share a video with you. This video that is taken close to Meridian street in the park shows a sista in a yellow hoody who ask to say something at the rally. The march that led people from Attucks down town to American Legion Mall was provided leadership by Rev. Ajabu. Once down there nothing appeared to be organized. So Rev. Ajabu, having years of experience with this type of assembly, began to provide leadership. Rev. Ajabu began to educate. He spoke about how justice is applied disparately in America. He used the Socratic method which means he taught by raising questions. The crowd was asked if Zimmerman was Black and Trayvon was white would the police have let Zimmerman go? The crowd emphtically shouted no.
Therefore the issue in Trayvon's case as is the case in so many other people of African descent's case is not the law but the application of the law. Once I had made this point the sista in the yellow hoody approached me and asked if she could say something. I said yes and gave her the bull horn. Let me mention here that I am the owner of the bull horn. As you hear she begins with a chant then starts to talk about being a soldier don't like what is happening in America she is the world's police and she is tired of Black people killing Black people and the police are good people. It is at this point I retrieve the bull horn from sister because that line she was speaking was not the reason for the gathering. Trayvon was not killed by another Black person. Then you see the white woman ask to speak. Many attendees expressed the crowd's sentiment that they wanted to hear from me. After I taught that we must be our brotha's keepa Pastor Preston Adams ask if I wold move the crowd over to the site on the hill because there was a PA system there. This site is at least a 100 yards away. I concurred and the crowd followed me to the hill. In the video on the hill you see me still chanting. You hear the crowd responding. While I am leading chants you see a sista move toward me and try to confiscate my bull horn. Here is a better video that actually shows yellow hoody sista trying to forcibly take my bull horn. Go to about the 5:29 mark to see the incident. There is something wrong with this videl because right after the incident the video stops but the audio keeps going. Plus during this paused video I couldn't pause so buffering could catch up. Maybe it will work on your computer.
This is the same sista that I let use the equipment at the initial site. The picture above shows how people are standing on a declining hill. To be honest on the hill I didn't even see initially who was trying to take my property. All I know is I felt vicious tugging on the horn. I tighten my grip on the horn with my left hand and raise my right hand to block any more aggression. Sista lost her grip on the horn and lost her footing on the hill and sat on the ground. I don't know who sista was. Pastor Drane, who helped organize the march, said the woman in the yellow hoody was not affiliated in no way with march organizers!! So why was she trying to silence my voice? It appears she was an instigator. Maybe even a plant. At no point did I push this sista down!! Because she is playing tug of war with my bull horn she lost her footing and slipped down. I pray sista did not hurt herself. She must know that it is not easy to take something from a man. I held on to my property. She lost her grip on the horn and lost her footing on the hill and went to the ground. At no time did I push her. I would have helped her to get up but it appeared she had plenty of assistance. I pray sista does not often act with this disrespect. We must respect one another and each others' property. We ask to use other people's property. We don't forcibly take property from people. We ask permission. At the initial site when she asked to use the horn I honored her request. But she should not think she can take anything from anybody. She is not my momma. This is just a part of the story. I will tell more tonight on a national broadcast at Show starts at 7PM. To hear all the story you must listen in. I will tell you some things about Trayvon's case that you haven't heard. We must not let this minor incident of disrespect of sista to me divert our attention from the real issue. Tune in. Hopefully you call in. It will be a hot time in the country tonight. C U There.